Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 115: Two Versions!

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, King of Mortals, garantiertnicht

After reading, Fu Yan took out the pen from his pocket and then started to scan the book with it. When he was done scanning, after a while he decided to upload it to the Library, but when he tried to do so, he got a prompt that there was an error uploading so he decided to wait and add this knowledge to the Library manually after going back.

After dealing with that he looked towards Foran and asked about how to use this mechanical worm.

Foran gave a bow and started to explain about the mechanical worm's working process and how to control it when it infects others. 

"Sir, There are two types of worms that I have created. The one presented to you is the superior version that can control the thoughts of the infected person and if you give the worm instructions like "secrets related to it are not to be disclosed" or something similar, if the infected tried to tell them to someone or even thought about it, the worm's defense mechanism will kick in and it will take control of the thought process, making the person unable to disclose those secrets. After it recognizes the master, it will record the voice pattern of the master, and commands can even be given through a recording device. Also if someone forcefully tries to remove it or someone suspects that there is something inside the infected person, it will kill the host by stopping their heart

and then dissolve itself into a liquid that will look no different from the brain fluid. Even the molecular structure when it dissolves will look the same as the host. 

The second one is an inferior version that can only follow a simple set of instructions like "the host cannot disobey the orders of the master," and if he does so, he will die but the worm will still remain inside his head. Even this worm will not remain intact and will slowly dissolve after some time, but it can be easily found by searching and it leaves obvious traces inside the host's brain."

Fu Yan nodded when he heard this and then asked.

"What's the reason behind making two versions? Why not just make one, or is the inferior version easy to make?"

"Yes sir, You have guessed right. The superior version is hard to make and it takes about 5 to 10 days to cultivate one. It's because it has more functions and many tiny details need to be observed so that it can work perfectly. As for the inferior version, it can be batch produced. We can produce about 100 in 5 days. The defect rate while producing them is 5% while the superior version has a 0% defect rate so far." Foran explained with a polite tone. 

Fu Yan calmly listened to Foran's explanation and then closed his eyes as if thinking about something. 

After a while, he opened his eyes and then looked at Foran with a questioning gaze.

"So how many of the superior worms do you have?"

Upon hearing the question, Foran immediately replied.

"Sir, we currently have 72 superior worms and 3124 inferior ones. We had a total of 145 superior worms but half of them are given to Sir as a gift. If Sir wants, I can bring the remaining worms here." Then he looked at Fu Yan as if awaiting orders. 

Fu Yan thought for a bit and then asked Foran to bring 50 more superior worms along with 2000 inferior ones. 

Foran gave a bow upon hearing this and then turned to leave. When he was about to leave the Royal Hall, Fu Yan remembered and then threw the documents about the worms towards Foran.

"Take these. I am done scanning them. You are really an amazing fellow. I bet you are busy with work so you don't have to bring those worms yourself. I hope that the elder will come to the Library soon." The documents, shrouded in blue light, lightly floated and landed in Foran's hands. 

Foran again gave a deep bow and then turned to leave but then he paused his steps and turned around. He seemed as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.

Fu Yan saw this and smiled.

"Elder Foran, if you want to say something then say it. No need to hesitate."

Foran hesitated again upon hearing this but after gathering some courage, he bowed and said in a trembling voice.

"Sir I know that the time period for which the book was lent to us has expired but I am still not done processing the knowledge in the book. So I wanted to ask if it's possible to borrow the book again. I am not asking sir to extend the time, I am just asking if I can borrow it again." 

Fu Yan laughed when he heard this and replied.

"Since elder Foran loves knowledge then how can I stop you from accessing it? Also, your work on worms is very good so I can use my authority to extend the time for which you can borrow the book." 

Then he took the scroll and then threw it towards Foran. 

"You can keep this book for another 50 years but remember to return it by the due time. It's my personal favor because I respect the knowledge that you possess. I am looking forward to the new things that you make." 

Foran caught the scroll with trembling hands. His face was full of joy as if some kid had got his favorite toy.

"Thank you, Sir. I am really grateful to you for this."

He gave a bow and then hurried outside as if fearing that Fu Yan would change his mind. 

Fu Yan shook his head when he saw this while laughing lightly.

"Truly an interesting fellow. His love for knowledge is very deep. A man worth cultivating." He thought.

After dealing with all this, He turned his attention towards the Queen, and the moment he looked at her, the warmth on his face quickly faded, and Fu Yan spoke with a cold tone.

"You have returned the book and compensation has been paid. Though it's not much, I will accept. As for the disrespect earlier, I can forget it since the culprit behind is dead but that does not mean that I will tolerate something like that again."

When she heard this, Queen Yinsys trembled a little and then replied with a trembling and fearful voice.

"Sir, that was an accident. I promise that nothing like that will happen again. I am thankful to the Honored guest for giving us another chance." 

Fu Yan gave a slight nod and then his attention shifted towards the kid that he had saved earlier. He just looked at the kid for a while and then turned towards the queen.

"I am a little tired so I want to rest a bit before leaving. Can you arrange a resting place for me?"

Yinsys gave a stiff nod and then looked towards Yslian.

"Please escort the sir to the Guest Room and make sure that nothing like before happens again. You have my permission to kill anyone who dares to make trouble on spot."

Yslian gave a salute and then looked towards Fu Yan who was still sitting. Fu Yan saw this and stood up. Before leaving, he looked towards the kid who was standing like a statue, not daring to make even a slight movement. Fu Yan noticed that if he had not known that kid was standing there beforehand, he might have disregarded him. It was as if the kid had no presence. A similar thing happened in the restaurant. When the guards came in, they disregarded the kid and looked towards Fu Yan for trouble but he did not pay much attention before. 

"Interesting. This kid is like a natural-born assassin or is it a technique?" Fu Yan thought while looking at this kid. 

"Well, let's hear about it from him later." 

Then he looked into the kid's eyes and got his attention.

"Follow me!" 

Saying this Fu Yan turned to leave and did not look back to see if the kid was following him or not. 

[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]

Thanks for reading and more chapters are coming since I am free for 2 days. Also Merry Christmas. 

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