Gantz Reincarnation

Let’s make it out alive!

„Let go of him you asshole!“ I hear Kato‘s voice and the door opening again. I hope he makes it so I don‘t die here.

„Why should I? You wannabe delinquent. Your friend here disrespected my Brother. He's gonna get what's coming to him!“ says the yakuza while continuing to beat me.

Finally, Kato takes action and grapples the Yakuza who loses his hold on me.

* Gasp * Gasp

Argh my face hurts like hell. It seems like I am bleeding from my Mouth and my Nose.

„Y-you Bastard“ If that Onion Alien wasn‘t going to kill you I’d do it myself.

I punch him him weakly in the stomach a few more times, while Kato is holding him.

"L-lemme go Motherfuckers you're both dead!!" he screams.

"A NEW MORNING HAS COOOME A NEW MOOORNING..." A loud sound rings through the entire apartment." ...OOOF HOOOPE!"
so it finally begins.

"I told you all it was some kind of Radio Show. Watch a TV Crew's gonna come in now. They might have been broadcasting this over the entire country." says the Teacher guy.

I think all hope for these People, or at least him is lost at this point.

While Kato is distracted the Yakuza breaks free and punches him in the Stomach.


But instead of going on to beat me he just pushes me to the side and goes to pick up his associate and moves on into the room with the ball in it, just like everyone else. Except for Kato, Kishimoto, and me who are still on the ground in the Hallway.

"HERE WE GO ONE, TWO, THREE!!" the aerobic-sounding song keeps playing.

"W-what the? Is it coming from this Ball?"

"There's something written on it..."

While the others are trying to understand the ball Kato seems to want to talk to me again.

"K-kei I am sorry I didn't come earlier I was just so scared and in sh-shock that you went in with so much c-confidence. You didn't l-lie about what you said earlier." Kato after having gotten the air beaten out of his lungs has trouble speaking now.

"Y-yeah but l-look where it got me" I say while opening my mouth taking out a tooth that got knocked loose and showing it to him.

"Agh! Kei I am so sorry I-I wasn't..."

"D-Don't beat yourself up more about it than the Yakuza already has, it was my decision and I have to live with the conse-ouch!" Okay maybe I shouldn't speak so much now, it only makes the pain worse.

Kato looks troubled at me and almost cries. This guy is too sweet for this world man.

"W-well I-I want to thank you both for being so brave and acting against these bad men, especially you..." Kishimoto says while addressing me "... may I please know your names?" I just now realize how sweet her voice is.

" I-I am Kato Masaru..." I try to signal him that he can also introduce me "... a-and your personal savior was Kei Kurono here."

She blushes and says "... you can't speak right now I am guessing?"

I nod and she goes on to hug me.

Kato, I didn't know you could be such a wingman.

I wish I could longer enjoy these two soft feelings on my chest. But better focus on the important things right now.

I gently put my hands on her shoulders to push her away from me and point to the main room with my thumb.

Both of them nod and we go into the Room and stand on the opposide end of the two Yakuza. Kato and I stay protectively before Kishimoto.

She goes on to whisper what is written on the ball.

" ...Your lives have ended. How you use your new lives is entirely up to me. That's the Theory anyways?" Kishimoto seems confused "What does that mean?"

"Those words may seem really stupid and nonsensical..." the homicidal maniac Nishi, preaches his creep talk "... But if you take them seriously, aren't they pretty scary?"

Kishimoto gets frightened and grabs onto my arm.

I try to ignore the pain in my Mouth and whisper to her "... don't listen to him"

Shortly after i say this, the dog from before comes back to me and instead of being interested in Kishimoto's lower region, he just  runs around my legs, so i decide to pet him again.

Next, the ball Switches to the screen which shows the Onion Alien just like in the Manga.

"Onion Alien? Talk about weak."

"Do you suppose there's going to be some kind of game?" This guy may just really want to be on reality television.

"Hey, pretty boy..." I really don't get what problem the blonde dude has with me "... you said you wouldn't trust me with your hairstylist but maybe you should rather focus on finding a good dentist in the near future."

My god I hope this is the last thing I have to say to him.

"Go fuck yourself."

He gives of a smug and goes on to expect the Ball.

Immediately the ball opens up to both sides and behind, to display all the guns and suitcases

"Whoa rad!" says the blonde imbecile " It's so heavy! totally real!"

I bet he never heard that being said about him.

"Aaah! There's a Person in there!!"

While all the commotion focuses on the Man in the ball, I step over the holster for the weapons and look at the suitcases.

I still try to act a little bit surprised and confused over all of this, so primarily nishi doesn't suspect something.

I look at them and the first three have the ' prank names' for Kato, Kishimoto and me written on them: 'Mr. Kuruno', 'Kato-cha (lol)' and (of course) 'Titz...'

But upon taking them out I discover something about my Suitcase.

It isn't really noticeable upon first glance but on the bottom of the front side there is a small word written upside down which says ' retsopmi'
What the hell...? That wasn't there in the original that's for su...!

Wait it's just Imposter ( don't make the reference) backwards!

That has to mean Gantz knows what my Origin is! Does this mean I'm a Target?

Okay chill... as far as now there weren't complete Story changes, maybe Gantz just knows and doesn't care about it and is trying to Troll me. That would be in Character of him.

Just don't panic...

While I got my revelation the others already unpacked the other suitcases but nobody put on the suit because they think it looks too silly.

"Hmm these are rather well made." says the Teacher inspecting the X-Gun while the blonde is aiming the same type at the back of his head.

*Bleep Bleep

"Aww, what the hell? It doesn't shoot." the blonde says disinterestedly

Yeah, you just didn't push the other Trigger. If you did this man's innards would have splattered all over you.

"Aaaah!! W-What are you doing?!" the teacher says while crawling on the floor completely scared.

"Whatever. Who cares? This seems to be just an x-ray" he says disappointed while looking at me. I guess if he knew what power it has he wouldn't have a second thought about who to use it on.

Yeah love you too

"Hey Hatanaka." says the suited Yakuza

While everyone still inspects the equipment, the Yakuza whose future of having a Family where shattered by me, is starting to disappear in the same way everyone else spawned, just reversed.


"He disappeared" says the blonde, right before he begins despawing as well.

"What the h..."

"Whoa... what's going on...?" Kato states, just as confused as everyone else.

I try to subtly make him look at Nishi, for him to also realize he is wearing the suit.

First the other Yakuza then Nishi disappear.

"Aaaaaaaah!!" the teacher still is unable to deal with the situation and crouches to the ground.

"What should we do? Everybody disappeared!" Kato states to both me and Kishimoto.

The Teacher starts also disappearing.

I hope this is the last time I have to deal with this mind-numbing pain in my Mouth but here we go:

"... I think you should both take these with you." I say while presenting the cases to both of them.

"Why? Do you know something we don't?" Kishimoto says while looking devastated.

"Did you see the Kid who only made the scary claims, while being completely silent during the rest of all the events?" Kishimoto doesn't seem to understand what I mean but Kato speaks up for me.

" You mean that he was wearing the suit?" Thanks for paying attention

"... Yeah I think he knows more than he lets on and these suits could maybe be helpful..." Both of them seem to comprehend better now what I'm saying "... maybe also take one of the Guns just to be sure"

Kato starts disappearing

"Huh? Is it already happening?" I pick up his suitcase and press it into his hands and also quickly take the Y-gun, to give it to him.

"I think we'll be fine just keep calm and use the information we have right now" I say

"... I hope you are right Kei..." He does seem to trust in my decisions "Huh? I'm outside." He says after his eyes are scanned away
While Kato disappears the Dog from before comes running up to me and jumps into my Arms.

"Woah there boy. I'm sorry but the petting session is over..." I jokingly point at the cases "... if you want to get this from me in the future there is your best chance" I say while putting him down

"Hehe, I don't think he understands what you mean." Kishimoto picks up her case and looks at me questionly again after reading what is written on it.

"Are you sure this one's for me?"

" Well I would sure bet that it doesn't describe anyone else who appeared in this Room..." let's push it a little bit "... and you know, it is kinda fitting."

"Hmphf" Kishimoto tries to make an angry face but it just looks a little silly.

"Come on it was meant to be a compliment and..." I go to the weapons take another X-Gun and hand it to her "... I just don't want you to die."

My eyes are already disappearing so I can't see her reaction but I still have my Case and the X-Gun in hand as I get teleported to the small neighborhood on the edge of Tokyo, to hunt some aliens.


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