God of Blackfield

Chapter 416: What Is This? (1)

As they chugged along the railroad track, which curved so sharply that they could see the front of the seven-carriage train, a Chinese soldier approached Yang Bum and conveyed a message to him.

"I'll be back in a bit," Yang Bum said.

"Sure," Kang Chan replied.

Yang Bum stood up and left with a soldier. Right after, Kang Chan called his men over.

"Gather around."

Seok Kang-Ho, Gérard, Choi Jong-Il, Woo Hee-Seung, Lee Doo-Hee, Kwak Cheol-Ho, and the other soldiers approached him. Their team was composed of twenty top-notch elites.

"This is an extremely dangerous mission. The challenge isn't the combat itself but the terrible environment. Frankly, as a commander, I shouldn’t have accepted it," Kang Chan said. He then quickly repeated it in French for Gérard.

"Two factors made me decide otherwise, though. First, if we can eliminate Ziegfeld in this mission, we won't have to lose soldiers in overseas missions anymore. Second, South Korea will be able to hold on to what it has achieved."

Clang! Clang!

Everyone kept their gazes on Kang Chan as he repeated his words in French.

"If you see it as a gamble, the odds are fifty-fifty. What I’m worried about is how North Korea will react once we have eliminated Ziegfeld. We can't rule out the possibility that they will try to kill us on the spot."

Despite the tension in his eyes, Seok Kang-Ho laughed heartily, and the others followed. Nobody here seemed to feel fear toward operations or battles anymore.

Kang Chan continued, "Even so, we are the best that South Korea has to offer. We have never been the type to be wiped out in the line of duty.”

Everyone looked at him with eagerness, and Gérard, who was a beat late, looked at him with pride.

"We have to be prepared for any situation."

They didn't know when Yang Bum would return. Hence, Kang Chan picked up the pace.

"If everything goes as expected, then great. However, if worse comes to worst, we will do our best to get out of the area, and…”

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

"... kill Kim Jong-Do."

The soldiers quickly exchanged glances and then looked back at Kang Chan with gleaming eyes.

"Kwak Cheol-Ho."

"Yes, sir!"

"Yoon Sang-Ki, Lee Doo-Hee, and..."

Kang Chan named four more soldiers. They nodded in turn.

"Take these positions and guard the outskirts. If you find anything suspicious, shoot on sight.”


After the briefing, Kang Chan leisurely looked at each soldier.

"This mission puts us all in grave danger. If I make the wrong call, there won't be time to say this later, so I'll say it now."

Kang Chan smirked. "I'm sorry."

Seok Kang-Ho, the soldiers, and Gérard simply responded with smiles and dumbfounded expressions.

Clang! Clang!

The train was continuously picking up speed. Although the sunlight streaming through the windows forced peace upon them, it was not enough to make them forget that they were on their way to an absurd mission.

A few questions were exchanged, and Seok Kang-Ho cracked a few lousy jokes.

World-class team?

The way they accepted orders, even the ones that seemed impossible, was the basic criterion for evaluation. On a train heading toward North Korea, Kang Chan’s men truly demonstrated what it meant to be the best team in the world.

Clang. Clang.

Despite having just gone down from a long flight and a busy day, they still boarded a train heading toward North Korea.

Few would probably understand, but Kang Chan felt happy to see his men’s eyes gleaming with life.

As the train curved sharply, the front of it came into view again. Around the same time, Yang Bum and several soldiers opened the door of the carriage and entered.

"Mr. Kang Chan, I've brought the building's blueprint. We also got you North Korean and Chinese military uniforms. We plan to disguise half as North Korean and half as Chinese troops for escort."

While the soldiers accepted the uniforms, Kang Chan accepted the blueprint from Yang Bum and unfolded it. It was a two-story building.

The first floor had a large reception room, a kitchen, and two rooms, while the second floor had a smaller reception room and four other rooms. The last page showed the other establishments around the main building, which was so large that the others were quite a distance away.

Looking at the map, Yang Bum said, "It's called a safe house. Buildings like this are mostly used for receptions or entertainment, so they are isolated from other buildings.”

"What about our escape route?"

"Like when we assassinated Jang Kwang-Taek before, if the operation succeeds, we plan to use a helicopter."

Kang Chan gazed up at Yang Bum.

“We have twenty men on this train. Things will get quite complicated if we all cross into South Korea by helicopter. I also plan to help Chairman Kim Jong-Do solidify his regime within North Korea before leaving anyway,” Yang Bum said.

Kang Chan just kept silently staring at Yang Bum.

If you’re going to drink poison, you might as well eat the plate.

That’s right! If you’re going to drink poison for someone anyway, you might as well eat the plate. If you were deceived into drinking poison, though, you’d probably be so full of venom that you’d fight to the end.

“Don’t you think there’s a chance Kim Jong-Do will kill us once this operation succeeds?” Kang Chan asked.

Clang! Clang!

The train was so noisy that for a moment, they failed to hear each other properly.

“I’m also worried about that,” Yang Bum replied with a serious expression. “That’s why I’m here with you, though. I’ve learned from Sherman’s mistakes. My soldiers and I will stay close to Kim Jong-Do. If he betrays us, we’ll kill him on the spot.”

Kang Chan didn’t expect that answer.

“If that happens, China will gain control over all of North Korea for a while. Currently, quite a few of our forces are among their military and party officials. In short, pro-China forces will rise to power.”

“Even so, there will surely be problems afterward.”

Yang Bum drew a meaningful smile and looked straight into Kang Chan’s eyes. “Kim Jong-Do is an intelligent man. He knows that any outcome is meaningless if he is dead. The moment he realizes that my soldiers and I are protecting him, He will have trouble doing anything else."

The world of intelligence is tough. Once you start doubting, there’s no end to it. Frankly, no one can guarantee that Yang Bum and his soldiers aren’t escorting Kim Jong-Do.

“I see. That puts my mind at ease,” Kang Chan answered.

“You’ve already done your calculations in such a short time? That’s amazing, Monsieur Kang.”

Kang Chan couldn’t help but be surprised by Yang Bum’s reaction.

“Did I?”

"In that short period, you concluded that your only viable option is to trust me until the last moment, didn’t you?"

Yang Bum seemed more surprised than accusatory.

“I have one question,” Kang Chan opened. Since they were already on this topic, he found no reason not to clear his doubts now. “You’ve brought such elite Chinese soldiers with you that you could have handled this without me and my men. Why did Kim Jong-Do still ask us to handle this?”

Yang Bum tilted his head, seemingly finding the question unexpected. However, he remained unfazed.

“Kim Jong-Do probably wants to establish a connection with you in some form. Many forces out there aside from Ziegfeld want to exploit North Korea. Among them are Russia, China, and even the United States.”

After a brief pause, he added, “If Kim Jong-Do can establish a connection with you and eliminate internal enemies, he won't have to worry about external ones for a while. Approving the Eurasian Rail project will also improve relations between the two Koreas.”

“You lead such a complicated life,” Kang Chan remarked.

“I’m still learning. Handling these situations behind the complex calculations of international affairs is the fate of intelligence bureaus,” Yang Bum replied.

Clang! Clang!

Once their conversation was over, the soldiers began distributing the military uniforms.

Well, except for one guy: Gérard.

Kang Chan chuckled, and Yang Bum followed with a belated, incredulous laugh.

Why didn’t I think of that?

While they were together, Kang Chan always thought of Gérard as one of their own.

If only the kid were a bit shorter. He’s ridiculously tall.

“Find him something that fits! Make sure he pulls down his hat as much as possible, too.”

“We’ve found something, but we couldn’t find a perfect fit since the North Korean special forces team’s average height is 162 cm.”

“Gérard! Just try it on!” Kang Chan ordered.

“Oui!” Gérard responded.

He immediately took off his suit and shirt, causing his solid, muscular physique and intimidating scars to stand out. He then put on the uniform.



Unlike Seok Kang-Ho, who burst out laughing, everyone else tried to hold back their laughter, causing their faces to turn red.

With the sleeves ended at his forearms and the pants at his shins, Gérard looked hilariously stupid especially with his arms stretched out.

Kang Chan and even Yang Bum couldn’t help but burst into tears of laughter.

They were on a train heading toward a deadly mission, yet they felt as if they were just on another comedy ride watching highlight reels.

Imagining Gérard running around with a rifle in that outfit made Kang Chan laugh again, finding the image even more hilarious.

“You just wear your suit and act as our guide,” he said.

Gérard glared at everyone as he changed back into his suit.

“That guy! Phuhuhu! I’ll never forget that look for the rest of my life! Phuhuhu!

“Stop it.”

“I’m trying... Pfft!

Eventually, thanks to Gérard’s genuinely annoyed expression, the laughter subsided.

Clang! Clang!

They put on their military uniforms, secured their rifles inside their jackets, and strapped on their pistols and magazines properly. Thankfully, it was a night operation.

After a bland meal that seemed tailored to Kim Jong-Do’s taste, everyone fell asleep except for the two on guard duty. If they hadn’t done so many things the past few days, they wouldn’t have slept at all.

Yang Bum looked at the soldiers with admiration again. Afterward, as the train ran tirelessly, he spent some time talking to Kang Chan. Amid their conversation, they passed by desolate stations, hungry rice fields, and dry rivers illuminated by the setting sun.

They crossed three iron bridges and spent a bit more time on the tracks. Finally, at around 9:40 pm, the train started to slow down.

Clang! Clang!

“Wake up,” Kang Chan ordered, and his soldiers immediately followed.

Hnnggh!” Seok Kang-Ho woke up with his usual noise. Meanwhile, a Chinese soldier approached Yang Bum and whispered something to him.

“Kim Jong-Do wants to see us,” Yang Bum said.

“Let’s go.”

Kang Chan saw no reason to refuse. Dressed in a Chinese military uniform, he followed Yang Bum through the dining, lounge, and the Chinese soldiers’ railcars before stopping.

The North Korean soldiers must be in there.

Despite its flashy attempt, the railcar reeked of Chinese style. It had a sofa set, two tables, and two desks that naturally exuded rustic charm.

With a resolute expression, Kim Jong-Do pointed to the sofa opposite him. “Sit.”

Afterward, he said, “We will arrive at Pyongyang Station at 10:30 pm. From there, we will be taking a bus to the building with the Westerner. The operation should be kept under cover. You’ve gotten the blueprint, right?”

Seeing Kang Chan nod, Kim Jong-Do sighed quietly, perhaps to overcome his tension and concern for what lay ahead.

“Good luck, Assistant Director.”

Kim Jong-Do extended his hand, and Kang Chan smiled as he shook it. No more words had to be said.

After their handshake, Kang Chan stood up, and Yang Bum stayed behind. Whatever they had to talk about, he couldn’t sit and speculate about now. Instead, he returned to their railcar, called the soldiers, and showed them the blueprint.

“When we arrive at Pyongyang Station at 10:30 pm, we will be transferred to a bus. If everything goes smoothly, there shouldn't be any issues during the move, but stay alert until the end. Kwak Cheol-Ho!”


“Guard the perimeter and secure the bus the moment we disembark.”

“Yes, sir,”

Clang! Clang!

Around twenty minutes after their briefing, Yang Bum returned.

The train slowed down to a stop as it entered the station.

With its octagonal cornered round tower and the square building beneath, Pyongyang Station looked like a miniature version of the old Seoul Station. The platform was crowded with North Korean soldiers.

Kang Chan glanced over at Yang Bum, finding even him looking too tense.

Soldiers and agents in shabby suits surrounded Kim Jong-Do. One slip-up—one wrong move—and this situation could change dramatically. A sharp, keen, and intense tension filled the railcar that Kang Chan was in.

Kim Jong-Do pushed through the welcoming crowd on the platform and exited about five minutes later. It was eerily quiet for a station, especially one like Pyongyang Station.

A man in a suit, clearly a North Korean soldier, appeared from the station and gestured toward the railcar that Kang Chan was in.

Considering that guy didn’t get off the train, he’s probably a North Korean soldier.

“Let’s go,” Yang Bum instructed.

Kang Chan looked back at his men.

‘Be as cautious as possible. You have my permission to open fire if necessary.’

Everyone would understand the message that his gaze contained. Yang Bum and the Chinese soldiers in suits got off first, followed by Gérard, Kang Chan, and then the others.

Thud, thud. Thud, thud.

They pressed their rifles against them with their arms to minimize the noise. Despite their stealthy approach, though, they remained ready to draw their guns at any moment.

As Kang Chan exited the platform, he sharply scanned the surrounding buildings. If someone fired a machine gun at them right now, half of them would die.

Old marble railings, glass half-eaten by darkness, unlit areas, door frames—everything seemed suspicious, but nothing stood out.

Thud, thud. Thud, thud.

It took them about five minutes to exit the small station. Instead of the main gate, they exited through a door on the left, finding a bus waiting for them.

“This is the bus. One of our soldiers will accompany you. I will be moving with Chairman Kim Jong-Do,” Yang Bum revealed.

Why say this only now?

While the thought of betrayal didn't cross his mind, it was clear that Yang Bum hadn’t disclosed everything.

This was the fate of those in the intelligence world. To his relief, though, his instincts weren’t sending him warnings.

“See you later.”

Kang Chan nodded briefly and boarded the bus. He sat behind the driver’s seat, the Chinese soldier opposite him, and the rest of his men alternated seats on either side.


It felt like he was riding a tour bus from about ten years ago. The soldiers kept an eye out in the darkness. Everything visible made the city feel rustic.

In this city where most lights were already off at 11 pm, they faced the risk of traffic accidents, portable missiles, machine gun fire, and even the driver pressing a button to blow up the bus.

Ziegfeld, you fucking bastard. You still manage to abuse people even now.

For the next twenty minutes, they drove down a different road from the one they had taken when they had assassinated Jang Kwang-Taek. Afterward, the bus stopped on one side of a back road.


Through the bus door window opposite the driver’s seat, Kang Chan saw the building from the floor plan. When he turned his head, the Chinese soldier nodded.

They had no time to hesitate now. Kang Chan stood up, and the bus door opened. While descending the bus stairs, he unbuttoned his jacket, revealing his rifle.

Clang! Clang!

From inside the bus, rifles clanked as they were aimed.


“We have secured the bus.”

Now that Lee Doo-Hee was the one driving, they could call on a getaway vehicle at any given moment.

Thud, thud. Thud, thud.

They were a hundred meters away from the neighboring building, and fifty meters from their target building. Kang Chan glanced at the illuminated building wall.

Thud, thud. Thud, thud.

I get that it’s an old establishment, but how can its security be so lax?

“What the hell?” a North Korean soldier with visibly shiny hands and mouth asked, looking aggrieved.

What was that bastard eating?

Clang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

However, his curiosity was dispelled with two shots.


Kang Chan and his soldiers rushed into the building.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the same time, several shots echoed from the direction that Gérard and Choi Jong-Il had turned.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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