Gamer Superstar

Chapter 131 [Bonus ] 131 - New Idea

Chapter 131 [Bonus Chapter] 131 - New Idea

Although All Of Me isn't the ideal song to play in bars or at lively concerts, playing it with the family or at weddings was the perfect place for it.

Not to mention, for my grandparents, who were from a completely different generation than me, a more romantic, classic song like All Of Me was right up their alley.

When I finished singing, the surprise on everyone's faces was palpable, second only to their surprise at how much weight I had lost.

After that, the atmosphere at the barbecue was much better.

My parents brought lots of drinks and meat for us to eat, and I learned how to barbecue from my uncle Carlos and John using a mixture of their techniques, which gave me another level in Cooking.

[Cooking Lv 25 -> 26]

This time, I was surprised to feel the knowledge of a level that gave me specialized knowledge in barbecue, even though I already had 25 levels in other cooking styles.

It showed me that even if I had Lv 40 in a skill, it was possible for someone with the skill at Lv 10 to be better than me at something specific, which was very interesting.

The funny thing about singing for the family was that Karen, David and Jerry didn't come to hear me sing, probably out of anger, which was great because the atmosphere was much better without the three of them.

I just felt bad that I didn't have anything special to sing.

As much as I was looking for a song that would fit the moment, I couldn't come up with anything.

I wanted a song that would resonate well with the moment, but nothing came to mind.

So I planned to think of something to sing to them in the future. But for now I just enjoyed the barbecue with the family.

Liv stayed close to me the whole time to get away from Jerry, because as soon as she left me, Jerry would try to get close to her to get her attention, but when she was with me he would get scared and move away again, making me his safe area for her.

In the middle of the barbecue, I pulled out my cell phone and transferred the $5,000 to my father's bank account so he could pay my aunt, uncle, and grandparents.

As I watched my father nod at me, I noticed that he went to talk to my uncles one by one, and then they came back happily and waved at me.

I noticed that this happiness wasn't just because of the money, since that $1,000 was no big deal to them, but because they were happy that we were doing well, and maybe because my father had told them that I was making a lot of money for them.

The only person who wasn't happy about this was Karen, who realized that my dad was paying my uncles, and everything she said just made her sound crazy, so she didn't stay long and left, making the atmosphere of the barbecue even more pleasant.

Only my grandmother was a little sad to see Karen and her family leave, but Liv and I paid more attention to her and made it up to her.

We left at 4:00 p.m. Liv asked Ethan to let her ride the bike with me, which he reluctantly accepted, and we returned home feeling good.

She had even brought my second helmet in my dad's car.

"Thanks for today, Noah." She said as she hugged me from behind and laid her head on my back.

"No problem, the party was much nicer than the other times, right?" I said as I walked between two cars.

"Yeah... I think it was the first time I had fun at the party... I never realized that the aunts were so nice..." She commented relaxed.

In order not to get home so fast, I took a longer route so that we could enjoy the ride, just like I had done with Ethan, which Liv liked very much.

When we got home, Ethan was waiting for us in the garage with his little helmet in his arms, ready to go for a ride.

So I had to go for a few rides with him before I could finally go home and get some rest.

Even though I wasn't working, interacting with people, eating, talking, explaining things, it was all a bit tiring, I missed my moments just being alone and concentrating on my things.

Luckily my gigs were later in the evening now, so I had more time to rest until I had to leave.

I used this free time to just relax and answer some MeTube comments and Instabram DMs.

But one message I received caught my eye.

[Requiem:Hey BlackVelvet, I noticed that in the comments of your shows there are a lot of smaller artists who comment about learning different things from your shows, maybe it could be a good idea for you to post a more didactic vlog to try to attract more of these people? I had already noticed that other artists were trying to learn from me, and with my [Teach Lv 30] skill, my teaching level was really scary compared to other MeTubers, but I hadn't thought of doing something like this before.

On the one hand, I couldn't see many advantages to it.

[BlackVelvet: What do you think could be an advantage for me to do this?]I sent a question back to Requiem, one of the followers who gave me the most career ideas.

[Requiem: I think that if you manage to teach good artists, it can make their liking for you increase in the future, and just like an investment, when they get bigger, this gratitude of theirs for you having helped them can be a good thing for your career].

As I read his reply, I realized that this might actually be true, that getting other artists to learn from me would be like an investment, that there might be ingrates among these artists, but the benefit of the artists being grateful to me would be greater than the downside of teaching them, so I started planning how I could really make my videos more didactic.

I've already explained a lot about my thought process, but I didn't want to go into too much depth so as not to bore people who don't want to be artists, but I thought this might be good for me, so I tried to find a way to mix the didactic part with something interesting, to get the best of both worlds for my videos.

It wasn't an easy answer to come up with, by the time Selena arrived at my house I hadn't been able to think of anything.

But I wasn't in a hurry, maybe I could think of something interesting while I was recording... So when Jason arrived, I talked to both of them in search of other ideas to try, and we decided to do some tests today.

I would try to put more time into the vlog parts where I explain my thought process and decisions for which song to choose and how to interact with the audience, but Jason would act as the lay audience and ask me the things he didn't understand and make some jokes at moments he thought would be interesting.

This made me excited to see what it would be like to record it this way and how the audience would receive it.

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