Global Game, Start By Becoming A Necromancer

Chapter 480 Rock Duel Field

Wang Yan grabbed the cleric with one hand, then grabbed his stone ax with the other hand, and smashed it hard towards the opponent.

At the same time, several stone thorns suddenly rose from the ground, pushing the man's body upward.

The sound of flesh breaking was heard. The cleric who had been lurking in the shadows had his head cut off directly by Wang Yan, and his body was skewered by stone thorns.

At this time, Wang Yan also recognized the owner of the strange yet familiar voice.

Lu Chengfeng.

The guy the boss just brought back.

He could see that behind Lu Chengfeng, there seemed to be three figures chasing him quickly.

If nothing else, they were also three clergymen.

Even if he kills one, the next situation will be two against five or two against six.

However, Lu Chengfeng seemed to have become a priest.

"Then there's still a chance..."

Wang Yan spat out a mouthful of saliva that smelled of rust, and then stood the blood-stained stone ax in front of him.

He held the ax in both hands, and the little magic value he had left was consumed almost instantly.

"Holy Skill, Rock Arena!"

As his voice fell, the surrounding ground suddenly shook violently!

A huge, circular arena made of rock quickly rose from the ground, and then stopped everyone outside.

The rocks are layered layer by layer. Different from the ordinary rocks before, these rocks all exude a rich earthy yellow light.

One of the four priests who originally besieged Wang Yan and others died, and the remaining three were imprisoned in the Rock Arena.

Also locked inside were the group of ordinary professionals who were about to be defeated.

"Damn it, we can't get out!"

The woman who had been trapped once before wanted to escape, but was trapped by layers of rocks. She cursed with an ugly face.

The surroundings were all dark at this time, and they were like a group of blind men, unable to see anything clearly.

When the professionals saw the light dimming, they also wanted to rush outside, but they failed.

"What is he he ready to give up on us?"

In the darkness, a whimpering voice sounded, carrying a strong sense of fear.

"Don't talk nonsense, if he wanted to abandon us, he would have used it this way.

Let's be quiet first and don't get locked in by these guys. "

This voice was made by the false priest.

His prestige here is only weaker than Wang Yan, so his words still made many people feel at ease.

Yes, if it weren't for Wang Yan, they would have suffered countless casualties in the past few days.

People who might have been weak-willed had already run away when these people appeared just now, so those who stayed quickly calmed down.

In the darkness, everyone was silent, wary of enemies that might appear at any time.

But they were worried that the people in the Clergy Alliance were equally scared.

They didn't know whether Wang Yan and the archer who suddenly appeared were also trapped in the darkness, so they didn't dare to speak out after their initial complaints.

The woman who had been shot by Lu Chengfeng treated her wounds hastily and stretched her neck to listen to the sounds outside.

However, the rocks that surrounded them didn't know how thick they were, and they couldn't hear any movement outside.

As a result, the Rock Arena fell into a strange peace.

The professionals did not dare to move because they were afraid that the priests would go on a killing spree.

The priests are frantically attacking the Rock Arena. They don't know if there is any danger lurking in the darkness.

Even the holy rock fist man gave up his pursuit of the professionals and joined the team that destroyed the arena.

But none of them knew that a fierce battle had begun outside the Rock Arena.

"Wang Yan, is this your skill?"

Lu Chengfeng felt that there was suddenly no wind in the huge area in front of him.

Therefore, he could only ask Wang Yan loudly.

“Yes, I can trap them for a while.

Kill these three first, and then kill the three inside! "

Wang Yan's eyes were red at this time, and the pain in his body made him speak with a touch of violence.

The three chasing people were startled at first, but after seeing the gradually shattering rock defenses around Wang Yan, someone suddenly burst out laughing.

No wonder they were like this. Wang Yan at this time could no longer be described as miserable.

The equipment he was wearing was now covered in a blood-red color.

Even Wang Yan's feet had accumulated a pool of scarlet blood, and ripples appeared in circles centered on himself.

Wang Yan ignored the ridicule of these people, because he understood that only one of these people and him could survive today.

Following Wang Yan's voice and the feedback brought to him by the strong wind, Lu Chengfeng quickly approached Wang Yan and immediately smelled the smell of blood.

He was immediately startled. Even if he couldn't see it, he could still get some information from Wang Yan's words just now.

On Wang Yan's side, there are actually three priests who are encircling him!

No, he could feel that there seemed to be a corpse falling behind Wang Yan.

Four people surrounded and killed him, so there should also be four people surrounding and killing Wang Yan.

Wang Yan had already killed someone before he came!

But he is obviously a defensive profession, how could he be injured like this, and how could he kill a priest?

In less than a second, Lu Chengfeng brought himself into Wang Yan and already guessed the reason.

Instantly, he felt a sense of admiration for this usually stern man.

He is worthy of being the boss's subordinate, his bloodiness and courage are not inferior to his own at all!

"Your injury...where are the treatment drugs given by the boss?" Lu Chengfeng asked.

"It has been used up a long time ago. If it weren't for the help of that thing, I would be a corpse now."

Wang Yan smiled bitterly. He was not originally prepared to take the honeydew given by Gu Qinghan, but Gu Qinghan insisted on letting him accept it.

If it weren't for Gu Qinghan's persistence, he would definitely be dead at this time.

But as soon as Wang Yan turned around, he was startled by Lu Chengfeng's appearance.

This guy's body was burning with a faint golden flame, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

"Are you blind?!"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, kill them all first!"

Lu Chengfeng laughed ferociously. At this time, he really looked like a devil walking out of hell, especially with a ferocious scar.

In other words, he and Wang Yan were very different at this time, and their conditions were extremely bad.

They spent only a few seconds talking, and then they simultaneously moved towards the three people who were chasing them.

"If you eat this, don't die in front of me."

Lu Chengfeng threw his last honey dew to Wang Yan, who took it after a slight hesitation.

He swallowed it in one gulp, took a deep breath and said:

"Don't worry, just kill people.

They can't touch you before I die! "

"Good brother, if I survive this time, I will definitely help you!"

"Definitely, but now, let these guys die first!"

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