Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 107: You will be killed the moment you pulled that trigger!

Editors and Proof Reader: Alterious, Dervish, King of Mortals, garantiertnicht

Fu Yan silently followed him while looking around. The leader led the way with respect and soon they reached an odd-looking car that had no wheels. The leader turned towards Fu Yan.

"Sir, please sit. We will reach the mother tree faster in this." He spoke in a polite and respectful tone while pointing towards that odd-looking car. 

Fu Yan did not say anything and climbed in. He sat in front and the leader squatted down beside him. 

When everyone was on board, the machines suddenly let a soft noise and then started to float. 

Fu Yan was a little surprised and looked down at first, but after a while, he lost interest and just looked straight ahead with a cold face.

The flying speed of this machine was not that fast. If this speed were to be compared to his suit, then it would be like comparing a normal car with a Ferrari. Though they were near the tree, with this speed they would need more than an hour to reach their destination.

Fu Yan felt bored, so he swiped on his tattoo and a transparent screen popped up in front of him. He searched for information regarding this planet and started to read it. After reading for a while, he came to know that this planet did not just have elves. Though there were other species, elves were on top of the food chain and ruled all over the planet. 

After a while, he swiped on the screen and pulled up the information regarding the different species living on "Anuvis". 

While Fu Yan was reading, the elves were looking at him with strange eyes, because to them this strange person was making gestures in the air. To them, he looked like a silly person because they could not see the transparent screen. 

After a while, they reached the tree and were stopped by a patrol guard. The captain–aka the leader–stepped down from the vehicle and said something to the guard, who immediately cleared the way for them.

Fu Yan noticed that the closer they got to the tree, the tighter the security became. Fu Yan looked around with some interest and when they finally reached the mother tree, he hurried down from the car and made his way towards it. 

When he got near and touched the bark of the tree, he was left in awe because the tree bark felt like it was alive and breathing. 

When he touched it, it felt like he was touching something metallic but unlike the cold feeling that metal usually gave, this one felt warm. From time to time, if one were to focus, they would see patterns appearing on the surface of the tree. Fu Yan looked closely and noticed that they were similar to the patterns found on a circuit board and from time to time, they would glow as if energy was flowing through them.

Fu Yan was fascinated by this scene and forgot about his surroundings. He would have continued to observe the tree if not for the leader guy interrupting him and saying that they needed to move. 

Fu Yan nodded and started to follow him. After walking a while, they reached a section of the tree that was hollow, and they could enter the tree from there. 

While passing through, Fu Yan felt as if something had swept over him, but he failed to see anything. After looking around for a while, Fu Yan gave up because he knew that if it was something dangerous, then the suit's defence mechanism would have been triggered. Since there was no alarm, then why should he be worried? 

Upon entering they walked through a dark corridor for a while, until they reached an open space that was full of people and machines. 

He could see rows and rows of houses and cars flying here and there. There was a whole city inside the tree! Fu Yan looked around with interest because he had never imagined that there would be a city like this inside a tree. 

When he read that elves on "Anuvis" were living inside the giant trees, he imagined a scene like in movies and anime where they lived inside a treehouse that was integrated with the tree, but this was on a whole other level. 

This looked like a scene from a fantasy magic movie. Fu Yan looked around with an amazed expression but quickly composed himself. He was the Librarian, and he had to maintain that image. 

They walked towards the center of the city and reached a giant pillar that had similar patterns to the outer bark of the tree. Around the tree, there were three rows of guards. After nearing the pillar, the leader stopped for a while and then turned towards Fu Yan.

"Sir, please wait for a while. I will go get permission and then I will take you to the royal palace." He said in a nervous tone as if fearing that Fu Yan would mind his words.

Fu Yan gave a smile and replied while nodding.

"Ok, no problem. I can wait but do hurry. The sooner it is the better, because the more you delay, the more your planet has to pay for not returning the book on time." 

Though Fu Yan said this with a smile and with a soft and friendly tone, the leader guy felt a chill running down his spine. He immediately looked towards the two guards that were near them and asked them to accompany Fu Yan while he delivered the message. 

After settling this matter, he ran towards the pillar and vanished behind a door. Fu Yan saw all this with a smile and looked around. 

Though there were not many people near the pillar other than the guards, he could still see some elves walking here and there. 

From their clothes, he could see that they were just ordinary people in this city. Seeing their clothes, he remembered that he was still covered in his armor, so he tapped on the book, and other than the shields surrounding him, everything else disappeared leaving him with the clothes that he was wearing while on earth. 

When Fu Yan did that, he failed to notice that the guards around him looked at each other for a second and then shifted their attention towards Fu Yan. Though their attention was on Fu Yan from the start, the difference this time was that, unlike before, their eyes were full of hostility, vigilance and disgust. It was as if they had seen something beneath them. 

Fu Yan did not notice any of this, because his attention was on a shop that was about 300 meters away from him, selling some kind of fruits that were glowing. This piqued his interest, and he started to walk towards the shop, but before he could even cover a distance of 10 meters, the guards who were accompanying him suddenly pulled out their guns and pointed them towards him.

Fu Yan halted his steps and then turned to look towards them. His face still had that warm smile.

"May I ask what is the meaning of this? Why have you pointed your guns towards me?"

One of the guards took a step forward and said while taking aim at Fu Yan's head:

"Shut up, you lowly scum. If not for the captain's order to wait for him, I would have killed you for coming into the inner area of the city."

When Fu Yan heard this, he gave a chuckle and replied with a calm voice.

"Would you believe me if I said that you would be killed the moment you pulled that trigger?"

[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]

2 more chapters coming up for today. sorry for the late upload but I had an accident. Anyway, enjoy it.

[ol][li data-annotation-id="cc3c14d0-b082-6cd9-ffe4-cb435ea0aaca"]---Editor---(garantiertnicht)Ch52: "If the book is not returned on the due date, then the librarian would collect late fees from the borrower. It is calculated as to how late the book is returned. For example, if a reader borrows a book from the library for 10 years and returns it after 12 years then he would have to pay a 20% additional fee. If the borrower is not able to pay, then the librarian has the authority to get the planet energy where the borrower lives. The planet's energy is what helps people living on that planet to grow and evolve. If the planet's energy is low, then crops would not grow, the water would become polluted, etc."Going from this, no amount of further delay would offset the cost by that much.[/ol]

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