Gao Wu: You have the strongest physique? I will cultivate automatically.

Chapter 332

The battle was over, but the battle was over.

Li Weiyi's mental power focused on the battlefield. At present, the Federation still had the upper hand overall. The sea beasts were intercepted by missiles and could not come over a hundred miles from the coast.

However, there were many sea tribes. When the forces above the demon commander joined the battle, there would definitely be sea beasts that broke through the defense line and killed the mainland.

Li Weiyi was suspended in the air, watching the huge crowd under the city moving northward.

After the last flood, the four emperors of the Federation unanimously decided to launch the fortress plan, building all border cities into war fortresses, which would be managed by the military, and all the residents here would be moved out and resettled uniformly by the Federation.

This is done to prevent the last incident from happening again. Now that the sea tribe has chosen to be hostile to the human race, the coastal area will definitely not be peaceful in the future, and it is no longer safe for the people of the Federation to live here.

As for the inland border cities, there is also this need. Although the demon tribe is now well-behaved, it is impossible for them to be well-behaved forever.

All border cities will be rebuilt and built with A-grade alloys jointly created by the Federation and Zerg technology. The Federation has a lot of this new A-grade alloy manufacturing material, and the manufacturing cost is greatly reduced. This is the basis for building the Federation border fortress.

If it were before, even if there was such a heart, there would not be so many A-grade alloys available.

Li Weiyi looked at the design drawings. The fortresses were connected to protect the entire Federation. A word appeared in Li Weiyi's mind-Wanli Fortress, a real Wanli Fortress, with a length of more than 100,000 miles, the territory of the Federation is too large.

When this project is completely completed, the lives of the entire Zhenwu Star will be amazed at the magnificence of this project. The visual impact will definitely make people vibrate.

Li Weiyi landed and returned to the command center. In the early stage, he was mainly responsible for deploying troops according to the war situation. A group of staff officers were around him. Li Weiyi did not like to have a one-man show. He would discuss tactics with these staff officers. After all, a person's wisdom and war literacy were ultimately limited.

Military satellites projected the situation of the entire front battlefield onto the screen of the command center, so that they could know the situation at the first time.

Not only that, in the offshore area, there were reconnaissance bugs lurking in the ocean. They were specially modified, their eyes were cameras, and their bodies were signal transmitters. What they saw could be projected onto the screen, so even if the sea creatures wanted to sneak in, it would not work.

Li Weiyi expanded the monitoring range of the satellite and projected the images from the deep sea. The tranquility of the sea was completely broken. One after another sea beasts were coming to the front line, and the number was countless. In short, people with intensive phobia would get goose bumps all over their bodies and fall to the ground.

"This will be a protracted war." A staff officer sighed.

"This is a chaotic world, and war is the main theme." Another staff officer spoke.

"Only war." Li Weiyi's face was calm. This might just be the beginning of a war. The wars in the future will be more frequent and more fierce.

The sea water near the coast has completely turned red, and the seabed is filled with the corpses of sea beasts, but the sea beasts are still fearlessly rushing to the coast, and the huge waves have already eroded the continent.

However, the meat shield worms can completely block the waves of more than 20 meters. The meat shield worms take root on the coast and block the waves back.

Behind the meat shield worms, there are densely packed machines and Zergs who are busy building walls.

The first alloy wall is not high, only ten meters high, but the thickness is astonishingly twenty meters thick. This is the first line of defense to block the tsunami.

A total of five alloy walls will be built, one every hundred meters, and the height will increase in sequence, ten meters, thirty meters, fifty meters, seventy meters, and one hundred meters.

These five walls will become the first line of defense against tsunamis.

Then behind the walls, various weapons will be deployed. These weapons are not built on the ground, but on buildings supported by hundreds of meters high alloy pillars. They have powerful firepower, and all sea beasts that rush up with the waves will be ruthlessly killed by them.

All the way back, the entire fortress will be covered with various weapon buildings. If sea beasts want to cross the fortress, they must pay a heavy price.

This is the fortress plan. When it is completely completed, any force that wants to invade the federation will pay a bloody price.

The fortress plan is expected to take ten years to build, and these ten years are the ten years that the federation must persist.

Behind the federation, the sky has also been covered with transport bugs, transport bugs transporting

The Zerg came from the inland all the way to the coast to support the coastal battle.

At the same time, there were fighter planes, airplanes, high-speed trains, and trains rushing from the inland to the coastal cities, and these planes and trains transported soldiers and warriors.

Both sides were constantly sending troops to the front line. As the number of participants on both sides increased, the battle became more and more tragic.

The sea water near the coast has turned dark red, and the sea has turned into a sea of ​​blood. Life is dying every moment.

The turbulence of the ocean has never stopped, and the explosion has continued. The insect bombs and laser bombs fell into the sea like heavy rain, and then the sea exploded with countless waves. One by one, the sea beasts rolled onto the sea surface with the rolling sea, completely losing their breath of life.

Such a war consumes a huge amount of insect bombs and laser bombs, and the Zerg and military factories cannot keep up even if they produce 24 hours a day.

Therefore, the firepower coverage inevitably slowed down, and then the sea beasts began to cross the first line of defense and kill towards the coast.

On the coast, soldiers and warriors were ready. When the sea beasts came with the waves, they picked up their weapons, rushed into the waves, and fought with the sea beasts.

Martial arts and magical powers were intersecting, and life was withering. They all had a bright future, but because of this war, they were buried here forever.

Their relatives behind them could only wash their faces with tears, and offer their nostalgia to them every Qingming or Chongyang Festival in the future. This is the cruelty of war.

The war continued day by day, and the sea clan had no idea of ​​​​relieving themselves. The war did not stop for a moment, and it seemed like a fight to the death from the beginning.

The battle had lasted for eight days, and on the ninth day, the demon commander of the sea clan began to join the battle.

They flew into the air on the clouds, and then killed the fighter planes, mechas and bomb worms. They wanted to destroy these powerful war machines.

But humans had long been on guard against them. One by one, martial masters, clan-level mecha masters, and insect commanders rushed towards them and blocked them.

The martial master-level combat power joined the battlefield, making it even more terrifying. Under the command of the demon commander, the sea formed huge waves tens of meters high and rushed towards the coast, destroying everything that blocked it.

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