Goddess Collector: Every Hole is a Goal

Chapter 777: 766

Title: Leah

After accomplishing the first step— taking Fafnir out using his inability to move quickly after years of lack of movement— the group rested within the warm cave.

"Alright, on 1, begin," Janet grinned with Loki turning out to be an interested spectator as Jennifer and Angela took to a small rock, pressing their elbow over it and clasping each other's hands to arm wrestle.

Jennifer and Angela's grip tightened, their eyes sharp and determined while Janet placed her hand on both of their hands.

"3... 2... 1!" Janet shouted, raising her hand as a visible blast of pressure shook her instantly while the rock under Angela's and Jennifer's elbows had hairline cracks spreading all over it.

"Don't let any one of them spank me," Loki shivered.

"Why would you even want them to spank you?" Nik inquired, sharing the tub of popcorn with a lazy expression. The fact that Poole couldn't enjoy the snack while gazing at such an amazing scene only made her sigh deeply. She couldn't wish to want a body more than she already has.

"Of course, now these two are allies. Once I become a queen, we might just enjoy a rewarding night together," Loki chuckled, playfully glancing at Nik's crotch while he still looked unimpressed, even sighing slightly.

"What? Is the thought too undesirable?" Loki inquired with a short smirk.

"You just say all that," Nik grumbled, "I still don't know if a ruling realm of gods standing tall for thousands of years, and, as you said, the survivor of a war where all the other realms jumped it, could be taken down easily."

"Of course, it can!" Loki grinned, "As a popular media on earth, those eastern comics are all about hope and power of friendship!"

"Who's your friend?" Nik snorted.

"Well, that's right. I am your master... you know, a master for a day, a father for life. Another eastern saying. Ah, well, a mother for life, in this case," Loki cackled to herself while watching Jennifer and Angela struggling against each other.

By now, everybody knew that Jennifer was a slow grower. Even now, her physique hadn't turned the epitome of muscles but was still quite lean, revealing that she wasn't tapping on her entire strength. Meanwhile, Angela had a wide smile despite her forehead covered in a layer of sweat.

"Asgard is going to wipe the floor with us," Nik sighed.

'I could have invited Ray... he could take out the male populace and I'll enjoy the kinder ones, but... I became too greedy. Sigh, who would want to share a treasure of this much of in importance. Not to mention, the tesseract which held the space stone belonged to the treasury of Asgard. There is a high chance that I might find another stone in the treasury, or at least, the information of one.'

Nik thought deeply.

'I'm sure they will find forgiveness in their heart for getting ditched, hehe...' Nik smiled.

"Say, you keep saying we'll have a rewarding night. I still fail to see how it will be a reward for me? Given my understanding, it will be more rewarding for you than me," Nik spoke up.

"There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Confidence is owning the fact that you can please goddesses such as I. Arrogance is that you think you'll feel bored when spending a night with me as I show my full capabilities," Loki grinned, "Do remember," leaning forward, she whispered, "I know a man's and a woman's weak spots quite well. The only reason you weren't on the floor, your fountain erupting crazily, is because, well, you had captured me and taken all the initiative."

"Nah," Nik looked towards the arm wrestling competition with Jennifer slowly gaining an edge over Angela, the rock barely holding out only for Nik to reinforce it.

"If you could really do that, you wouldn't have waited till conquering Asgard," Nik shrugged.

"I'm a bit of an honest liar myself, and can see through other people lying most of the time."

"What's an honest liar?" Loki inquired.

"An act of lying with honest intentions. For instance, I would really love to pin you down. These are my honest intentions. But all I'm doing is lying and smiling," Nik paused before looking at the tub of popcorn. It was almost emptied.

"Ooh?" Loki's eyelids, meanwhile, jumped in surprise. "I didn't know my presence could bring such a reaction."

"See, there's another lie," Nik smiled, "But... I think, a reward would be a lesson on the throne. Asgard does have a throne, right?" Nik inquired.

"A wide one," Loki chuckled.


With Angela's fist rooted deep within the rock, Jennifer's victory was counted and the group finally began moving once again. This time, their destination being the Palace of Hel!

They left the cave and under Loki's lead, made their way to the east.

In Loki's words, there are even more restrictions before entering the core of Hel where the realm's ruler, Hela, lives. However, Loki's inability to remain committed to someone positively finally came to play with Loki revealing that Hela would rather deal with her personally than give the pleasure to one of her subordinates.

Needless to say, Loki's words barely comforted anyone.

The realm of Niffleheim was the same even through Nastrond. The group walked past the icy plain, a few ruins to witness here and there until they could finally observe the mist thinning and the temperature rising slightly.

Their legs moved even quicker but none came to run towards Hel. It just felt too morbid.

Still, the moment they could see a large palace surrounded by a valley lit with green flames.

"What do you know, Hel comes with a view," Janet mumbled.

"At least, the ruler would like you," Angela eyed Jennifer.

"Why? Because I'm green?" Jennifer pursed her lips. She didn't know if discrimination based on skin color existed in Angela's homeworld and refrained from giving a lecture on rights at the moment.

After all, in front of Hel, what rights should she even emphasize?

Loki, meanwhile, gulped.

"Um... I just want all of you to know... if something does happen to me, tell my mother I loved her. Tell my father that whenever I want to have a conversation about my past, he should stop holding his chest and passing out... and, tell Thor that I was the most beloved of the family."

"See, it might be hard to tell that you're the most loved one. If I take a shine to your mother, the chest is that last thing Odin will clutch," Nik whispered, his words making everyone speechless as Loki's eyes widened.

"Hey! Do not talk about my mother in that manner! Not if I'm dead, of course. If I live... we'll discuss."

Clearly, Nik had resonated with Loki on some level.

The eastern media could be more corrupting in 'some' situations.

Most possibly, Loki could have taken a shine to Hentai, too, or so, Nik's thoughts suggested.

However, they couldn't take a single step forward when the ground in front of them shook while a decrepit hand reached out of the ground.

Seeing this, Morgan's eyes narrowed as the rune over her back, covered by her dress flashed and Nik felt a drain in his energy reserves.

In reality, Morgan was still a simple human with no energy reserves of her own. She had begun modifying the Hamon related techniques to better suit her need but at this moment, her personal reserves were pitiful. Like Strange, she too, needed a source of energy to complete spells and since Nik was taking advantage of the three infinite stones, which, in theory, should power Morgan to the extreme, he connected a rune to develop a link with Morgan's and his energy reserves. Allowing her to tap into his source of strength when required.

As Morgan chanted a spell— a spell to rest the dead— the hand which tore through the ground crumbled into ashes and another figure appeared behind Morgan. A youthful man with golden locks but blank eyes.

Who else could it be if not the great Merlin?

After hearing about the energy pathways that Merlin had developed while sacrificing bodily functions, Morgan gave up on developing in this route.

In the past, she might have been tempted to give up all.

But right now, with Nik, she understood that she stood to gain strength without necessarily sacrificing something in return.

As Merlin appeared, he waved his hand and a river of inscriptions escaped his palm, covering the entire group in a dome of gold.

"Woah!" Loki exclaimed while others looked towards the woman holding a large kitten with a collected expression.

"Since the opponent is also using necromancy, I figured, why not?" Morgan stated calmly.

"Necromancy?" A cold and amused whisper rang through the surroundings, "My capabilities are not to bend the dead against their will. It's simply my birthright."

Instantly, several bodies tore through the ground. With narrowed gaze, Morgan began another chant when Loki interjected.

"Now, now, why don't we all settle down?"

Loki chuckled.

Nik could barely hold himself from snorting a chuckle, too. It was a bad pun in a bad situation, which made it only more hilarious to him.

"If it isn't the god of mischief," with a green blaze, a tall figure appeared in front of the group.

"It's goddess of mischief now... and how many times do I need to say, if you admit me as your father, then you should address me as such! Oh, a mother this time!" Loki smiled.

Meanwhile, Nik observed the supposed daughter.

A woman whose height reached 2 meters dressed in curving black-green armor with a strange helmet that covered the top of her face as it led to countless, turning spikes. A dark green cape fluttered behind her and her eyes, covered by the helmet, only revealed a white layer.

"Do not let your words destroy the work you put into slaying an overgrown lizard."

The woman spoke clearly as her gaze focused on Angela, and Morgan.

"I didn't know that All-father sired a daughter. What are you called?"

Angela frowned.

Seeing that her inquiry was not met with a reply, she continued with ease.

"You do have something to discuss. Or else, why would the great god...dess of mischief go through the trouble of killing a perfectly good fodder?"

"She didn't kill the dragon, I did!" Angela hissed.

"It can hardly be called a dragon," The woman retorted.

'Thank you! Who would call that piece of scale a dragon, right?' Nik let out a sigh of relief.

"Does this mean we are invited?" Loki suddenly spoke up.

"Are you dead?" The woman inquired.

"No," Loki replied after a sigh.

"Then how atrocious is your mind for thinking of entering Helheim without dying first?" The woman narrowed her gaze.

"Hela, I thought we were past the formalities?" Loki smiled.

"We were, until you backstabbed me. And might I add, quite literally."

Everyone's gaze focused on Loki.

You call her daughter and then stab her?

Their gazes seemed to inquire the same thing.

"It was a weird phase," Loki replied without any shame, "Believe me. I'm past it."

"So? What should I expect this time? An Axe aimed at the back of my neck?" Hela inquired.

"Umm... hug it out and forget the past?" Loki spread her arms with an expectant gaze.

"Hardly," Hela scoffed.

"It is clear that you require my assistance in some form. We shall discuss it after you have met my terms."

"We killed the dragon!" Angela growled.

'That's why she isn't straight-up attacking us, probably,' Nik reasoned silently.

"You do resemble the savagery of an Asgardian," Hela smiled coldly, "But Alone, you are barely worth my time. Your sword would prove weaker, should you raise your voice in my presence once again. The act of slaying Fafnir is committed on your own accord. Complete my terms, and I shall lend you my assistance."

"And why wouldn't you want to know what's this is about?" Nik spoke up for the first time, making Hela observe him now. Her eyelids jumped in surprise but her face remained quite impassioned even still.

"If she is here to request my presence," Hela said while pointing towards Loki, "Then she, most likely, is planning yet another hopeless strike on Asgard."

Nik blinked.

"Just how many times have you tried to overthrow Odin?" Nik inquired softly.

Smiling, Loki waved her hands, "Hehe, it doesn't matter."

"I shall leave my Handmaid to let down the three conditions in total. Meet them appropriately, and you shall gain my assistance until your plans are foiled."

Hela's body was instantly covered in a blaze before the green flames died down, revealing a young girl standing in her location with an impassive expression on her face.

"Leah!" Loki grinned, "It's been ages since we last met. You haven't changed the slightest," Loki smiled while looking towards the young girl's torso.

Her expression darkening instantly.

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