Gao Wu: Infinite killing, full-level talent at the beginning!

Chapter 175

In addition to possessing three perfect star powers, these mermaids even have star power cultivation that is comparable to Tang Yan!

You know, Tang Yan is five thousand stars!

This is enough to show how strong these mermaids are!

Although I'm afraid that any one of them can pass the fifth level!

And now, there are four mermaids surrounding Tang Yan!

Among them, the mermaid holding the conch is good at soul attack and is hard to defend!

If you are not careful, you will be in trouble!

The other three are divided into three directions and surrounded.

Any mermaid is not Tang Yan's opponent.

But now, there are three of them!


A trident burst into golden light, and then a three-color thunder suddenly struck!

The same is true for the other two mermaids. The weapons in their hands burst into light, and the three-series star power came out together!


Tang Yan shouted fiercely, his muscles bulged, and he did not retreat but advanced!

Woo woo~!

The conch sounded again, but it had no effect on Tang Yan!


The thunder struck and landed directly on Tang Yan's chest!

Tang Yan activated the God and Demon Body, and golden light shone!

The three-color thunder only left a few traces on him.


Tang Yan didn't care, and the three-series star power cooperated with the God and Demon Body, and punched!

A mermaid couldn't dodge and was killed on the spot!

The other three mermaids saw this, and there was no panic at all. They seemed to have no feelings and no thoughts!

Tang Yan followed the same method and defeated them one by one!

"Now, my strongest body should be the body! The God and Demon Body is almost a god who can kill gods and Buddhas who can kill Buddhas!"

Tang Yan was quite satisfied.

This is the benefit of a strong body!

Of course, the difficulty of cultivation is also extremely great.

At the same time, this is only the method of the God and Demon Body that can have such an effect!

After passing the sixth level, the vortex accumulates stronger power!

After a long time, a monster with a black body, a snake head, a bear body, and a crocodile tail emerged!

The monster looked only two people tall, but it gave people a full sense of oppression!

Especially the pair of dark eyes on the snake head, which were empty, like a bottomless black hole!

In addition, its whole body was covered with black scales, and there were tiny spikes on the scales!

Tang Yan took a deep breath, condensed a thunder hammer and chopped it out.


The monster did not move, but Tang Yan's attack failed to leave any mark on it!


This time, Tang Yan no longer tried, but went all out!

The three systems of power gathered together, and the wind, fire, and thunder condensed into a three-color phoenix!


The three-color phoenix flapped its wings and flew high, then swooped down!


The monster spit out its hook-like tongue, and then attacked with a claw!

The three-color phoenix collided with a claw of the monster, creating huge sparks!

After a loud bang, the monster still didn't move!

"This guy's physical strength is even better than mine, definitely at the domain level!"

Tang Yan said in surprise.

At the same time, he also found that the monsters in this level were obviously different from the previous six levels!

The star beasts in front were not only inferior to it in strength.

At the same time, the violent aura was far inferior!

This monster seemed to be born to kill!


The monster screamed, disappeared, and in the blink of an eye it killed Tang Yan!

Tang Yan's blood burned, his muscles bulged, and he suddenly burst out with super strength.


With fists against claws, Tang Yan flew backwards!

Sure enough, this monster has surpassed him!

Tang Yan took a deep breath and responded carefully.

In previous battles, he always crushed his opponents with absolute strength!

But this time, the opponent's strength was above his!


The monster didn't give Tang Yan a chance to breathe and attacked again!

Tang Yan accumulated strength in his body, and the three-series star power poured into his iron fist!


There was another boom, and this time, Tang Yan had some advantages!

But the monster only took a step back.

The monster took a step back, but its offensive did not decrease. With a sweep of its tail, it threw Tang Yan away!


Tang Yan coughed dryly. This monster was faster and stronger than him!

At the same time, its physical strength was also better than his!

This was going to be difficult!

And this guy's tail was even more powerful than a bear's paw!

Tang Yan, with the three-series power and the God and Demon Body, couldn't suppress it steadily!

"Damn it, it surpasses me in all aspects, and it seems to have no soul, even the Ten Thousand Soul Devouring Soul Jue doesn't work!"

Tang Yan cursed inwardly.

Now, Tang Yan can use the Ten Thousand Soul Devouring Soul Jue in a simple way, and soul attacks are hard to defend against!

But he had never encountered a powerful opponent that needed the All Soul Devouring Soul Technique to deal with.

But this time, he did encounter one.

Unfortunately,The Soul Devouring Art didn't work!


The monster continued to attack!

Tang Yan could only constantly call on the power of the three systems and cooperate with the Gods and Demons to resist!

But his strength was being consumed, while the opponent was not damaged.

If this continued, he would definitely lose!

"The key lies in the Gods and Demons Body! You can burn the Gods and Demons Blood, but you can only suppress the opponent, and you can't win..."

Tang Yan kept thinking.

The monster didn't give Tang Yan any chance to breathe, and he fell into a disadvantage, but fortunately he didn't show signs of defeat!

But as time went by, he would definitely not be his opponent!

"The Gods and Demons Body shouldn't be so weak! I neglected to practice and don't know how to use it!"

Tang Yan said secretly.

In fact, he was not neglecting to practice, but the time was too short!

He has only practiced for more than ten years in total! It is a miracle to be able to reach this level!

Next, Tang Yan felt the Gods and Demons Body while fighting!

He found that the God and Demon Body should grow in battle!

When he let go of the battle, he clearly realized that his strength and speed were increasing!

At the same time, the God and Demon Bone in his body gave off a burning sensation!

The battle became more and more intense, Tang Yan and the monster fought fiercely, and the two were evenly matched!

If this continued, there would be no result even if they fought for ten or a hundred years!


Tang Yan laughed.

This was a battle he had never experienced before!


The monster roared, this was the first time it got angry.

Then the snake head turned around and bit its tail!


The snake head bit off the tail and swallowed it.

Suddenly, the monster stood up, and the spikes on the black armor suddenly shot out.

Tang Yan acted quickly and dodged.

Otherwise, he would be seriously injured!

However, the monster's transformation was not over yet!

A pair of steel-like wings grew behind it.


The monster increased its speed and rushed towards Tang Yan.


Tang Yan was knocked away again!

He clearly felt that the monster's strength had doubled!


The monster came again, as if toying with Tang Yan!

"Humph! Transform? Are you the only one who can do that?"

Tang Yan said coldly.

"Gods and Demons!"

Tang Yan shouted, his blood boiling, and his Gods and Demons bones crackling!

Then his whole body was raised several times!

And the most important thing is that he has two more pairs of Gods and Demons hands and two more heads!

Now he is actually three heads and six arms!

Tang Yan has been exploring the application of Gods and Demons.

After the battle with Mu Long, he had a clue.

Now he is fighting with this monster again, and Tang Yan finally created such a move!

Although his Gods and Demons body is still at the fourth level, his strength has greatly increased in the state of three heads and six arms!

This is the combat power that Gods and Demons should have!

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