Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 232: The Iron Throne’s “Khal”

Drogo was growing increasingly confident in his impending victory. He even felt that the horse god was favoring him. Not only had he encountered a Black Goat priest who could predict the future, but traitors within Viserys' ranks were now collaborating with him. How could such a war be lost? Drogo believed he was destined to win—unless Viserys somehow led his army right to Drogo's doorstep.

Kambron’s guards were kept outside Drogo’s tent. Only he and his daughter, Jess, were allowed inside. Jess followed her father into the Horselord’s tent, her eyes wide with fear, like a frightened fawn. The tent was filled with Dothraki leaders, including Drogo's Ko and Bloodriders, as well as the five other Khals who had joined him. Jess had heard that these men were brutal chieftains who cared little for human life.

The one seated at the head of the table, rumored to have destroyed countless towns just for the sake of practice, was particularly terrifying. Jess couldn’t help but wonder why her father hated Viserys so much when it seemed these men were far more dangerous.

"My lord Khal Drogo, I am Kambron of Tyrosh, here to discuss cooperation with you," Kambron said, addressing Drogo. Since Drogo did not understand Valyrian or speak the common tongue, he relied on a translator from House Berent to communicate.

"How can we cooperate?" Drogo asked through the translator.

"My lord Khal Drogo, we have hired the Faceless Men at great cost. They will rid us of Viserys..." Kambron explained.

The plan was simple: the Faceless Men would assassinate Viserys, while Kambron’s forces, along with the Golden Company and Drogo’s warriors, would destroy the remainder of Viserys’s army. Afterward, Drogo could return with Dany and a wealth of supplies, forging a long-lasting friendship between them.

As he spoke, Kambron pulled his youngest daughter, Jess, from behind him, presenting her to Drogo. Little Jess trembled in her father’s grip, her eyes filled with unshed tears. Only now did she realize she was the only child, the only girl, in the tent.

"This is my little girl. She can stay as a hostage," Kambron said, his hands gripping her shoulders tightly.

Jess kept her head down, struggling to hold back her tears.

The translator conveyed Kambron’s plan and terms to Drogo, who was pleased with what he heard. He had been pondering how the visions shown to him by the Black Goat Priest would come to pass. Despite his admiration for Viserys, whom he had learned was not only an extraordinary warrior but also highly intelligent, Drogo’s main concern was how to eliminate him. Now that the legendary Faceless Men were involved, Drogo felt there was nothing left to worry about.

“Khal Drogo says the hostage is no longer necessary. Our friendship doesn’t require this. Take your daughter back,” the interpreter relayed, mimicking Drogo’s authoritative tone.

As he interpreted, he arrived at an exhilarating realization: if Viserys were dead, then Hoyt would also be finished, allowing him to return to Pentos and seize power for himself. But Drogo paid no mind to the interpreter's inner thoughts. After a brief consideration, Drogo saw no reason to keep such a hostage. The deep hatred between Viserys and Kambron, coupled with Viserys's slave policies that harmed the interests of Myr and Lys, aligned their goals. There was no need to worry about betrayal.

However, in Kambron’s mind, Drogo’s offer to return Jess seemed too good to be true. Kambron, driven by his lust for power, was not one to trust easily. He was the type of man who wouldn’t learn until he hit rock bottom. Even with a knife to his throat, he would still plot revenge. Determined to secure his position, Kambron insisted on leaving Jess behind as a show of his sincerity.

Seeing Kambron’s persistence, Drogo accepted the gesture.

"Father, please, don't leave me! Take me home, take me home!" Jess cried, her voice trembling with fear.

But Kambron ignored his daughter’s desperate pleas. A young Dothraki handmaid appeared seemingly out of nowhere, grabbing Jess’s thin arms. With a strength Jess couldn’t resist, the handmaid forcibly separated her from her father.

Jess could only watch, sobbing helplessly, as Kambron walked away, growing smaller and smaller in the distance.

After Kambron left, Ogo, another Khal, sneered, "These foolish milkmen. Victory will surely belong to the great Dothraki!"

Ogo despised the actions of traitors, but when treachery worked in their favor, it was something to be welcomed.

"I think that after the war, the Dothraki should have their own fort city," mused the old Khal Motho. "Then Khal Drogo can even consider renaming Pentos."

As Motho grew older, he began to appreciate the idea of permanent settlements more. Having visited Pentos, he had been impressed by its towering walls and thought that living within them would offer protection from any storm. However, his words were met with scorn from the other Khals.

The Dothraki tradition had always been to raid and move on, never to settle and conquer. Realizing his mistake, Motho quickly corrected himself. "The Dothraki say that Pentos is a valuable port. With it, we can venture even further!"

The translator, who had been promised rule over Pentos after the war, listened with growing unease. The Dothraki seemed not to take him seriously. But Drogo made his position clear just in time.

"Yes, with a port, our hooves can reach farther than ever," Drogo agreed, casting a glance at the translator. "But Pentos will remain in the hands of a trusted friend."

Drogo was a man with a long-term vision. Whether or not Dany could give birth to the stallion who mounts the world, her status was still of great importance.

If Viserys were to die, Dany would be the only one with a claim to the Iron Throne. Drogo could then not only rule as the Khal of the Great Grass Sea but also become the supreme emperor of the Iron Throne. With supplies from Westeros, the Dothraki could alleviate their food shortages. But first, Viserys needed to be eliminated.

After the meeting, the Black Goat priest, who had been captured by the Horselord, approached Drogo, requesting a private audience. "My lord Khal Drogo, after studying Viserys for some time, I’ve discovered that his methods are peculiar. For your safety, I hope to get close to him..."

Drogo couldn't help but appreciate such a ‘loyal’ and self-serving slave. Besides, he too was curious to meet Viserys in person.

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