Game’s Dogma

Chapter 324: Short-sighted

Players could designate their resurrection point to the Holy Ground’s resurrection altar, allowing them to overcome the limit of no re-entry to the Warring Wastelands in twenty-four hours upon death.

The teleportation array was just as crucial. Players would normally spawn randomly into the Warring Wastelands, but after configuring their spawn location in the Holy Ground, they could enter and exit the region freely at the teleportation array. Now, players from Empyreon could return to the Eastern server without killing themselves. They could now bring back the Level 40 loot and sell them for massive profits.

But that was limited to players of Empyreon. Those from Evergrand and Yoda were still stuck in deep waters.

In the Holy Ground, a person was sitting nonchalantly on the top floor, his robe delicately decorated in flowers. The tower had now become Myriad Bloom’s territory, and as the alliance master, Hibiscus was more than qualified to sit here. Next to him stood his sister, Florate.

Someone opened the door and entered. “Guild Master, Chau Yu of Empyreal Alliance requests a meeting.”

“Let him in.”

Chau Yu entered with hurried steps and shouted, “Hibiscus! What is the meaning of this!”

Hibiscus signalled the player who brought Chau Yu in with a glance. The player nodded, then left and closed the door. Only Florate, Hibiscus, and Chau Yu remained in the room.

“I don’t understand the question.”

Chau Yu glared at Hibiscus. For someone of Chau Yu’s intellect, things that could incur his anger were far and few. “Don’t play dumb with me! The West, Olympus!”

Hibiscus’ eyes twitched, but he remained silent.

Chau Yu pressed on, “You don’t know? Someone like you wouldn’t know? The Five Palaces, Four Generals, Three Gods, you don’t know about them? What about Zeus?

“The battle for the other Holy Ground went terribly for us! Zeus alone took on seven top-tier players and slew them all. We, the East, suffered massive casualties. Dragon Alliance’s Zephyrwolf, Windstrider, Dumbgirl, King-Hit. Empyreal Alliance and Underworld both took major blows as well. Do you still not realise the situation by now?”

Hibiscus frowned and said, “Don’t you dare use ‘Us’. Dragon Alliance and Evergrand have nothing to do with me.”

“How are you still in the mood for internal strife!” Chau Yu flushed red from anger. “Scholar was with me that day. I’m sure you know how strong he is, don’t you? Zeus also sent someone to seize the tower. I sent Scholar to hold back Mask, but he met Zeus’ subordinate instead.

“That person killed him in five blows. According to my sources, that person is only ranked fourth in the West! They’ve been united for so long that they don’t have to worry about in-fighting. Do you know they have five times more players who are above Level 40 than we do! Hibiscus, are you trying to turn the Eastern server to ruins?”

Hibiscus sighed. “I truly have no idea what you are on about, but I feel like your worries are unwarranted. Levels aren’t everything. People call Mask a godly presence from the East, yet he couldn’t even touch my sleeves when we fought.” He then stared into Chau Yu’s eyes and stated, “When the time to fight the West arrives, I will be standing at the very front, protecting you all.”

“Hibiscus, how arrogant can you be! Who do you think you are? Don’t think you’re godly just because you got a rare inheritance. Do you think Myriad Blooms and you alone can go up against an entire server of hundreds of thousands of players?”

Hibiscus returned a threatening glare. “Chau Yu, I respect you for your identity as the alliance master of Empyreal Alliance, but you better watch your words. I have little reason to believe you or Mask would’ve opened the Holy Ground for all players on our server if either of you had taken the tower first.”

Chau Yu flared up as his eyes turned purple and a domineering aura formed around him. He gazed down at Hibiscus like a king looking at a peasant. “I would’ve done the same if I hadn’t known how strong the West is. However, it is clear that none of us can fight them alone. Mask… I’m sure he’d do the same. You’ll never be as great as he is because you are short-sighted and petty. You might be a powerful fighter, but you’ll never be a good general.”

Hibiscus stood from his seat to a standstill with Chau Yu. His robe fluttered even without a breeze. After a while, he sat down and waved his arm.

“Considering how the selfless Chau Yu looks down upon me and Myriad Blooms, there is no need for further discussions. Saying even a word is pointless. Florate, see our guest out.”

Chau Yu had no intent on staying either. He turned around and headed for the door. Before he left, he turned his head and stared deep into Hibiscus’ eyes.

“Hibiscus, you will pay for your arrogance.”

Chau Yu left. The siblings, Hibiscus and Florate, were the only ones left on the top floor.

Florate hesitated for a moment before saying, “Brother… I think… Um, Chau Yu has a point.”

“I know.” Hibiscus nodded.

Hibiscus was no idiot. Judging from the intel his subordinates gathered, Zeus and Olympus were extremely powerful. On the East’s terms, it was like Mask and his Dragon Alliance and Yoda, Hades and his Underworld and Evergrand. However, Olympus was beyond that—Olympus was the entire Western server, and the difference was easily noticeable.

“Sister, you know I’ve never lost once, so I don’t know what defeat tastes like. That’s why… I’m afraid of losing,” Hibiscus whispered silently like a waning candle in the night. “Mask… is indeed strong. Just now, I said he couldn’t even touch me, but that’s because I’m scared. I have a feeling that…” Hibiscus shut his eyes and recalled the flaming silhouette that danced beneath him. “I have a feeling that I’ll lose the moment he reaches me.”

Florate looked at her brother with worrying eyes without uttering a word.

“Perhaps Chau Yu’s right, I’m not a good general. I am strong, but I cannot perform duties as a calm general. But what is wrong with that? I’m selfish, just as everyone is. I cannot let Mask defeat me.”

Hibiscus’ calm eyes contained a tint of anxiety and madness, something Florate had never seen before. She could tell how wary, and most importantly, fearful her brother was of Mask.

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