Glorious Vanity (SI LitRPG)

9 – I’ve seen enough h*ntai to know where this is going…

Freyr blinked in confusion for a while before her frosty blue eyes focused on me. They flicked towards my shield and then softened, turning pitiful. "So you are my partner for this mission."

I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a sheepish smile. "Sorry I'm nothing special."

"No. It is fine." Freyr shook her head and stepped forward. She held out her right hand and said, "I am Freyr Valhalla. While I cannot guarantee your safety... I will do my utmost to ensure you survive."

I shook her hand and nodded. "You can call me Vain. And it's fine. I'm not confident in fighting, but if it's just surviving, I think I should do okay." I smiled and said, "I mean, I lived through that disaster of a round last time, right?"

Freyr nodded and released my hand. "Yes... I do recall your quick thinking in fleeing from the battlefield."

I lowered my hand and coughed. "You saw that, did you?"

"Of course. Considering you were the only one to flee, I doubt that there was a single among us who did not notice."

Well... crap.

"Ah." Freyr shook her head. "But I do not blame you." She shifted her gaze to my shield and said, "With that as your weapon, and in such a chaotic situation... Choosing to escape with your life and slowly accumulate strength was indeed a wise decision."

Phew. I was worried that she'd be the sort to chew me out for running away like those uptight female knights. Seemed like she definitely was MC material though and understanding.

Freyr looked into my eyes and said, "I am curious though. Why choose a shield? Are you perhaps skilled in unarmed combat or magic?"

I shook my head. "I wish." I hefted Avalon and said, "I just figured that we'd be tossed into combat right away, so I wanted something that I could use to block and run away with while I looked for other things to use. I mean, weapons are pretty common, but shields aren't, right?"

Freyr blinked and then let out a soft smile. "That is quite wise of you... Powerful defensive armaments are indeed rare in Babel."

"That's what I thought. Though." I frowned and said, "I'm still out a weapon. I thought I could scavenge one from the others who didn't need theirs anymore but..."

"They were bound."


Freyr nodded and said, "Very well. Then we will prioritize obtaining you a weapon in our journey through this dungeon. Despite the drastic change, I am certain that such items will still be found around." After that, she drew her sword and began advancing down the hallway.

"Ah." I blinked.

That... well, that definitely went better than expected? But...

"I'm fine for now, Freyr. I mean, I can't even use a sword properly so-"

"Nonsense." She glanced back and said, "Even if you cannot use one now, it is imperative to have some armament to defend yourself. Were it possible, I would even lend you my own sword for the time being." She sighed. "These troublesome tutorial rules..."

I followed after her and, sensing an opportunity, decided to ask. "Right. Do you know more about what's going on?"

Freyr looked back and raised an eyebrow. "Hm? Do you not know?"

I shook my head. "I just ended up in the beginning area out of the blue, so I really don't know."

Well, I had ideas, but better to hear it straight from the source. Or as close as possible.

Freyr sighed and shook her head. "What are they thinking? Sending in Chosen without even a proper instruction... Very well. Since the Fates has seen to it to pair us, I will provide as much aid as possible, Vain. What would you like to know?"

Alright! Pretending to be clueless worked. Now to probe carefully to figure things out. And the first thing...

I made a show of looking around and said, "Where exactly are we? And why are we all here?"

Freyr carefully scanned the surroundings in front, her sword crackling with blue lightning both to illuminate and to keep guard. As she did, she said, "I cannot speak to the second question as we all have differing motives for entering Babel. As to the first... Well, I suppose it may be called the place where wishes come true?"

I frowned. "The place where wishes come true?"

That sounded similar to another story I knew. What was it again... The Tower of God? Where reaching the top would allow for infinite miracles or something?

Freyr nodded. "It is not exactly so precise, but it is true that most mortal desires may be fulfilled if one were to ascend to the heights. Immortality, raising the dead, changing one's fate... countless wishes may be fulfilled by reaching the pinnacle."

"...Mortal desires, huh? I'm guessing there's more to it than just wish granting then."

"That is so." Freyr rounded a corner and then said, "In truth, Babel is a training ground for a wider-"

A ripple spread throughout the surroundings. A sensation like a towering figure was staring down onto the immediate area.

[Absolute Judgment gazes upon the realm.]

[Divine Anathema activates!]

Dammit, not now!

[Divine Anathema fails to obtain a fragment Absolute Judgment.]

I resisted the urge to sigh at having dodged a bullet.

This skill- No, racial trait was useful... But damn. No wonder it said it greatly increased hostility. This damned thing just kept trying to steal whatever divine authority it encountered.

Freyr froze and then let out a sigh. "My apologies. It appears that I cannot speak of it."

I shook my head. "That's fine. It's good enough to know that there's something bigger going on."

"Thank you for your understanding."

We walked in silence for a while.

Freyr was alert, carefully observing for enemies.

I did the same. But there didn't seem to be any. Which was odd, considering the setup... or maybe they were just afraid of Freyr?

"Hm. Odd..." Freyr muttered. "Well. If there are no enemies, I suppose there is no harm in continuing to speak. Do you have any other questions?"

"...Just a few. You mentioned that people 'chose' to enter Babel. Does that mean that they can leave too? Or is the prospect of a wish that great that they're willing to risk their lives?"

"Ah." Freyr nodded and said, "I suppose you would not know if you were sent here unaware. After the Tutorial, it is possible to exit Babel and return to your home world provided you pay enough merit points or obtain a god's patronage. It is even possible to bring treasures back as well... Though if you lose your life, it becomes pointless. After all, what need do the dead have for treasures?"

...Hey, System Bro. Can you confirm that?

[Request received. Scanning... It is indeed possible for a Chosen to exit Babel and return home.]

Great! Then that means that I-

[However, it is impossible for user. Your home world forbids the presence of supernatural beings as an absolute rule.]

...Well damn. So I can't head back at all?

[Confirmed. It is possible to return to an Earth with 99.99% similarity. But the true 'Earth' could not be reached the moment you entered Babel.]

Well. That was depressing.

"Vain?" Freyr turned back to look at me and said, "Is something the matter?"

I sighed. "Nothing. Just reflecting on my life."

And quietly making a note to beat up the person/god/entity who dragged me away from home.

Sure, they gave me a decent care package, but a heads-up and permission would have been appreciated!

"Ah." Her blue eyes softened and she said, "My apologies. I forgot that you were transported here against your will." She sighed. "An unfortunate recent trend among the newer gods... to grow their strength, they seek Chosen and summon them against their will." She tightened her grip on her sword, causing the blue lightning to crackle. "When I reach the peak, I will surely punish those callous beings...!"

I smiled and said, "You really are the hero type, huh?"

Freyr paused. "Hero type?"

"Yeah. Standing up for the weak, fighting for those who can't help themselves... It's pretty admirable."

Freyr blushed. "T-That... it is my duty as one in my position. Who else is there?"

"And that's what makes it admirable. You don't have to do it, but you're even helping out someone like me and answering all my questions."

Freyr smiled. "I am gladdened to hear your kind words."

I nodded. "Then you should be careful. Because people who shine the brightest tend to draw the most attention from those who enjoy the darkness."


I frowned, wondering if I should say anything else.

I wasn't sure of it... but my instincts were telling me that something was up. Freyr was definitely too nice and kind. Not only that, but she fought for justice and thought about the lesser people...

If this were a Shoujo manga or a normal story, I was sure she'd meet a happy end and fulfill her goals.

But this was reality. Not to mention, one that seemed to be trending towards the darker Korean novels than the happy-go-lucky light novels or fanfics.

And someone as beautiful as her, with seemingly unstoppable powers and kind ideals...

Yeah, she was the typical 'fallen heroine' archetype in H-games. The sort that would meet a miserable end pretty early on because she was too trusting and too uncompromising.

Not that it was any of my business... After all, I intended to just mind my own business after we got out of the Tutorial. But it'd leave a bad taste in my mouth if my prediction came true, so...

"This will probably seem weird and definitely offensive, but Freyr."

She blinked. Seeing the serious look in my face, she nodded, paying close attention. "Yes?"

"You are beautiful, kind, attractive, and noble. Wicked people would do everything in their power to try and break, possess, or corrupt you. So please, be careful in the future. You're strong enough to where a frontal attack won't work, but your type are weak to knives in the dark and schemes."

Freyr blinked again and then scoffed, shaking her head. "And here I thought that you had realized something important. To speak such nonsense-"

"It isn't nonsense. I've seen firsthand countless powerful women fall to wicked plots and schemes before being ruined and turned into nothing more than toys. Not to say that it'll happen to you... but I'd like you to be aware of the possibility. Like you said, the Chosen come into Babel with various desires... I wouldn't discount a few came with the thought of doing just that."

Freyr's eyes widened before she frowned, looking thoughtful. "...I see. Then... I shall remember your words, Vain."

"Let them not be in Vain."

Freyr blinked.

I coughed. "Sorry. Thought I'd lighten the mood up."

Freyr laughed. A sweet and musical sound. "You certainly have a way with words."

"I'm afraid that's all I'm really good for."

"Nonsense." She smiled and said, "One as thoughtful and considerate as you will surely do well once you obtain enough strength and-"


I froze, quickly looking around the room.

"Hm?" Freyr looked around as well. "What was-?"

"Oh goddammit."

Was it because the administrators were listening and thought it'd be funny? Or did they seriously plan to ruin her like a H-game heroine?

A pink mist rushed out of the walls near Freyr, instantly enveloping her. And the moment it did, she collapsed on the floor, breathing hard, her body turning red. "T-This... poison...?" Her eyes grew wide and she looked at me. "Vain...! Run... away...!"

I sighed and muttered, "This is why you were the most troublesome one."

It wasn't poison. From Freyr's rough breathing and eyes that were gradually turning hazy, as well as the fact that she was subconsciously shifting her legs... Well, I'd seen enough hentai to know where the development was going.

And sure enough, in the distance I could see disgusting tentacles wriggling on the ground towards us... Or rather, towards Freyr.

At the same time, the pink mist drifted towards me. But was it because of my 'luck' stat? For some reason, it didn't reach, blowing back just before it touched me. No, it was being kept at bay by something. And the source of that something...

I glanced at Avalon to see that it was emitting a soft light, repelling the mist.

"Heh. I knew it was a good idea to call you Avalon." I gave a light tap on my shield and then ran forward, picking Freyr up.

"Vain... Hn~ M-My body...?" She shifted, no doubt intending to move free. But it seemed her body had other intentions since she started to cling to me instead, pressing her body to me.

"Hold on tight. And I swear to god, this skill better work or I'm blowing up this whole damned dungeon with extreme prejudice."

The tentacles squirmed forward, growing in number, like the entire hallway was a wriggling mass.

I shuddered in disgust and then focused.

The enemy was clearly hostile. Perhaps sensing that I had taken its prey, the tentacles moved faster, surging like a wave of flesh.

And that was the trigger.

A weird sensation, like something unlocking inside of me... or something. Whatever the case, I could use it now.

Staring down the tentacle monster, clutching Freyr close to me, I stepped back and shouted the name of my skill. "Disengage!"

The surroundings blurred. A furious, squelching roar echoed.

And then... We were back at the start of the dungeon.

[A Trickster God is amused at how you read the situation and escaped and bestows a gift. +1 Agility.]

[A God of Wisdom is relieved at your actions and bestows a gift. +5 Intelligence (+15 due to Well-Read)]

[A Goddess of Magic is extremely grateful for your actions and bestows a great boon. +5 bonus stat points]

[A Goddess of Chastity is impressed at your virtue and resistance to lust. She bestows a gift. +3 Agility]

[A Herald of the End is furious at your continued interference and curses you.]

[Divine Anathema activates!]

[Divine Anathema seizes another fragment of Surtr's Authority!]

[Flames of Muspell (Heavily Degraded) is upgraded into Flames of Muspell (Degraded)]

[A Herald of the End roars in fury.]

[A Trickster God rolls in laughter and gives his blessing.]

[Obtained Loki's Blessing (Minor)]

I stared at the flurry of messages and then shook my head. "You really are important, huh?"

So many gods and goddesses... and Surtr, apparently, chimed in just because I pulled Freyr out of that mess.

"Vain...~ Please... Hold me tight again~?"

I blinked and realized that I was still holding on to Freyr. Not only that, but she was leaning towards me, her breathing heavy and her eyes dazed... No, were those actual pink hearts I was seeing?

Freyr smiled, a vacant sort of expression that didn't care about anything in the world.

Again, I'd seen enough hentai to know where this was going. And I'd read enough novels to know what an absolute pain it'd be if I went down this route.

Still, she'd definitely resist in her current state if she thought I wouldn't be 'helping' her. So...

I placed her down against the wall and leaned close to her.

Freyr moaned and then looked at me. "Vain..."

"Freyr." I nodded and crouched down, reaching out to cup her chin. "Your body is hot, right?"

"Mmhm... it's burning..."

"And you want me to help?"


"Then close your eyes and open your mouth."

"Mmkay..." She let out a cute reply and closed her eyes, doing just that.

I grabbed the Full-Restore that I kept at my side and then uncapped it. So that she wouldn't suspect anything, I grabbed her chin again and moved close.

She gulped, her breathing growing rough again...

And then I dumped the glittering elixir down her throat.

Her eyes snapped open and she reflexively started to cough. But before she could spit it out, I tilted her head up, forcing her to swallow it.

She did, and then her eyes started to clear up, losing that dazed look. And her skin began to turn back to its usual pallor... although her cheeks were still a deep red.

Freyr coughed and then looked away. "T-That..."

I stood up and said, "Right. So I'm taking the lead now. Fair?"

"...I... believe that may be for the best..." Freyr slowly stood up, carefully examining her body. When she looked at me though, her blush deepened. "U-Um. Vain-"

"So. About what I said?"

"...I will be more careful in the future."

I nodded. "Alright. Now... Let's go. Traps shouldn't work on me, so it'll be safer this way. Just zap any monsters that show up."


I nodded again and then started walking forward, holding Avalon up. At the same time, I prepared Flames of Muspell as well as a mental image of flour overlapping the hallways...

Because goddammit, I was not about to deal with an H-game dungeon and tentacles again.


[Status Screen]


Name: Vain Glory

Age: 20 (Adjusted)

Race: Human (Heaven Defying)

Current Condition: Healthy

-Racial Traits-

Divine Anathema - Those not only forsaken by their gods, but those who have killed their gods and constructed their own. Drastically reduces effectiveness of Divine Attacks. Minor probability of obtaining partial Divine Authority through analysis and perception. Greatly increased hostility by Divine Beings.


Man of a Thousand Faces (Can filter emotions and experience through personas)

Well-Read (Increased intelligence growth)

Self-Determined (Luck is treated as 100 for calculations)


World Creator (Minor) - Allows construction of non-magical items through one's will

Hero Creator (Minor) - Removes growth limitations on user and their allies


Level: 4

Strength: 14

Agility: 16

Vitality: 12

Intelligence: 65

Mana: 70

Luck: 15 [100]

Bonus Stat Points: 5


No One's Story - A gambit that defies the gods through sacrificing one's identity and very memory. All attempts to scry your status are denied. Removes skill requirements. Memory and visualization abilities are enhanced.

A Different Path - Direct interference with a hero's fate, granting him a new path and divergent futures. Allows reproduction of 'conceptual weapons' provided the requisite materials. Allows reproduction of 'sword skills' provided the requisite understanding.

Flames of Muspell (Degraded) - A spark of the flames that will harken the end in Ragnarok. An authentic spark of the world-consuming flames that can burn even the divine. Immune to all but extreme temperature changes. Moderate resistance to Absolute Zero or Absolute Flame. Can summon a handful of Ragnarok's flames.

First Aid - A basic healing spell that stops bleeding and accelerates the body's natural regeneration.

Disengage - A skill that allows the user to immediately retreat from battle as well as return the user's condition to the state prior to engaging in combat. Can be used once per engagement per hostile opponent.

Loki's Blessing (Minor) - A blessing from the Trickster God, Loki. Can change and conceal one's appearance. Due to synergy with No One's Story, it is a flawless disguise, capable of fooling even Loki without intense scrutiny.



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