Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 791: 780

Title: Sugar Seeker

"Oh, this is more comfortable with the cushions."

"Wait, let me change my outfit to look a little more like you. You know, Hel demands emo fashion."

"Garm, yes, if Moon wants to sit on your head, you let her. She's the senior."

"Hela, what's taking so long? Bring Loki and Angela, come on. Chop chop! All this tardiness, else, will be noted in my very thicc binder."

"Ah, wait, first, stand closer to me, bend, yeah. This position is perfect~!"


Two dark green portals opened up and after a while, Loki walked out from the left one, and Angela, alongside another woman, walked out from the right one. But their gazes were stunned. From the seats to their left and right, the three women saw an idle Janet, a cold Morgan, and a disgruntled Jennifer while in the middle of the throne room, a large brown-furred hound crouched low with a large kitten snuggly perched atop its head with her thick, twin tails wrapped around her body.

"My... gawd," Loki whispered as she finally gazed at a ravishing Nik. Dressed in an ornate full-sleeved robe green in the middle and black surrounding him. The cloth belt on his waist was black in color, too. He lay on the throne with an express indolence while the towering Hela bent from the side as she dangled a bunch of black grapes just high enough for Nik to eat from the lowest point with what Loki considered a tantalizing look.

She thirsted for mischief, power, and occasional satisfaction of body and somehow, this very image presented her with these very things. Nik didn't look casual. All dressed up now, Nik simply rubbed all of Loki's metaphorical spots while she controlled herself from biting her lips and giving Nik her come-hither look.

"What's... going on?" Instead of the stunned Angela or Loki, the woman in rags behind Angela spoke up while Nik glanced towards the dark-haired woman.

"Daily Life in Hel?" Nik questioned in return, "Not many are fortunate enough to see the luxury of the dead. I mean, these grapes are sooo satisfying," Nik groaned with a content smile hanging over his lips, "Hey, Hela, it's your mommy. Aren't you going to say hello?"

Now that Nik had defeated the woman squarely, he was more than happy to play around. After all, she had been unruly for quite a while. First, she couldn't even properly host her guests, but then again, Queen of Hel needed to have her attitude. Then, she started demanding for Poole and Spider. And then came the fight. And the way she fought indicated that Hela sought utter dominance and not a simple show of strength so a reversal was simply a fair play.

'Oh... I feel lighter once again...' Nik thought with a narrowed gaze. This has happened quite a low number of times. This was the feeling of his Karma being partially achieved. Since his phantom physique's desire for equality was simply vast and philosophical in nature, treating a few men or women fairly wouldn't complete the Karma at all.

He either needed to increase the quality of men and women he treated 'fairly' further or increase the quantity itself.

"H- Hello, mother," Hela practically hissed while glaring daggers at Loki. In fact, her helmet's spikes had gotten sharper. If it wasn't Loki leading this group, she would have never gotten enslaved.

"Eh? Ah! This is the first time you have called me mother, sweety," Loki was absolutely bewildered but an expression of pure, unadulterated, mocking joy filtered through her expression as she teasingly replied, "Come, give mommy a hug~!"

Hela flinched.

"Hmm... I would love to see that," Nik smiled as Hela's body unwillingly moved.

She was taller, much taller than Loki. Loki herself would be considered a fit gal on Earth but right now, Hela looked towering in more ways than one and Loki pulled all her facial muscles to not crack a smirk and irk of her daughter wrongly.

"Curse you..." Hela whispered as she held Loki from her pits and pulled her up into a bear hug.

"Ease on the affection, Daughter. Your mother's back will give out!" Loki gasped.


Three more chairs were added to the room while Nik enjoyed the feeling of being a temporary king. In fact, he loved the luxury but would soon give the position up at the sight of first responsibility. It wasn't like there was a need to be a true king. He just liked acting like one.

"So? You have Hela under your control?" Loki furrowed her brows. As much she loved a firm hand over her head, this... seemed a little too firm for her 'young' spirit. On the other hand, Angela was silent, in fact, Nik felt anxiety from the woman who wouldn't blink if Anna tore an enemy NPC in the game into gory bits.

"Come on, Angela... aren't you going to introduce us?" Nik smiled as Angela sighed and stood up. Very bluntly, she pointed out.

"Sera, this is Nik, my current mate. The women around him are his mate... not the animals, those two phantoms, and probably the Queen of Hel. His achievements primarily include satisfying women extremely well.

Nik, she is Sera, my previous mate. Trapped in a woman's body out of necessity but a thorough man in the heart. Much like Loki and Lucifer. Her... er, his, achievements include sorcery of great caliber and battle tactics."

"Bitch, I'm no guy," Loki snapped her fingers with a rather snappy tone, "I have more experience being a woman than a man. It's just that... Asgard is patriarchal. And it doesn't hurt to have an extra limb dangling between my legs."

"I'm a Sorcerer and good tactician, too... and yet," Nik whined softly before sitting up.

"I always felt that a man is more impressive when his sexual prowess is discussed."

Angela replied.

"Well, it does," Nik shrugged. What can he say? He was vain.

"It is a pleasant meeting," Sera smiled, although, she did feel a little awkward that Angela didn't hold her other 'skills' in high regard now.

"Likewise," Nik grinned, "But I feel that there is a favor hidden in this meeting. Now, out with it already. I'll try to help to the best of my abilities."

Sera glanced towards Angela who nodded with a calm expression.

"It would have been a monumental favor if not for the most recent changes but I..." Sera slowly fell to her knees and lowered her head, "I believe this is not a favor. But a humble soul begging for leniency. For ages, the souls of Heven are tormented in Hel due to the task charged by the queen who lives to this date. I just want... my brother's and sister's suffering to come to an end. Kill is if you must, but please break this cycle of hatred."

Angela's lips quivered. She had firsthand seen the sheer number of clipped wings of the proud Angels as they are whipped, stabbed, and even boiled.

"Please stand up," Nik leaned forward with an eager expression but he felt Hela's mood fluctuate a lot.

"Hela, what's this business with Angels? And... if there is Heven, why isn't it included in the realms of Yggdrasil?"

Sera didn't stand but after a few consoling whisper from Angela, she slowly stood up.

"The Mother of Asgard claimed the Norns' assistance in cursing all Heven-born to suffer a fate worse than their moment of death in the afterlife. The cause of this..." Hela grew hesitant.

"Speak," Nik smiled. By now, everyone was curious, including Angela. Loki had already told that Heven was a mystical realm that, for some reason, is probably sealed. This reason seemed to be connected to a major conflict, wounds of which haunt Asgard to this day.

"Heven engaged in a brutal war with Asgard, almost unifying the ten realms until..."

Hela stared at Angela, "Until Odin and Freyja sired a daughter. The infant who was stabbed through her chest by the Queen of Heven in a scheme to injure the rulers of Asgard. The cause of Odin burning his very soul to call forth the power of such devastation that it made the other eight realms retreat in fear and the tenth realm pushed out of the dimension of life, sealed away in the darkness, forcing himself to take rest named as Odinsleep.

What Angels go through is the consequence of their betrayal."

Once Hela was finished, nobody spoke until Nik growled, "That bitch, she stabbed an infant."

"That bitch... she stabbed me!" Angela looked even more furious.

"It's nice to see that you're more accepting of your origin now. Nothing like a good stab through the heart, right, sister?" Loki smiled and even Angela's glare didn't stop the mischievous one from smiling.

"Anyway," Nik cleared his throat with a grim expression, "What are the repercussions of agreeing with Sera's request?" Nik inquired. As he said, he would try to help at the best of his abilities but if the consequences surpassed his current strength then he would have to wait... or find a stronger sugar mommy.

"Goddess Freyja will be informed of the situation by the Norn's and the act of defying the fate weaved by the mistresses of fate will prove fatal to the parties involved. The victim, the cause, the creator."

Loki frowned, "So, not only will the souls of Angels be erased but Freyja, Nik, Sera, and you will be affected adversely."

"That is correct."

"And... who are these... Mistresses of Fate?" Nik inquired with an eager grin. This sounded like a certified sugar momma who could protect him while he idles around. Of course, within the Dream Core, Nik had started to industrialize the production of his body and started a training montage.

"It is we..." An erratic whisper suddenly blew into the hall. The sleeping and satisfied Garm yelped and Moon's fur struck out straight. In fact, everyone felt a cold sensation at the back of their neck while a shadow of sorts... no, clumps of hair slowly materialized and weaved into a cocoon.

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