God Games: Civilization Rise

Chapter 5: Spectator

Vireladon straightened himself up, corner of his eyes twitching from the pain he’s feeling. Two warrior’s crossed the arena before both of them crouched down to grab hold of Dredlinor upper armpits and proceeded to drag him away to the side of waiting shamans. 

Once Dredlinor was out of the intense stare off from the two, Raathos turned to her left, keeping her head turned to Vireladon, calmly stepping to the side. Vireladon followed her movement, attempting to hide his injured areas. [As always, you waited till your enemy was battered enough for you to beat them.] Vireladon quipped before he dashed to his left while Raathos appeared near the area he was at and her dangerously whip-like tail passing the area where his neck would’ve been before hitting the ground, letting out a huge crack. The ground where the tail hit had ruptured like something small exploded underneath it. 

Vireladon growled lightly, hiding the fact that he barely sensed her move. Only when her tail crossed the area where his senses were heightened did he only evade. Raathos stood up straight, her attempted attack made her face the direction Vireladon dashed too. [You know as well as I, what our best moves are.] She quipped back before she tilted forward and charged towards him, Vireladon’s response was to evade to his left but Raathos moved to the area. Not knowing it was a feint, she skidded to a stop and before she could twist her body to attack, Vireladon grabbed her tail and proceeded to swing her in the air before slamming her down on the ground. Coughing up blood, Raathos let out a hiss of pain before her right side received a powerful kick sending her rolling a few steps away. 

Venkix let out a huff of air, watching both of them fighting was always a dream for him to watch. ‘But I can tell that Raathos is only joining the fight to test Vireladon.’ He thought to himself as he watched Raathos roll to the side, dodging a heavy fist slam that Vireladon did, and used the momentum to stand herself up. ‘She’s testing his ability and sense to ease her own worry.’ Venkix grinned slightly, knowing that Tharn noticed his grin and watched him from the corner of her eye, he was already aware of what Raathos thought about Vireladon from his spies that she trusted. Narrowing his  eyes a little, glowing a slightly golden amber, Tharn on the other hand watched Venkix’s reaction.

Now knowing the “true” reason for the young chieftains' weirdness, her view on every tribe member has changed. ‘No wonder the chieftains before him were adamant in changing the old ways.’ Looking down below, watching as the two siblings clash at one another, biting, clawing, and even injuring one another. ‘They were guided by the ancestors to let the tribe bloom into something powerful.’ Tharn finished her thought before slightly grimacing at the injuries they both obtained, sending a look to Venkix, she noticed his grin was gone and morphed into a serious scowl. His golden amber eyes swirling like a vortex of energy, of power. Tharn tensed under the pure pressure. Venkix released his own essence, one that screamed of an Apex predator watching from its high mountain, the scent of copper and iron wafting everywhere. 

Every single member of the tribe froze in place, their body’s shaking as an unfeeling wind brushed past all of them with the faint sound of clicking bones. The release of a Xinzunian’s presence is by the scent they release from their pores, mimicking the places, battles, or even the current feelings of the originator. Venkix had fought many battles, but his presence was also affected because of Micheal’s presence on his body. Altering the genes of his descended body to perfectly fit the aura he, as a player, has. His needles rose up and began to vibrate in a low baritone hum. [This duel ends now, Vireladon has shown the properties of a great warrior in battling the best of the warriors and hunters.] Venkix made a slight gesture with his tail and the shamans, covered in blue paint made from herbs standing by to the side, stood up in attention before rapidly running towards the injured siblings. Everyone knew that when a chieftain released their presence, it meant they were taking things seriously. 

Both of his children looked at him with surprise, eyes wide and showing off their beautiful golden emerald orbs. Bodies covered in cuts and wounds or even swelling up spots turning blue. Once the shamans reached both of them, without hesitation began rubbing various blended herbs into their wounds. [But Father—] Vireladon started before he was silenced when all of his fathers presence focused solely on him. His every instinct shouting at him to loyally submit  and stay silent. [I have made my decision. You have won and move onto the next round for the spot of leadership and guards.] Venkix sent a glance to both of them briefly before he focused his gaze around the entire cavern. Stretching his body and making himself appear larger and wider he announced to everyone there. [After they are moved outside of the arena, following duels will proceed until only 8 remain while those who won 3 or more duels will also be eligible for the spot of leadership.] 

After announcing this, Venkix didn’t spare anyone a look, even his children and exited the cavern. Behind him, Tharn looked towards his fading back with a look of surprise and interest. Wondering if his decision was his or the guidance of the ancestors, her curiosity peaked and is currently itching her fingers in finding out the path her grandfather told about. ‘If the chieftain dies, it would be my responsibility in picking a new chieftain to restore the path to the ancestors.’ She contemplated telling what she knew to her friend the Great Shaman, Zav’diln. 

Meanwhile, back to Venkix. He was currently checking the time remaining on his research while heading towards the entrance of the tribe. Planning to watch the forest below. ‘Early warfare has 19 hours left before it's integrated into the minds of the tribe.’ Stopping in his tracks, Venkix closed the system window and came face to face with the tunnel towards one of the many exits and entrance into the tribe. Huffing a puff of air, Venkix trudged forward while tracing the tip of his claw on the tunnel wall, leaving a chaotic line. After a while, he stopped just behind the current Xinzu standing guard near the entrance. [Open it.] His sudden vibrations caused the guard to jump in shock before turning around quickly. Noticing it was Venkix, she straightened her posture and hit her chest with both her lower arms. [Chieftain! As you command!] She leaned her spear on the cavern wall and grabbed the crevices of the large boulder with all of her hands before she proceeded to move the boulder as quickly as she could.

The familiar sound of the boulder rubbing against the entrance was familiar, dust from the both of them kept falling and landing on the female Xinzu. Her body is muscular but somehow sleek, purely built for speed. ‘A member of the hunters.’ Venkix thought to himself as he observed her muscles bulge and flex. ‘She can also join the warriors, after all she met the minimum requirements to join.’ Tearing his gaze from observing the female hunter, he was suddenly blasted by a powerful wind along with droplets of water. The howls of a storm clearly roared in his eardrums. 

Using the hooks off his feet, every step Venkix took was steady and powerful, not at all fazed by the blasting wind. Taking a deep breath, smelling the raindrops and the wet grounds, he stood near the ledge of the cliff. Watching the dark sky and flashing lightning, he silently stood vigil and observed how the trees moved and waved in sync with the wind, hearing some roars of Kadverin that sounded like a cry of a peacock mixed in with a roar of a cheetah. ‘The group heading towards the Spike Backs will cross with three territories of 2 predators and one pack of Kadverin.’ Swinging his tail side to side and subconsciously clenching and unclenching his fist. Venkix’s memories of what happened here was still the strongest memory he had before Micheal took over. Even in the system memory storage, it shone like a star in pitch black sky.

Venkix felt a few presence coming towards him, the familiar footsteps and the dragging of their tails. Venkix crossed both his arms in front of him before turning himself slightly to face the newcomers. Unsurprisingly, both of his children came limping towards him, beside them were their closest and trusted right hands. Behind them was an innocently smiling Tharn with her eyes glinting in amusement. Huffing in annoyance he turned toward them fully and took a few steps forward. [Both of you should be resting and not aggravating your wounds.] Venkix may have told the both of them that but his eyes were focused on Vireladon as his body was covered with the most herbal medicine. Vireladon turned his face away and coughed into his fist, doing so only managed to make him feel another prickle of pain on his side. Vireladon grimaced and hovered his lower arm near the area of his lower abdomen that had a large patch of herbal paste on it.

Hiding her laughter from being heard, Tharn rapidly used the fur clothing on her shoulder to cough into while sporadic giggles can sometimes be heard. Letting out a tired sigh, Venkix turned back towards the forest area. [Vireladon, I know you want to become the leader of the group I would send,] Venkix narrowed his eyes slightly, something in the distance catching his notice. The slight bend of the trees were unnatural and common large beetle-like insects were flying up to the sky. [I sense that there will be challenges that the group may face.]

[We need to talk…]

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A/N: Adjusting my schedule on updating chapters T-T Also planning to make a poll and ask for suggestions down on the comments on what kind of enemy or creature I should add.

Anyways, Comment down below on your thoughts :3

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