Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels

Chapter 134 - Tetra’s Nightview

Chapter 134 – Tetra’s Nightview

Eris told me that one of the Zodiac knights, Libra, was also known in the past as the Attuner.
While being a knight who served God, he’s also a man who won’t hesitate to do anything, even against his own belief.
According to Eris, he’s the kind of guy who would readily sign a contract with the devil in order to achieve his aspiration; which is to [Purge those that threaten the world’s order].

What crossed my mind afterward was us, the holder of Mortal Sin skill. If what she said is true, then he cannot possibly tolerate us who own skills that violate the world’s rule.

When I told Eris what I thought, she laughed at me.

That guy had something more important to attend to at the moment… Libra’s highest priority is currently the Door to that Land.
It’s an existence that could send the world’s common sense collapsing. It’s easy to see, with how it could revive the dead back to the living.

Eris told me we can make use of him, at least up until we manage to close the Door. After that, we’d have to kill him.
Eris clearly had prior relations with this Libra. It’s obvious from her facial expression that she hated him enough to be so fervent in wanting him to die.

But that’s all she told me. She didn’t tell of what happened between them in the past. Perhaps it’s something she doesn’t want to tell to another. At least I could understand that much.

For a while, we watched the nightview together atop the hill.

[Forgive me… Fate.]

[No need to apologize. By all means, even I have something that I can’t tell to others.]

[Ahahaha, you’re right. You are also keeping a secret from Roxy. Does she know about your condition?]

[Not yet… I haven’t told her. Thinking about it will eventually make me bald..]

But Roxy herself never asked me about it.

[That is so like her. You should be grateful that such a kind girl is willing to be with you despite all the odds.]

[I always feel that way, even without you telling me to.]

[In that case, you should start responding to her feelings. Since your time is limited, it becomes even more important now.]

[….that is]

[She even willingly abandoned her position as a Holy Knight to accompany you. Why? Do I have to make it more obvious to you?]

Eris then looked away from me. Her eyes were not focused on the sky, as if she was looking at something that is very far in the distance.

As I gazed at the night sky, my mind wandered, thinking about Roxy.

Back at Gallia… I hid my face under the skull mask to fight for and protect Roxy. When we visited the green valley, the ground collapsed and we were isolated together. We had a fairly long conversation back then. At that time, she didn’t know that the masked person was me because the skull mask had recognition inhibitor. But she didn’t show any wariness towards me, saying that my body gestures reminded her of Fate. At first I was surprised.
Now I could look back to that day with a laugh. Roxy always tease me by bringing it up.
I felt like I wanted to find a hole and hide inside every time she mentioned it.

Even after returning to the capital.
After the harsh battle against Rafal, Roxy was there to accept me.
People makes mistakes. It’s not something strange. But one must not dwell on it too much. One must keep going forward while bearing the pain.
Roxy had lost many men during her mission in Gallia. It is important to mourn the loss, but wallowing in it would only made her unable to properly lead her remaining subordinates.
Every position had their own corresponding responsibility. I learned this from watching her.
I was immature. I had unbeknowingly hurt Roxy many times. And even after all that, she still cared for me.
It’s thanks to her that I could be here now. Of course, Eris, Aaron, Myne, and Mimir also helped. But to me it’s mostly thanks to Roxy.
Even I am not that dense. After getting this far, Greed would laugh at me if I still couldn’t tell.
Her warmth, is what makes her special to me.
It was frustrating, back when I was still a servant, or when I was a warrior, to think about the difference in our status.
But when she hugged me and said [welcome back], all those thoughts were washed away.
Then I said as I watched Eris’ figure.

[I love her.]

Hearing that, Eris turned to me and smile.

[You finally said it. You should’ve told it to Roxy, not me though. Well, let’s just treat that as you doing a rehearsal with me!]

[Again with the unreasonableness…]

[Ahahaha! Why of course, I am a Queen after all. If by any chance you messed up when you confess to Roxy, then feel free to come to me. I will comfort you.]

When she said so, it’s as if something within Eris was released in full force.
This sensation――I couldn’t take my eyes away from her.

[Oii, how could you use your power at such a time!]

[Eee, would you look at that. I have now confirmed that you have resolved yourself. If you were fascinated by me just now, then you’d be disqualified. My man has finally grown up]

[What… That’s messed up]

[Because I am a Queen. Behold, my selfish self]

[Good grief, what a troublesome Queen.]

And again, we returned to enjoying Tetra’s night view.
The night felt somewhat chilly. Spring is probably just around the corner.

[Let’s return to the inn]


Eris merely shook her head wordlessly.
Even when we are here together, her mind seemed to be somewhere else.
Maybe she wanted to think about something. Perhaps, about that templar knight named Libra.
So I decided to return to the inn myself.

As I left Eris alone up on the hill, Greed talked to me via 《Mind Reading》.

『Are you sure with leaving her alone like that?』

[Even if I stayed there, I will only ended up feeling awkward.]

『Hahaha, have you finally decided to use that brain of yours? Since when you’ve grown up?』

[Stop acting so high and mighty like that!]

Greed who usually mock me, suddenly spoke quietly.

『You are really going to fight your dad, aren’t you?』

[Yeah… Dad appears to be a member of a certain organization called the Templar Knights. Did Greed know about this already?]

『Reason being?』

[I simply thought so. Greed has always been full of secrets.]

『So you realized? Fate still ended up here even when I didn’t tell you anything. You should be proud of yourself for that.』

Still, it’s certain that without Greed’s power, I won’t be here at all.
It’s a secret, but he’ll definitely tell me when the time is right.

Moreover, it’s a family problem between parent and the child.

Dad told me not to follow him. But I’m no longer a kid.

[I can decide for myself.]

『Well said. Then all you have to do is go to Hauzen. And don’t forget to train. If I mock you, you already know why.』

[That Absolute zero… I must think up something to contend against it.]

That means I have to be more proficient in using the 4th form.
At the very least, I need the black fire to be able to counteract dad’s freezing.

Because once I get hit by his attack, then I won’t be able to move my hands nor my legs.

[I’ll be in your care again today.]

『Aren’t you motivated! About that, you’d better talk to Luna. She’s always been more proficient in terms of power management.』

Luna seemed to have something to tell to her sister, Myne.
To that end, as Greed said, she’d be willing to help actively.
I could see it after fighting her. Luna had substantial control over her power. And yet, at the same time…it felt like she doesn’t actually want to fight.
Perhaps she’s afraid.

I’m the same. When I’m fighting, the same thing would pile up somewhere.
As long as I have this Gluttony skill, then the battle will endlessly continue.
Only through death that I can be freed from this ordeal.

[Luna has been talking a lot more often recently.]

『She was originally a talkative girl. It’s good that she has somewhat recover.』

[But Greed rarely talk to her. I wonder why?]

『Ther, there are various reasons for that!』


He’s actually stammering… I wonder why!?
That didn’t sound like the normal Greed. Now that I think about it, spiritual world’s Greed always seem to keep some distance from Luna.
What does this mean?

I’m curious!

[Hey, tell me about it then.]

『No idea. Just think whatever you like!』

[Why do you act so strange all of a sudden, Greed?]

『This me does not care anymore. Does not care!』

How stubborn. But he oddly sounded panicked.
That’s new…. I’ve never seen this side of Greed before.
Oh well. At this rate, he won’t tell me anything.

[In that case, I’ll just ask Luna]

『Oi! Waitaminute!』

[As you said, she often talks to me lately. I need to only ask her. I think she’ll surely give me an answer.]

What is going on between them, I can only understand if I ask them.
Nothing I can do about it.

[Yosh, it’s been decided then.]

『Yosh, no other choice but to shut Fate up right here, ey?』


Really now, unreasonable as usual.
The traffic along the main road had diminished. It’s already past midnight after all.
Even so the inn was still lit, and the employee welcomed me back all the same.
It’s after all an inn frequented by warriors. Some warriors tend to hunt at night, so the inn is open all day long.

That’s why I picked this inn out of convenience. Now it’s time for comfy bed and relaxing sleep.
Beauty sleep is not only a must for womenfolk.

I lit up the oil lamp in the darkened room.
The lamp was only moderately bright. The swaying light of fire invoked drowsiness.
I rested the black sword on the wall, rubbing the back of my neck. I decided to take a bath later in the morning. Unable to put up with the sleepiness anymore, I climbed up to the bed.


What is this… Soft feeling in my hand? Certainly not the bed.


Strange sounding voice came out!? Could it be, that!?
Only now I realized that I’ve completely forgotten about something.

[Where are you touching!]

As expected, it was Mimir.
She puffed her cheeks in protest. Aside from the weird choice of how she did it, apparently she’s been waiting for me for quite a while here.

[Why are you hiding yourself under the blanket?]

[Because I’ve waited and waited, but you didn’t come… Until I got sleepy.]

[You could’ve slept in your own room.]

[I know that, but I just have to do this!]

It seemed that Mimir is at her limit.
In other words, she wants to suck my blood.
Her eyes gleamed blood red. Mimir at the moment looked like a hungry beast waiting for a meal.

[Quickly….quickly… I can’t stand it anymore!]

[I understand, but calm down! It’s past midnight already]

[I’ve been waiting up until midnight! Well then, I’m digging in!]

[Please wait. Guha!]

She jumped me without much warning. I was pushed down to the bed by her momentum.
And just like that, she sank her fangs into my neck.
Only during times like this, Mimir showed me her real face.

[Oi, calm down there…]

Am I tired already? I felt my consciousness started to fade away.
Mimir let go of my neck then, laughing with a smile on her face. My blood trickled out from the opening of her lips.

[Leave the rest to me, please take some rest and relax.]

She opened her mouth slightly. Her sharp fangs reflected the light coming from the oil lamp.
Then she dove into my neck once again. I no longer felt any pain, and my consciousness finally faded away.

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