Genshin Impact: Shocked! Famous scenes were exposed by me

Chapter 567 This is it, the last... 1 chapter.

Baisong Town

"Adele, we are back and have brought you a gift from Fontaine."

Hearing that there was a gift, Adele ran out of the room excitedly. The moment she saw the gift, Adele's eyes were filled with little stars: "Wow, thank you, boss!"

Adele's mother Coralie reminded her: "Don't call me that. You should call Navia sister, okay?"

Navia waved her hand and smiled: "It doesn't matter, there are not only gifts, but also who is here?"

Paimon and Sora walked out from behind Navia and greeted her with a smile.

"It's you guys. Long time no see. Thank you so much for your help. I heard you saved the entire Fontaine. You are really great heroes."

Adele also nodded and agreed with her mother's words. Then she looked at the box in Navia's hand and asked, "What's in it? Can I see it?"

Navia nodded and handed the box to Adele. Adele opened it and saw, "Wow, it's... it's the uniform of the Rose of Thorns Society! Is this for me? But... it's too big, I can't wear it."

Navia: "This is a uniform for your future self. You said before that you wanted to join the Thorn Rose Society. I was very happy to hear you say that. But the Thorn Rose Society needs to protect everyone's safety, so they will encounter various dangers. You are still very young now, and we don't want your mother to worry. So we rejected you at that time. Who needs you to grow up a little more. This dress is our promise."

Only then did Adele understand sister Navia's good intentions and promised that she would work hard to grow up.

Seeing that Navia cared about his daughter's affairs, Colt was grateful. With the care of the Thorn Rose Society, she could still feel warm and safe even if her father was not around.

Just then, Florent came running over in a hurry.

"Something bad has happened! Romov and his gang have gathered outside Baisong Town, and they have brought a bunch of explosives here! After I received your letter yesterday, I went to investigate with the members of the Thorn Rose Society. But Romov and his gang seemed to have heard the news, and everyone evacuated from their previous base. I tracked down their whereabouts, but I didn't expect their destination to be Baisong Town!"

[Sino: Are these beasts planning to bury Baisong Town? ]

[Keqing: Explosives? Can the Fontaine people store explosives privately? In Liyue, these things are strictly guarded.]

[Kaeya: Fontaine is an industrial powerhouse, and there are many places where explosives are needed. It is understandable that there is no control. Isn’t our group favorite Klee the same? She is a mobile arsenal.]

[Klee: Hehe, Klee, the Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonius, is reporting in! ]

[Kaeya: If Liyue does not send out the Jade Pavilion, we will not send out General Klee! ]

[Ningguang: Liyue will not interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. We also love peace.]

[Paimon: My family, my recent novel has been accused of plagiarism, what should I do? ]

[Xiaogong: Will Paimeng still write novels? ]

[Paimon: Paimon is also very strong. It's a pity that the novel I wrote for such a long time has to end like this. I really don't want to accept it.]

[Coral Palace Heart Sea: Paimon, victory and defeat are common in the military, the next one will be better. I heard that Inazuma has opened a new publishing house called Wife Cat. You can go and give it a try.]

[Paimon: Tonight is Paimon’s last... chapter]


Paimon and Sora looked at each other and trembled a little.

"It seems that they don't even have the intention of sitting down to talk. I should have thrown them all to the Law Enforcement Court." Colt said solemnly.

Navia: "I'm sorry, I was too naive. It's no use saying this now, Florent, where are their explosives?"

Florent quickly replied, "On the hillside east of Baisong Town, near the Clementine Line."

Navia looked nervous. Did these guys want to blow up the Clementine line?

Then he calmly analyzed the situation. Romov and his men hated the Thorn Rose Society and Carres, and the reason for the rift in their relationship was the patrol ship. If the Clementine Line was blown up, countless rubble would roll down the hillside and smash into Baisong Town.

"Partner, can I leave the Clementine Line to you? If the explosives explode, not only will the people in Baisong Town be in danger, but the patrol ship sailing on it will also fall down. Stop their crazy behavior first, and then settle the score with them!" Navia requested.

Paimon patted his chest, took on this dangerous task, and reminded Navia and the others to pay attention to safety.

After Sora and Paimon left, Navia arranged the next escape plan.

Before Navia could finish her words, two daggers suddenly appeared in Colter's hands behind her.

Seeing this, Florent rushed over and was left with two scars on his arm.

Everything that happened suddenly caught everyone present by surprise.

"What are you doing, Corte?" Florent demanded.

Colter was a little disappointed: "I said the troublesome guy finally left, but you are still here."

Navia asked in disbelief: "Kolter, are you also from Romov? So that's why you knew they were making preparations a long time ago, so you said that their current situation was not good and asked us to let down our guard..."

Seeing that he was exposed, Colt simply stopped pretending: "That's not entirely true. Maybe I have a similar position to him, but you don't agree with his radical approach. Because I only hate you, only you, Navia!"

"Romov promised me that if I could kill you, he would not attack Baisong Town. But from the beginning to the end, you were with that troublesome guy, and I had no chance to kill you. Romov lost his patience, and there was no need for me to be here, but even if I am buried in this hellhole with you, I will kill you with my own hands."

Navia couldn't understand why she had to be killed when she didn't do anything.

"Because you know nothing, you ask such a stupid question. You have never seen how glorious the Thorn Rose Society was in the past, and you have never experienced the most prosperous period of Baisong Town. But I am different... I have witnessed it! And watched them all disappear bit by bit!"

"It's all because of your appearance, Navia! Clementine died because of you, Carles died because of you, Myles and Silver died because of you, and so many others died because of you!"

Florent said in disbelief: "You were lying to us when you looked so ignorant when we first met?"

A sick smile appeared on Colter's face. "Yes, I knew that Myles was dead when I just came out. You know? In that damn underwater, I was thinking seriously that I would go and apologize to Myles after I came out. Because of the patrol ship that year, I had a big fight with him. I thought he only had loyalty in his mind and no thinking ability. So many years have passed in the blink of an eye. I thought I almost understood him, and thought he could remind me of the good times of the Thorn Rose Society...but he died! Because of you, it's you again, Navia!"

"I used to love the Thorn Rose Society and White Song Town more than anyone else, but now all I see is desolation. You have completely destroyed all the beautiful things. Have you ever thought that the people around you don't like you that much? Have you ever thought that you are respected only because you are the child of Carles and Clementine, and you are nothing at all!"

"Have you ever thought that the people here still stay in Baisong Town, not because of you, but because they can't bear to part with the memories of the past!"

[Kaeya: I have finally seen Fontaine's three knives. Each one is more ruthless than the last.]

[Yan Fei: What happened to Navia in the glorious era of the Thorn Rose Society? ]

[Eula: This is somewhat similar to me.]

[Ying: I didn’t expect that something like this would happen after we left. Sigwen, please.]

[Sigwen: Hehe, he will definitely suffer the consequences! ]

[Navia: At least there are still people willing to stand on my side. I am not alone. There are you, Paimon, and everyone in the Thorn Rose Society.]

[Paimon: Hehe, we are good friends. Friends should help each other. It would be even better if we can eat macarons.]

[Navia: Okay, okay, I’ll be at your service anytime.]


Hearing this, Navia's eyes lost their luster.

His mind couldn't help but think of what he, Sora, and Paimon had said by the lake.

Is it really because of... tenderness?

Just then, a clear voice rang out.

"You're talking nonsense! I just like Sister Navia! My mom likes her too! I can't explain the reason, but I just like her!" Adele retorted.

Florent: "Mr. Myles will be very disappointed in you. You actually attributed all the misfortunes in the history of the Rose of the Thorns to the boss alone."

"Boss, danger is ahead, don't hesitate any longer."

Navia calmed down, walked forward slowly and said: "Perhaps in your eyes, what you said is [reality]. But the love I have received from everyone is also real, and this love has really helped me. Even now, I will believe this fact and let you know the importance of Thorn Rose in my heart!"

("Rose fireworks, fire!"

"It's... a parachute gun!")

After dealing with Colter, Navia handed over all matters here to Florent.

"Hurry up and gather the other members of the Thorn Rose Society to evacuate the residents of the town. If there are any companions of Colt who have sneaked in, quickly subdue them and don't give them the opportunity to harm ordinary people. I can't leave my partner alone to face danger."


Meanwhile on the other side.

Sora and Paimon successfully prevented the explosion. Paimon was worried that there were other explosives, so he pulled Sora around to look.

Just then, the ground suddenly shook.

Countless pieces of rubble rolled down the hillside, heading for Baisong Town.

Kong took off with a catapulting motion, jumped onto the hillside, and smashed the boulder with one blow. The blue crystal on his body turned into a yellow rock element crystal.

But there are more and more rocks on the mountain, and the space is a bit stretched.

Just then, Navia ran over.

"Well done, partner! Leave the rest to me!"

Paimon: "Be careful, Navia! There are too many. We can't stop them."

Navia took out her parachute gun and sneered, "Block? That's not how the Thorn Rose Society does it!"

Navia relied on her flexible movements to constantly shuttle between the stones, and the rock element energy fired from the parachute gun in her hand constantly broke the stones.

At this moment, a stone the size of 10 Paimons fell down.


Elemental explosion!

With a bang, the boulder indicated that I had cracked.

[Klee: Wow! It's an elemental explosion! Klee is coming too, boom, boom, sparks! Full fire! Everything——can be blown up!]

[Mr. Frozen Tree: You are amazing, you are so noble! Now you are starting to blast me! ]

[Qin: Klee! Come back soon! ]

[Klee: I'll come back when Klee finds the giant lizard]

[Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard: Don’t come over here! ]

[Kaeya: This is also the first time I’ve seen an elemental explosion in a video.]

[Keqing: I have to say, Brother Traveler’s catapult start is really cool, and the free switching of elemental powers is also amazing]

[Ying: Lucky, just lucky]


After a while, the members of the Enforcement Court who received the notification arrived and arrested Romov and his gang.

After doing all this, Navia looked a little unhappy.

Sora asked with concern: "Navia, are you okay? You look a little tired."

"Maybe I used too much elemental power. Haha, it's okay. Don't worry about me."

Florent came over to report the situation, and Romove and his group had been captured.

Navia saw Colter, turned around and looked at the Clementine Line and said slowly: "It's not that I can't understand your thoughts. The things that are lost are more precious because they cannot be recovered. I am not Carres, and I will never be Carres. The Thorn Rose Society and Baisong Town that you love will never come back. But my thoughts have not changed. This is an opportunity to start over."

"In the future, the money earned by Cimei will be invested more in the construction of Baisong Town, and I will also find a way to transform the route of the patrol boat... Every day in the future, the patrol boat will also be able to provide convenience for everyone in Baisong Town."


"Thank you for protecting the Clementine Line. I'm actually very scared, Traveler. In the short term, the Carles Line cannot be rebuilt... If the Clementine Line is also destroyed, I don't know how I will face it."

“A name is a kind of [engraving]. Losing the Clementine Thread that I see every day feels like I’ve lost my mother all over again… But it’s still standing there, which is great.”

Paimon looked at Navia, there was a sense of frustration about her.

Sora: "Everything is fine. I'll go back with you."

Navia nodded: "Thank you, help me, I really don't have much strength."

"Traveler, I want to ask you something. Please tell me the truth. Am I really your [Partner] in your heart?"

Sora: "Of course."

Navia breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.


Navia rested for a while, and Florent took Navia to Baisong Town to witness the surprise.

The stone slab was carved with Carles, Clementine and Navia's family.

The people of Baisong Town chose to believe in Navia instead of indulging in the glory of the past and decided to stay here.

Navia shamelessly accepted the surprise. She never dreamed that she would have the opportunity to stand with her mother.

After the surprise, Sora finds Navia.

"Looking back, I feel a little embarrassed today, haha."

Sora asked curiously, "About [Am I really your partner?]"

Navia blushed and said, "Wow, why are you imitating me? Don't do that. Don't say that anymore! It's embarrassing!"

"Forget it quickly, forget it quickly! Ah, no, forgetting it won't work... Anyway, keep it in your heart and don't bring it up again!"

[Ding! This book is finished]

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