Global reincarnation: I predicted the ending

Chapter 17 The Mysterious Teacher Guan

Chapter 17 The Mysterious Teacher Guan
It was Ye Qing’s first time to visit the Academic Affairs Office of Sichuan and Chongqing University.

In school, he is a transparent person with medium grades in all subjects, high level and low level, and almost no sense of existence.

Therefore, regardless of rewards and punishments in the school, it has always had nothing to do with him.

Ye Qing originally planned to live his life until he graduates from college and become a mysterious reincarnation master hiding in the city.

But the moment he walked into the Academic Affairs General Office, he already knew that his simple plan was impossible to realize.

In the office of the General Office of Academic Affairs, none of the usually busy political affairs teachers were gone. Instead, there were several strong men standing tall and wearing straight uniforms, staring at him with sharp eyes like eagles.

But when these men saw Guan Mingyue, they stood at attention without any hesitation, like soldiers in the army meeting their officers.

"...Teacher Guan's identity is unusual." Ye Qing thought to himself.

"Classmate Ye, please sit down."

Hearing the greeting, Ye Qing cooperated and sat on the sofa, and immediately a man in uniform brought the tea set.

When the delicate small pot containing the tea leaves is opened, the dry tea leaves immediately emit a fragrance.

Ye Qing glanced at the tea leaves out of the corner of his eyes, it was green in color, fragrant and beautiful in shape, he couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Excellent Yuqian Longjing?"

Guan Mingyue was about to treat him to tea, when she heard Ye Qing mention the name of the tea before drinking it, she was also surprised and said: "I didn't expect that Student Ye is very familiar with tea ceremony?"

Ye Qing smiled without saying a word.

Before time travel, he was a billionaire boss, tea ceremony was just one of the basic skills in business circles, how could he be a layman.

The reason why she was surprised by Yuqian Longjing was because she was just an ordinary college student, but Guan Mingyue entertained herself with this kind of high-quality tea, which shows that today's things are not ordinary.

Washing utensils and making tea, Guan Mingyue did it herself, with extremely skillful techniques.

The exquisite tea ceremony is pleasing even to watch.

Guan Mingyue has always been proud of her cultivation of the tea ceremony, she thought that Ye Qing would be shocked by her tea ceremony skills if she really knew a little bit about the tea ceremony.

But when she raised her head to greet Ye Qing to drink tea, she found that the other party's eyes were silent, although she had been staring at her making tea, but there was no sign of surprise in her eyes, only a hint of admiration.

That kind of appreciation seems to be the basic recognition of the low-ranking person by the big man who has been in the top position for a long time.

"He...he's just a college student, how could he develop such an aura? He's almost...just as good as my old man." Guan Mingyue was secretly shocked.

After the two drank tea, Guan Mingyue forcibly calmed down her surprise.

She took a deep breath, and then said softly: "I came to see you today not for school affairs, but because I wanted to talk to you about the reincarnation space."

"Teacher Guan, please tell me, I'm listening." Ye Qing said.

Guan Mingyue saw that although the other party called her teacher, his demeanor and tone were still flattering, and he still vaguely regarded himself as a high-ranking person, so he gave him an angry look.

This stare, but because of her natural beauty and beauty, she stared with all kinds of charms.


After coughing, Guan Mingyue said: "Since the reincarnation space appeared in our world, the living pattern of all human beings has almost changed. Ordinary people have unlimited room for improvement and possibilities in the reincarnation space. Even the development of a nation and the The future is also inseparable from the space of reincarnation."

After a pause, Guan Mingyue continued: "Every country has created special institutions for the reincarnation space to recruit talents and integrate resources. Ye Qing should also know that whether it is a high-level reincarnation challenger, top-quality equipment, or exotic Its value is immeasurable.”

Ye Qing nodded, but remained as steady as Mount Tai, and did not interrupt to speak.

Guan Mingyue saw that he was so steady, and said in a bad mood: "You are so young, but you are as calm as a 80-[-]-year-old old man. Anyway, let me catch some flaws! It's really annoying, and it makes people fall into a passive position."

Ye Qing was also puzzled, and thought to himself: "It's strange, I didn't seem to offend the teacher, I just drank a cup of tea from her, why did she seem to hate me. She always rolls my eyes at me, as if I belong to her Like a heartbreaker."

"Classmate Ye! Teacher Guan, I am the person in charge of this school!" Guan Mingyue finally said.

The name of the organization is [Qianlong], and Guan Mingyue is the person in charge of [Qianlong] at Sichuan-Chongqing University. She is responsible for the attention and cultivation of all outstanding students. She is also the only one who knows the reincarnation ID of the school's top ten masters.

Ye Qing nodded: "So, why did Teacher Guan bring me here today?"

Guan Mingyue held back her voice for a long time. Although she still found it incredible, she finally said, "Student Ye, you... are Emperor Qing, right?"

The moment she asked this sentence, the special service personnel who were in charge of guarding behind her all stared wide-eyed in an instant!

Guan Mingyue was their immediate superior, and when she saw her beauty boss summoning a college student alone, the secret agents thought they were just new campus masters.

These few people also have a good record of strength in the reincarnation space, and ordinary campus masters can't catch their eyes.

But when they heard the word 'Qingdi', the eyes of these people instantly became hot, and they showed fanatical admiration and worship!
Qingdi is the only challenger in China who has continuously achieved SSS ratings in high-difficulty dungeons in recent years. He has become an idol in the hearts of many people!
They never dreamed that the handsome boy in front of them was the Emperor Qing! ?
Ye Qing was only silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth and saying: "Yes."

He admitted it.

Ye Qing knew that at this moment, he was not simply facing Guan Mingyue, but the organization behind her, behind the organization...

There is no need to deny it. After all, based on the achievements I have made in the reincarnation space, even if my identity is known, there must be only benefits and no disadvantages.

Unless, he does not admit that he is a descendant of China.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Guan Mingyue let out a long sigh of relief.

"...God, I'm so lucky. Ye Qing, since you suddenly rose up, the whole world has been looking for you! I occasionally found you in the name column when I was looking through a questionnaire for freshmen at the beginning of the semester. Actually filled in the name 'Qingdi'."

With that said, Guan Mingyue took out a crumpled questionnaire.

Ye Qing looked around and saw that the inquiry was a questionnaire about adding more recipes in the canteen.

This kind of boring survey is very common in universities, and in the end it is just a waste of a bunch of A4 papers.

However, Ye Qing could tell that Chen Xu's handwriting was clearly on his questionnaire.This happened before he crossed over, presumably Chen Xu was idle and bored, so he helped fill out Ye Qing's questionnaire.

At that time, 'Qingdi' was just the weakest challenger of F-rank, and it was not worth mentioning at all. Chen Xu just wrote the reincarnation ID on it, but he didn't think it was a big deal.

"Old Chen is an unreliable bastard." Ye Qing said in his heart. "Sell me, I'm afraid he doesn't even remember."

Seeing Ye Qing's silence, Guan Mingyue hurriedly said: "Student Ye, the teacher wants to ask you, have other institutions found out your identity? Those foreign institutions... If they offer you any conditions, the teacher will also ask you I must try my best to be satisfied, just please don't leave our motherland, okay?"

In the end, Guan Mingyue almost used a pleading tone.

Apparently, she has lost more than once to talent competitors from foreign institutions.

(End of this chapter)

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