Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 230: Commotion

The news of Viserys’s impending duel with the Horselord spread quickly throughout the Free Cities.

From Braavos in the far north to Volantis in the south, and from Qohor and Norvos deep within the mountains and ancient forests, envoys were dispatched to witness the event. Notably, Arianne’s mother, Mellario, represented Norvos at the duel.

Despite their frequent skirmishes and even wars with one another, the nine Free Cities were united in their stance toward the Dothraki. They hoped for Viserys’s victory, as it would mean they could pay the Dothraki less in the future, should they need to offer tribute in gold.

The Sealord of Braavos, Ferrego, had already tacitly acknowledged that Roth would succeed him as the next Sealord. For this important diplomatic event, he sent Roth as Braavos’s representative. Roth arrived with his eldest son, Little Viserys, cradled in his arms, while his pregnant wife, Methys, stood nearby.

They had already visited the temple of the Moonsingers, where it was confirmed that Methys was carrying a daughter. The couple had decided to name her Daenerys.

"Viserys has been gone from Braavos for just over two years. I thought he’d be content as an officer in a mercenary company, or at best, commanding a small force of his own. He truly is extraordinary!" Roth remarked, holding his son. Although they hadn’t seen Viserys in two years, they had frequently heard news of his exploits.

"We shouldn't just focus on his accomplishments. Think about what he’s done in these two years—each of his actions has been like dancing on the edge of a knife," Lady Methys added. She too found Viserys’s achievements almost surreal. As a woman with a more sensitive intuition, she could sense the perilous nature of his journey, even though she had only heard secondhand accounts.

What Viserys had accomplished was on par with the feats of the Ninepenny Kings—except he succeeded where they had failed, time and time again. His current position not only surpassed that of House Zaine but had elevated House Targaryen far beyond its former standing, as if it were rapidly reclaiming its rightful place in the world.

In Volantis, the two Triarchs of the Elephant Party, Alios and Nyessos, were responsible for their city’s delegation. Besides witnessing the duel between Viserys and the Horselord, they also sought to sign a non-aggression pact with the "Confederation of Four Daughters."

In truth, Alios hadn’t wanted to bring Nyessos along at all. The signing of the non-aggression pact was a significant political achievement, one that Alios envisioned basking in alone. He often imagined the scene: waving the pact triumphantly in front of a crowd of Tiger Party members, chest puffed out, declaring, "I have secured an entire generation of peace." What a glorious moment that would be.

The only reason Nyessos was included was because he had been overly generous in his support, making it difficult for Alios to exclude him. Despite their differing ambitions, both men were confident that Viserys would win the duel. After all, not every man could survive a three-on-one fight and still walk away.

"Lord Alios, once the war is over, do you think Viserys might be interested in selling that Valyrian steel armor he promised?" Nyessos asked, testing the waters.

Alios responded without hesitation, "Lord Nyessos, are you feeling unwell?"

In Volantis, everyone is sharp and ambitious, and the thought of possessing a complete set of Valyrian steel armor is tantalizing—almost more painful than not having it at all.

"Then could I at least borrow it for a while?" Nyessos persisted.

"I recall a Dragonlord once bestowed a hairband on your ancestor. If you're willing to part with that, I'll give you the armor..."

The two men haggled over the matter but ultimately reached no agreement. Yet, these negotiations were trivial compared to the larger concerns at hand.

One such concern was Benerro, whose presence in Volantis made both men uneasy. The religious faction of R'hllor and the Triarchs had never been on friendly terms, especially now that Benerro had preemptively invited Viserys to the Lord of Light's temple. Both the political and religious factions were vying for Viserys’s favor, seeing him as a valuable ally.

However, Benerro's vision extended far beyond mere political maneuvering. In the flames, he had seen the followers of the Black Goat and knew the conflict between these factions would shape the future of Essos for the next century. Benerro intended to position himself as Viserys's protector, anticipating the inevitable clash between the followers of the Lord of Light and those of the Black Goat in Qohor, where tensions were already nearing the point of bloodshed.

But the followers of the Black Goat were not the only ones making moves. Even the warlocks of Qarth had sent emissaries to the Disputed Lands. Leading them was none other than Pyat Pree, the warlock who had once tried to steal the life force of the Mother of Dragons in the original story.

However, the situation was complicated, and Pree wasn’t sure how to approach Viserys and Daenerys. All he could do was take things one step at a time.

Among all the people involved, Connington was the busiest. Not only did he have to coordinate supplies for the army, but he also had to receive envoys from all sides on behalf of Viserys. With barely any sleep each night and the army marching toward the Lhorulu River, he had turned his wagon into a makeshift office.

Most of the time, he relied on cigarettes to stay awake, filling his carriage with a constant haze of smoke. Anyone who stepped inside would think it was on fire.

"So, you two are here on behalf of House Tyrell?" Connington asked, eyeing the two bastards sent by the Old Rose. He couldn’t help but feel a bit irritated.

Even Dorne hadn’t sent such minor representatives—after all, the Red Viper himself had come to liaise with Viserys. Three hundred years ago, House Tyrell had been merely the stewards of House Gardener. They didn’t have much of the blood of Garth Greenhand in their veins, yet here they were, sending two bastards as their envoys. It felt like an insult.

“Ahem, Lord Griff, we understand your frustration,” Garrett said, trying to reassure Connington, though he was clearly uncomfortable in the thick smoke of the carriage. “Blessed be the King and the Gods, but Prince Viserys has risen so quickly over the years that Lord Mace sent us to make contact.”

Their reasoning was understandable. During Robert’s Rebellion, House Tyrell had stood firmly by House Targaryen and had therefore been under the most scrutiny and pressure from King Robert. With Willas, the eldest, disabled, Loras preoccupied with Renly, and only Garlan available, they didn’t have many options for sending a more prestigious envoy.

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