Global Game, Start By Becoming A Necromancer

Chapter 45 Forced Food Shortage

"I just saw a dark shadow flashing outside!"

"Me too! There seems to be footsteps!"

"There won't be any ghosts, right? Don't scare me!"

Li Qingshan frowned, hearing some dissatisfaction from the voices of some professionals.

This was the evening of the second day when he was on heightened alert, but Gu Qinghan still didn't come to his door.

On the contrary, they felt like they were all under attack.

The most important thing is that since half an hour ago, some people have been saying that there is a black shadow flashing outside the window.

He doesn't believe in those ghosts and snake gods. Even if he does, now his power can make those ghosts and snake gods afraid.

"Stop arguing! You are all professionals. If I am afraid, I will be afraid of you!"

In desperation, Li Qingshan could only shout to everyone.

The discussion among the people suddenly became quieter, but soon someone asked:

"When will dinner be served today? Didn't I say the day before yesterday that I could have enough to eat today?"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Yes, the team that went out to look for food today hasn't come back yet. Could it be that some accident happened?

Gu Qinghan killed them?

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he pressed them down again.

"It's impossible. Gu Qinghan shouldn't be the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. I can't scare myself."

He calmed everyone's emotions, but he didn't notice that his heartbeat could not help but speed up a bit.

Fortunately, within ten minutes, the team that went out to find food came back.

"Where's the food?"

Li Qingshan originally looked at this group of people with a smile, but found that they had nothing in their hands.

His face turned livid all of a sudden. Although there was still some food in the library, it was definitely not enough to feed so many people.

A slightly hunchbacked boy sighed, sat down on the chair and said:

"Forget it, we searched the three supermarkets around us and couldn't even find a pack of instant noodles."

"How is that possible? Didn't I say yesterday that there was a small supermarket that was not destroyed?"

"But it was indeed gone when we went there. If you don't believe it, you can find out by yourself tomorrow."

The boy also looked irritated, and his tone of voice was a little aggressive.

You can imagine his mood after going out at noon and not finding any food for four or five hours.

Li Qingshan squinted his eyes and his voice seemed to be a few degrees colder:

"Did I show off my good looks too much and make you forget who is the boss here?"

The boy immediately stiffened, but someone next to him smoothed things over and said:

"Boss Li, don't be angry, don't be angry. We were chased by a group of mutated sparrows today for half an hour and we still couldn't find food, so we spoke a little too hastily."

Li Qingshan snorted coldly and said to Liang Chao sitting aside:

"Take out the things in the package for everyone to eat. We will look for food tomorrow."

Liang Chao nodded and took a few people to cook.

But half an hour later, the food that was served made many people a little dissatisfied.

"Didn't you say you had enough to eat today? Who can eat this much?"

"That's right. There was a bowl of instant noodles and two ham sausages last night. Why is there only a bowl of mushy noodles left today?"

Negative emotions quickly spread among the crowd, making Li Qingshan frown tightly.

But fortunately, his method of managing these people is also very simple and crude.

His right hand was held empty, and a big black hand immediately grabbed the first person to express his dissatisfaction.

The man was unprepared and was immediately lifted up.

Li Qingshan said to everyone:

"Today is a special situation. I don't want to hear such voices that are not conducive to unity. I can have enough to eat tomorrow, I promise everyone."

Then, he looked at the person he had captured and smiled:

"It seems that you are not very hungry. Please leave the food to others today."

Before the man could speak, Li Qingshan threw him aside.

The crowd suddenly fell silent. This was the shock brought by Li Qingshan's powerful strength.

However, the peace gained through suppression always has a limit.

The next night, when the two groups of people who went out to look for food did not bring back any food, everyone in the library became uneasy.

"Did these people who went out to look for food eat it without bringing it back? How could they not find it at all?"

"Yes, although our area B is called a slum area, there are still a lot of small supermarkets. I don't believe there are any."

They carried it all during the day, but at night they had nothing to eat.

"Fuck you, go out and find it yourself, I'm going to starve to death after running around all day."

This time, Li Qingshan could not suppress the dissatisfaction of these people.

In the end, he could only beat the two guys who yelled the most fiercely, and then suppressed the quarrel.

But there was no food, so everyone just sat there listlessly in a daze or sighing.

Li Qingshan frowned. He was very annoyed now, but he had to stabilize the emotions of these people.

"Tomorrow I will personally lead a team out to look for food. Even if I kill mutant creatures, I will definitely keep everyone fed!"

Not many people agreed with him, they just looked at him with half-dead eyes.

In fact, Li Qingshan's management method was wrong from the beginning, and few people in this group really believed in him.

If he, like Wang Yan, could establish a relatively complete set of order, the situation in front of him would definitely not be so difficult to handle.

However, even if he realizes it now, it is already too late.

On the night of the third day, Li Qingshan led a group of people back to the library, carrying a one-meter-long mutated rabbit and several mutated sparrows.

He also couldn't find ready-made food, so he spent a day finding substitutes.

However, when they wanted to dispose of the body, the lights in the library suddenly went dark.

During this period, although the signal was lost, water and electricity were still supplied normally.

Some time ago, there was zombie toxin in the water, and they could use water elementalists to solve the urgent problem.

But the power was out and there was nothing they could do.

"Don't worry, you can light a fire. We can have a bonfire and barbecue."

Li Qingshan's back teeth were almost broken, but he still had to force a smile to calm the mood of the people around him.

Gu Qinghan was near the library's distribution box at this time, looking at the darkened library with an embarrassed look on his face.

He originally wanted to destroy the distribution box himself and cause some panic among the people here.

However, as soon as he walked over, he noticed that the surrounding buildings had gone dark.

The power system, which no one maintained, finally collapsed about a week into this global game.

However, Gu Qinghan was not worried.

He looked at the library, which seemed to be dimly lit by fire, and couldn't help but smile.

It's time to add fuel to their fire.

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