Gamer Superstar

Chapter 156 156 - D Rank!

Chapter 156 156 - D Rank!

At the end of the night, when I finally closed my stream, I had a huge smile on my face.

[+1 Stage Presence].

Because I'd been streaming for so long, my Stage Presence, which was at Lvl 16, had increased to Lvl 17, making it even easier to stream and helping me interact with the audience even more.

For someone who just started streaming today, finishing the stream with over 3k viewers was a great number!

Compared to Quacktus, who has been streaming for years, my viewership wasn't far behind!

Of course, I wasn't going to go viral and get tens of thousands of viewers in a single stream, that's not a miracle I expected to happen, but I was happy to keep the audience that came from my social networks and still get a lot of new people from the site who clicked on the stream out of curiosity and kept watching.

When the stream ended, I looked at the data from that stream and saw that there were 20,000 people who had come through the stream, which wasn't a bad number, but it illustrated even more how much my stream was retaining its audience.

There was 15% of that total on the stream all the time.

My follower count went from 0 to 1,100, which opened the door for me to apply to become a partner of the site. This partnership would not only allow me to make money from the stream with ads that would appear on the screen from time to time, but it would also allow me to get subscribers.

Honestly, although the money from subscribers was quite good for me, since I would get $2.5 for each person who paid for a subscription in a month, with the amount of viewers I had, that would give me at least $1,000 a month, but with how much I was already getting on MeTube and Spokify, that money wasn't that important anymore.

But if I didn't become an affiliate of the site, anyone watching my stream wouldn't see ads while I was streaming. So even though I could make a little bit more money, I decided not to apply to become an affiliate of the site.

At that point, my focus was on how many people I could bring to the stream and how much popularity I could get from it to make my channel even more popular.

Even if I made $1,000 less by not wanting to affiliate with the site, I would make up for it once I became a D Rank Artist and signed the contract after landing the role of Jack in the TV series.

So I added something else to my daily routine.

While I was going to school every day, practicing acting, and editing the channel's videos, I started doing another thing every day: streaming for 3 hours in the evening.

On the second day, the number of viewers dropped from 3k to 2.5k, which was understandable because it was no longer a novelty that even those who didn't like streaming would follow.

But by the third day, the number of viewers had increased again, reaching 3.2k viewers, and by the fourth day, the stream reached an incredible 4k viewers!

Tomorrow would be my audition for the role of Jack, which made me very excited, but worried about whether I could reach the D rank.

Selena had already called me to tell me that the audition was confirmed as the pilot episode had been approved by the network executives and they had been given the green light to continue filming the next episodes.

At this point, my growth on the channel, Instabram and streams was so good that I even decided to increase the length of my stream to share with people my reaction to my GAA ranking.

[BlackVelvet - 201st -> 2nd E Rank].

I was in second place on the E-rank... I only needed to pass two more people before tomorrow's test.

By making a stream with this very large rank in the corner of the screen while I was singing, it attracted even more people, bringing the 4k viewers the stream averaged up to 5k!

Unfortunately, even though I was streaming until midnight, I had only reached the 1st E rank...

Of course, I didn't show any sadness or disappointment to the audience, since they had nothing to blame and I would just look like an arrogant kid for not being happy about being so close to the D rank.

But inside I was worried.

Worried that I really wouldn't make it to the D rank by the time of the test, worried that I'd be stuck at the top of the E rank for a few days...

But when I commented on this to Selena, she just laughed and gave me an answer that made me realize how silly I was being.

"Tomorrow is your test, but we can postpone the signing of the contract for a day or two, so don't worry too much".

And what she said was true, I had nothing to worry about. I was already so close to the D rank, I had already improved my acting skill as much as I could, and I had gained 2 more levels in the skill in the past 4 days.

I didn't have much to worry about...

What surprised me was that while I was doing today's stream, I received a notification that I hadn't heard in a few days.

[+1 CHA]

As soon as I heard it, I quickly turned around in the stream so that no one would notice anything unusual about my face, as I didn't know if my face would immediately change or something.

With my charisma score at 17, 16 points from me and +1 from the haircut buff, this was my highest score stat!

It's funny to think that Charisma was my lowest stat when I came into this world, and somehow I managed to increase it so much that it was now my highest stat.

What I realized was that I wasn't doing anything to look good when that stat went up, I was just acting like I naturally do, joking with the audience, making people laugh and enjoying the flow.

But I think that's what gave me more charisma.

It's not that charisma was just about my looks, of course it was much harder to like me when I was ugly and it's much easier now that I'm handsome.

But charisma also represents how sociable you are, how funny you are, how pleasant your presence is, and I think that acting so familiar and winning the 'friendship' of the audience was what helped me get that extra point in charisma that I hadn't gotten for so long.

Just like the skill levels, the higher the skill level, the harder it was to increase the stat points, not to mention the fact that the more points I already had, the less noticeable it became.

But now that I was more relaxed, I finally fell asleep, and when I woke up, I had a pleasant surprise.

[BlackVelvet - 20,321st D Rank].

I had officially become a D-rank artist!

Not only could I get paid more for the TV show contract, but I could also get paid more for the gigs I did!

Now I'd have more credibility for Stream, more credibility for my MeTube videos, especially the more explanatory ones... everything would be easier now that I'd moved up to D Rank.

So it's not like going from the 1st E Rank to the last D Rank would completely change how the public sees me, but for the more corporate side of this airline, it would help Selena a lot.

I was so excited to finally become a D Rank Artist that my morning run was the most excited I've ever been.

In the 60 minutes I ran, I covered an incredible 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) at a very fast pace.

I greeted everyone with a big smile, which made people smile back.

When my family woke up, Liv was the first to find out that I had become a D Rank and started congratulating me, along with Ethan and my mom.

At school, the news that I was doing a stream and had become a D rank had already spread.

Surprisingly, especially among the freshmen and sophomores, whenever I passed a group of younger girls, they would laugh and wave at me and congratulate me as well.

I was surprised at first, but I responded to everyone who congratulated me with an amused smile.

Laura's reaction was the best, because when she saw me, she started laughing and came running up to me, jumping on me and clinging to me like a monkey.

"Congratulations Noah!!!" She shouted as she held on to me.

Of course I didn't deny her and held her in my lap as I thanked her.

She knew that today would be my audition for the role of Jack, and I had told her how much I wanted to get the D rank before the audition to get better conditions.

Even though I was almost 20,000 places below her in rank, I was theoretically an artist of the same rank as some of the main cast of the show, which would definitely increase my chances of getting the part compared to the other candidates.

Since I had the audition today, I skipped my extracurricular classes and went to the parking lot where Laura was waiting for me to go to the audition.

When she found out that I had to skip school to go, she also decided to go with me to support me, just like I did with her, which I accepted.

I was just curious what Selena's reaction would be...


That was the end of "Volume 02: Enjoying The Stage!"

I hope you enjoyed this volume.

I'm counting on your support for "Volume 03: Other Stages!"

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