Global Game, Start By Becoming A Necromancer

Chapter 449 The Existence In The Forest Is Yalong Again!

In the following battle, Gu Qinghan became more convinced of his judgment.

These fighting mutated raptors should have been thrown by beings in the forest to attract attention.

It can be seen from Gu Qinghan's previous success in deceiving that the mysterious being inside is intelligent.

The other party's intelligence is not low, and has even reached a level close to that of a human being.

It's a pity that he met a guy like Gu Qinghan who can be called a monster.

"Can you still use the skill you used to knock down enemies?"

Gu Qinghan looked at Lu Chengfeng with a questioning look in his eyes.

Lu Chengfeng nodded, but said:

"It's okay, but the current situation isn't suitable for using such a large-scale skill.

I can use my single-target skills to try and shoot down these mutated birds. "

"Then do as you say."

With Gu Qinghan's permission, Lu Chengfeng once again aimed his bow and arrow at the mutated raptor in the sky.

It's just that the remaining mutant raptors are relatively strong. He needs to hit several arrows in a row before he can shoot one.

But when the first one landed, a group of death knights surrounded it, and soon a new death knight took off.

The subsequent battles became increasingly simple.

And Gu Qinghan never looked in the direction of the forest from beginning to end, as if he didn't know there might be a mysterious existence inside.

If the other party wants to confuse you, then you should follow the other party's plan and clear out all the miscellaneous soldiers outside first.

In this way, the pressure on facing that guy will be much less.

The battle only lasted half an hour before the huge mutated golden eagle was surrounded by a group of death knights and fell to the ground after being pierced by spears again and again.

The few remaining mutated raptors in the sky, after seeing this, flew into the distance one after another.

It looked like the younger brothers running away after the leader died.

At this moment, all Gu Qinghan's death knights had mounts.

This is the complete form of the Death Knight, and they can fight under almost any conditions from now on.

"The acting looks quite similar."

Gu Qinghan sneered and finally looked at the ruined forest.

He is now at his strongest, and the opponent's strength has been weakened a lot, so he no longer needs to pretend.

When the professionals around him saw Gu Qinghan's expression, they gradually realized something.

"Are we going to rush in?" Lu Chengfeng asked.

Gu Qinghan shook his head. The forest was their home field, and many of his methods could not be used there.

He just walked to the corpse of the mutated golden eagle killed by the death knight and collected his trophies.

After being transformed by the power of the dragon, these mutated creatures will also explode some equipment and props, and can provide a large amount of materials.

Gu Qinghan touched the huge corpse but did not put it away.

He looked around the crowd and suddenly asked:

"Is there anyone who can set fire? Set this forest on fire."

Someone suddenly stood up in the crowd, and in the end there were about ten people.

Although they were a little confused about Gu Qinghan's approach, they still obediently poured their skills towards the forest.

The blazing fire lit up in the forest, but it was difficult to spread.

After all, those trees are very moist and seem to be more resistant to burning after being mutated.

But Gu Qinghan seemed determined to burn this forest.

The death knights took off one after another, using the airflow generated by the flapping wings of their mounts to expand the fire.

It wasn't until the sky gradually became brighter that the fire started to get out of control.

The raging fire spread through the forest, licking every inch of the trees it could reach.

Finally, at a certain moment, a gust of wind appeared out of thin air and suppressed the flames!

To a certain extent, wind can make the flame bigger, but when the wind is strong enough, the flame will be extinguished!


Gu Qinghan's eyes shone, and he smiled as he looked at the hurricane that appeared in the forest.

This mysterious existence finally could no longer be pretended.

The strong wind dissipated, and a large amount of ashes and black coal fell among the broken wood, revealing an extremely huge creature.

It seemed to be a bird, but there was a light cyan cyclone floating on its body.

Its whole body was covered with scales of the same color, and its body was so long that it was definitely over a hundred meters tall.

But the first impression of such a behemoth is definitely not that it is bulky, but that it is flexible and elegant.

[Sky Dragon (Quasi-Emperor): Level 60]

[Combat power: 620000]

Another Wurm!

Gu Qinghan didn't show any surprise. In fact, he had already guessed it just now.

What surprised him was that there were many injuries on this dragon, and it seemed that the injuries were not serious.

Gu Qinghan looked at it, but felt that these injuries did not look like external injuries, but more like injuries coming from inside the body.

"Isn't this guy making a breakthrough?"

Looking at the word "quasi" in front of the emperor, a strange thought appeared in Gu Qinghan's mind, and then it became lingering.

In this way, it has a reason to retain these professionals.

After a person is tired, he will want to eat a big meal, and these professionals are the meal he prepares for himself.

But now, it met Gu Qinghan.

Sky Yalong made a sharp cry at Gu Qinghan. The sound was exactly the same as what they had heard before.

However, this time there was a strong sense of fear and warning in the cry.

At the same time, there was a strong wind all around, as if this dragon was showing off its strength to Gu Qinghan.

It has considerable wisdom, and can also feel the strong aura of death on Gu Qinghan's body.

If it were in its peak state, it would definitely attack Gu Qinghan, but now it is injured.

That's why it retreats again and again.

Gu Qinghan looked at this guy and smiled without any emotion.

Afterwards, more than a hundred death knights seemed to have received some order and launched an attack on this sub-dragon!

The sky dragon once again let out an angry cry, then flapped its wings and launched an attack brazenly.

Its speed at this time is not as fast as the death knight. Only by fighting to the death can it gain a chance of survival.

Gu Qinghan could no longer tell what kind of creature this sub-dragon was.

It waved its arms violently, and a tornado dozens of meters high flew towards the team of death knights.

At the same time, it flew out following the tornado, apparently wanting to use its body as a weapon to face the enemy.

The death knights stretched out their spears, but their shields stood directly in front of them.

At the moment of contact with the tornado, their shields exerted a huge suction force, actually absorbing the power of the wind.

But they also fell into a passive position and could only watch helplessly as the huge dragon crashed towards them.

Lu Chengfeng watched with excitement, but at the same time he was a little worried.

Although the death knights are powerful, they must be able to attack the enemy.

With this impact, those mounts will most likely be injured. Can the death knight still fly?

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