Gamer Superstar

Chapter 128 128 - The last of the night!

Chapter 128 128 - The last of the night!

?"Did you buy that motorcycle?" Selena asked curiously as she looked at my motorcycle parked next to my dad's car.

"Yep." I replied as I put my guitar in the trunk of her Tesla. "I bought it so I could go to school the day after tomorrow. I wanted to buy a car, but I didn't have enough money for the car I wanted."

Nodding her head, Selena said worriedly. "I understand, just be careful, motorcycles are much more dangerous than cars, a car accident will cost you money, a motorcycle accident could end your life..."

Seeing her genuine concern, I smiled and nodded. "I'm very careful, I know I'm not a good rider yet and as long as I stay that way, I'll ride as carefully as I can."

When she heard my answer, she was still a little suspicious, but she nodded.

She didn't know that I could literally see the number of my skill level and how good I was at it, so I couldn't blame her.

But it was pretty cool to ride the motorcycle, the only thing I'd say wasn't perfect about it was that since I'd taken a motorcycle that was practically perfect in terms of aesthetics, being very beautiful as it was, I didn't have to do much to customize it.

So I'd have to leave my artistic side to the NSX I was going to buy.

A few minutes later Jason arrived.

I had already posted "A Bar Song" before I left home, but I didn't look to see how the public would react.

I liked the surprise of seeing how it was when I got home.

Since the shows I wanted to do today were later, since I wanted to do the last shows at the bars I wanted to go to, we also had to leave the house later so we would not have to wait so long for other artists to finish.

So, to pass the time, Selena and Jason wanted to play my game for a while, taking the opportunity to try out the improvements I'd made to the game and to play "A Bar Song," which I'd added to the game when I got bored.

Like Ethan and Liv, they both really liked this song in the game and the changes I made, bringing me closer to when I could release the game.

With so much going on lately, I hadn't given the game that much focus, the good thing is that this game was always just a fun side project for me.

But I had an idea how to use it in a cool way.

When they went to test the game, I asked Jason to record while I explained and showed the game, and then I took his camera and recorded while he and Selena tested the game.

This was another part of my daily life that I wanted to include in the vlog, both to bring the audience closer to me and to have something new and different in the video, since I saw that videos that had something new and different were the videos that got the most views on the channel.

While videos of regular concerts did well, videos of things other than concerts did even better.

It was just a few extra minutes of taping that could mean a few hundred dollars more for my account at the end of the month.

When that part of the recording was over, we went to the first bar where I was scheduled to sing.

Since I was one of the last artists to sing in this bar, it was obvious that a large part of the audience already knew me.

As soon as I went on stage, the people who knew me started screaming and raising their drinks, to which I smiled and started chatting with them before I sang.

With my stage presence having gone up 3 levels since the last normal show I did, I acted much more naturally while interacting with the audience today, which paid off when I saw how they were more excited and open to me compared to the other times.

The sum of my popularity and my increased stage presence made the show I did much easier and more enjoyable.

It was still tiring, but much less so than when I sang between the first artists of the night, because by that time the audience was more excited by the work of the previous artists, and they were also more drunk, which made it even easier to please them.

Instead of singing "Boyfriend" as my last song of the night, I decided to sing "Boyfriend" as my penultimate song, something that many people already knew and sang along with me, and I left it to sing another song at the end.

As soon as I sang "A Bar Song" as my last song, the excitement of the crowd rose to another level.

As I left the stage and walked past the D-rank artist who was going to sing after me, I saw that he was worried about how to handle such a lively audience.

Out of curiosity, we stayed to see how he would handle it.

As I watched him sing the most popular songs first to deal with the audience, while their excitement waned with each song, I felt sorry for the next artist to take the stage who would have to deal with the cold audience that artist would leave behind.

After seeing enough, we gathered our things and headed to the next bar.

Since I was the last performer of the night, the number of people in the bar who knew me was very high, as the bar had used me as a publicity stunt to attract more people tonight.

So singing for these people was even easier than singing in the other bar.

To my surprise, there were even two people who could sing "A Bar Song", even though the song had only been released today!

Although it was a country song, the style was so different that even the rock fans in those bars loved it, and especially since the song was about a bar, being sung in a bar, the combination of the two made the audience feel that it was even cooler.

It made the night a lot more fun as people asked me to play the song again.

Since I was the last performer of the night, Selena managed to collect $500 from the bar for me.

Adding that to the $400 I got from the other bar, minus the $150 from Jason's night and Selena's 20%, I still had $600 left over from that night's work.

It might not seem like much considering how much money I had in my account, but for someone who came to this new world with no money and only debts, getting more money was always good.

When I got home, I opened my MeTube Analytics and looked at "A Bar Song" to see how well it was doing.

[A Bar Song - 56,410 views] +56,410 views

The song was doing well, not as well as "All Of Me," but still better than the other songs on the channel. Looking at the other songs, a big smile appeared on my face when I saw that all the other songs had already exceeded one million views!

This was something to be happy about because it was difficult for other artists.

They usually released songs in albums, which meant that people didn't listen to all the songs and only focused on what they liked the most.

This tactic of releasing songs in albums was good for trying to get as many places on the country's charts as possible, which would attract even more attention to them.

But since I was releasing one song at a time, I didn't have any plans like that, let alone worry about getting multiple places on the charts.

I was just happy that a lot of people were listening to my songs.

The next day I woke up to an excited Ethan on his way to visit his grandparents.

Today was the day we had arranged to have lunch with my grandparents and my aunt and uncle to pay off the remaining debt, so Ethan was excited to see his grandparents, who had always treated him well, and our cousins, who liked to play with him.

Liv and I weren't as interested in the interactions, as there were no other relatives close to our age, so we ended up being quite excluded from these family gatherings.

The advantage was that now that we had changed, Liv could easily talk to our mother, so she could talk to our aunts, while I was no longer the chubby outcast who didn't know how to talk to other people, and I could talk to my uncles.

My parents were excited because it had been a few months since we had visited the family because my father was ashamed of the money he owed them.

And since today would be the day to get rid of that debt, they could go back to having a normal relationship as relatives without the embarrassment of knowing that someone owed them money and that they didn't even know if they would be able to pay it back.

Although we had arranged to go there for lunch, the family loved barbecues, with my Uncle Carlos, who married my father's sister, being Brazilian, and my Uncle John, who loved learning how to cook meats in different ways, so we were going to go early with some meats to roast before lunch.

I wanted to go by car with my dad, but when Ethan insisted that we go by motorcycle, I smiled and agreed, although I noticed that Liv was a little jealous of Ethan, haha.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.