Ghost of Death

Chapter 35

"You're back!"

Yamamoto, who was closing his eyes to rest in Yamamoto's room, suddenly opened his eyes and said to Tianji. Tianji nodded and said,"Well, in the past few days, due to his injuries and participation in Zhenwu, That’s why I didn’t come back to talk to you about the funeral. I thought I would see you at Zhenwu’s funeral, but who knew you were leaving early? What were you busy with?"

"Well, we’ll talk about this later. Now let’s talk about your situation. How is your strength now?"Yamamoto nodded clearly and started talking to Tianji about personal matters.

"The third generation of Shin'an-ryu swordsmanship has been completed, which combines the first-generation Shin'an-ryu Iaijutsu, Genryu, Kurosei-ryu and the self-created double-sword style swordsmanship, but it still stops at the perfection of Shin'an-ryu like the master before.

And I also brought back the Hollow Stone.

Shunpo, Kidō and Hakuta have grown very fast together with Zhenwu for hundreds of years, and we have also completed a fighting technique that combines Hakuta and Kidō together, which is very powerful.

Big, as for the Zanpakutō, it has gradually matured.

I believe it will be fully evolved in a few hundred years.

"Tianji said to Yamamoto clearly, but at the end he added,"If Zhenwu hadn't died, this trip would have been even more perfect.


When Yamamoto heard Tianji's words, he sighed deeply, and then said:"This is a very unfortunate thing, but you have grown a lot in the past few hundred years, and your strength should be among the top ten. five."

After Yamamoto finished speaking, he turned to Tianji and said:"I've finished talking about private matters, now let's talk about business matters."

"Business? What the hell."Tianji was stunned for a moment when he heard Yamamoto's words.

"In the hundreds of years since you left Soul Society, the entire Seireitei has been very turbulent. Starting from the previous generation of the head of the family, the entire Shiba family has blatantly oppressed the weak nobles. Although there were some in the past, they were only petty fights. This phenomenon has become very obvious since the last generation of the family." Yamamoto said slowly

"Don’t the people from the royal family or the Zero Squadron care about it? Tianji asked doubtfully.

"This is the problem.

The Soul King ordered the inner court to be moved to the sky above the Serenity Court.

Therefore, the royal family is dealing with related issues.

Where can they find time to take care of the nobles' affairs? As for the Zero Squadron, their responsibility is to protect the Soul King and the inner court.

Things related to the outer court have nothing to do with them.

It is precisely because of this that the relationship between the nobles suddenly became very complicated.

The Shiba family bullied the small nobles, while the secondary nobles and high-level nobles wanted to expand and not be oppressed by the five major nobles.

They went to war with each other, and the five nobles began to secretly compete with each other while buying off their subordinates and sub-nobles.


"The Rukongai outside Seireitei was also experiencing riots.

Countless thugs, Shinigami, tried to attack Seireitei many times.

If it were not for the dojo located on the periphery, Seireitei would have been attacked by those thugs, Shinigami.

But even if Such weak gymnasiums were also wiped out in these attacks, and their inheritance was lost.

So I came to the realization that since the royal family didn't care, I would take care of it, so I wanted to create an organization called the Guarding Team.

I want to clear up this turbulent Soul Society.


After hearing what Yamamoto said, Tenji was extremely surprised. It turned out that the birth of the Gotei Thirteen was due to the turbulent historical background of Soul Society, but Tenji then asked:"Old man Yamamoto, your Gotei Team is now Already established or just an idea?"

"To be precise, it's just an idea. After all, we don't have enough manpower to meet the demand for establishment. But now that you are back, I believe it can be established quickly." Yamamoto said to Tianji with a happy face.

"I'm going to let you use me as a free thug. Tianji said speechlessly after hearing this, and then said seriously:"So, do you have any ideas about the formation of the Gotei team?""

"I have a preliminary idea.

The Gotei Corps is organized into thirteen divisions.

Each division has a captain and a vice-captain, with ten officers and various team members.

The first division is the main division and I am responsible for the overall captain.

Manages the Gotei Thirteenth Division.

The second division is the assassination squad and is headed by the head of the Shifouin Family.

He also serves as the commander of the Xing Army.

……"Yamamoto was interrupted by Tianji before he finished speaking:"Wait, why are there nobles involved? Isn't the turmoil in Soul Society caused by these nobles? And who is Xing Jun? Isn't this Si Feng Yuan? The family’s private army?"

"That's right, but the Sifengin family and the Kuchiki family also want to rectify Soul Society, so we coincide with each other, and Xing Jun is sincere to the Sifengin family.

Also, don't interrupt me if you have any questions, etc.

Ask again later.

" Yamamoto said, glaring at Tianji and then continued:"Okay, I won't introduce the second team.

Next, the third team is the support team, the fourth team is the medical team, the fifth team is the rescue team, and the sixth team is the rescue team.

The division is the noble guard team, but now because the royal family has not moved, it is temporarily designated as the combat team.

The seventh division is the inner court guard, the eighth division is the combat team, and the ninth division is the prison team, but the situation is the same as the sixth division.

Temporarily designated as the combat team, the next is the 10th Division, which is still a combat team, and the 11th Division is the combat corps.

The captain will inherit the title of Kenpachi, the 12th Division is the monitoring team, and the 13th Division is the monitoring team.

decontamination team"

"The captains of all divisions will be the top ten gym leaders.

I have some ideas for the captains of the other divisions 4, 11 and 12.

I want Tenshiro Kirinji to be the captain of the fourth division.

Chojiro was only allowed to have some contact with him before, but he unexpectedly rejected him.

There was a candidate in the 11th Division, called Unohana Yasenryu.

He claimed to have learned all the schools.

In recent years, he has been among the corpses.

Soul Society Invincible has been kicked out of basically all the gyms by her, except for the more famous ones in Jing Ling Ting, so I think he is the most suitable to serve as the captain of the 11th Division.

In addition to the 12th division, I want you to invite Shutara Senjumaru as the captain and use her ability to cover Soul Society to monitor the invasion.

So the invitations for these three captains are left to you.

As for the other captains, I’ll leave them to you to recruit when you come back.


"I am really impressed by you, old man Yamamoto. You made me a thug as soon as I came back. In addition, the 8th Division was changed to the Intelligence Team and I will be the captain, the 10th Division was changed to the Patrol Team, and the 12th Division was changed to the Scientific Research Team. ," Tianji shook his head helplessly and sighed after hearing this.

"Yes, this way the mechanism will be more complete." Yamamoto replied

"So do you know where the Uzuki flower is now? Tenji asked. Yamamoto thought for a moment and said,"Unohana just finished playing in the Zabei-ryu gym a few days ago, and we still need our Genryu, Wanryu, Hehun-ryu, Goshi-ryu and Hoshen-ryu. Judging from Unohana's behavior, she may be going to challenge Wanyu Dojo in the next few days. You can go find her at that time."

"Okay, I understand." Tianji said, standing up, waving to Yamamoto and leaving Yamamoto's room.

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