Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Chapter 65: Worried Family

[Author's Note: Since it's been so long, I made a short recap chapter in the auxiliary volume. Check it out if you're confused about anything.]

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"What did she ask you? Did she say anything weird?"

When I saw Aerin's beautiful face, tinged in worry, I couldn't help but wonder why that could be. Is Eloise some sort of weirdo? If even Aerin's so pressed about it, then I can only imagine it might be something serious.

Quietly, she led me out of the building and back into our carriage, where she once again asked, "Did she say anything strange? Like, did she make any weird faces when she looked at you? Say it, no matter who light or insignificant it may be."

I feel like this is the first time I saw her so pressed about something. Before it felt like she couldn't be fazed no matter what came her way, but now…

Seeing her urgency, I honestly recounted all my interactions with Eloise—how she suddenly paused when she turned to look at me, how she looked surprised when she found out that Aerin had come back, and her asking my name and age.

"That's about it," I finished my story.

Aerin looked to be deep in thought before speaking up, "I see. There shouldn't be any problem with just that."

"Why? Is there any problems with me answering her questions?" I asked.

"No," Aerin shook her head before continuing. "But her looking at you is a problem."

"…?" What? I thought I misheard it for a second. Is Aerin being jealous? Is she one of the mythical 'yanderes' as told in the legends? That couldn't be it... I kept a close over the state of our relationship and it shouldn't have progressed to that point. Feeling curious, I looked at her with questioning eyes to make sure she will feel the need to clarify.

"Her eyes are special, they're called the 'Prying Eyes', and she can see a lot more than what other people usually can," explained Aerin. "Only she herself knows its exact capabilities but she probably can see other people's mana. Thus, when she laid eyes on you, she probably realized that you're already an extremely skilled magician in such a young age"

"That's what probably got her curiosity," Aerin tacked on at the end.

"I see," However, I couldn't help but think, was it really that serious that it warranted such a worried look from Aerin earlier?

Aerin seemed to have noticed my gaze and continued, "Also, it's just a guess of mine, but she probably could see if someone had been dabbling on certain 'heretical' arts by looking if one's mana had been tainted by anything dark or corrupt."

After hearing that, I finally understood why Aerin was so worried.

So in other words, she could tell from a glance if someone has been practicing dark arts or is a heretic? That information alone is extremely confidential and if a gaze is all it took for her to find out something like that, then…

Now I can see why Aerin was so worried but then I had a realization, "Wait, won't that mean she saw that both of us are–"

"No, only a small group of magic types that can taint or corrupt one's mana—things like necromancy, demonic magic, blood magic, or etc," explained Aerin. "I've already confirmed that my sound magic hadn't tainted or corrupted me in the slightest however I'm not sure about your own nature magic, which is why I'm so worried."

"What will happen if she finds out?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing good, that's for sure." she answered with certainty. Then Aerin leaned in close and whispered in a hushed tone, "She's a devotee of the goddess, but not necessarily of the church."

From her tone, I could feel like Aerin wasn't telling me the whole story but if someone like her is saying that it's dangerous, then I could only assume it to really be dangerous.

The carriage continued on until I was only about a block from our house. It seems like she didn't want to park directly in front of our house—and I could slightly guess why. Here, Aerin told Evelyn to stop the carriage and let me out.

"Go back home now, my sweet little prince, hehe. For safety measures, I'll stay here until you've reached your door." said Aerin before giving me a quick kiss on the forehead.

I couldn't help but shiver at her new pet name for me. Sweet prince? Where did that come from? And the way she said it, so sweet as if dripping with honey, made my young cock begin to stiffen.

I couldn't help but take a look around to see if any of the neighbors were out and looking. In such a day and age where entertainment is so lacking, gossip and rumors are the things that keeps many people occupied. Someone like me had never felt comfortable with the idea of talking behind someone's back, but unfortunately I can't say the same for others.

Just seeing a much older and beautiful lady—one that came from such a great family as well—kissing a member of the opposite gender, especially one so young, even if only just the forehead. It could easily be the subject of speculation and rumors during their conversations.

Again, I looked at Aerin, her face not worried in the slightest. My eyes went down to her breasts, rising softly with each breath that escaped her lips, "If you want to visit me and practice, just come again to where you found Evelyn earlier and she'll take you to my place," she said.

"Make sure to visit at least twice or thrice a week!" she added.

She then gave me some last minute reminders about the royal banquet a month from now and the music lessons. Then, with a light pat on my ass, she saw me off and did not move from her spot until she's confirmed that I've arrived back home safe. Only then did she ride off again.

… By the time I came back at the house, it was already 6 in the evening. To my surprise, my delicious-looking mother, Lucielle, was at the living room waiting for my arrival. I could see her pacing back and forth in the living room, a universal sign of worry.

Did I not say I was going to leave? I thought back to my actions earlier and I realized that, yes, I did not ask for anyone's permission when I decided to go visit Aerin.

I looked at the worried face of my mother and realized that maybe… just maybe, I shouldn't have left without a word just like that. Because as soon as she caught sight of me entering the door, she stormed towards me, her voice raised.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" she shouted while panting.

Looking closer, I saw Mom's slightly tired appearance, her large breasts heaving with each breath she took.

Her voice was laced with anger as she spoke, "We were looking all over the neighborhood for you! Do you know how embarrassing it was to ask the neighbors to see if they had seen my son!? What impression would they have of me then? They'd view me as an irresponsible mother who neglects her children!"

As she spoke, traces of her overbearing mana unconsciously seeped out of her body, creating a tyrannical and suffocating atmosphere.

Oh shit… I didn't expect she would be this angry. I had gotten away with so many things in this lifetime that I kinda forgot my mom is still, well… a mom.

"I'm sorry… I just visited my teacher," I explained and that seemed to have eased Mom's worries somewhat, but she still looked angry.

"And why didn't you tell anyone?" pressed Lucielle.

I tried to recall my thought process earlier and questioned myself, 'Yeah, why didn't I do that?'. Then it came to me, "Mom, uhm… I never asked for permission before so… I just kinda thought I didn't need to, sorry." I said softly, appealing to her motherly instincts.

Seeing that, Mom couldn't keep up her angry facade and audibly sighed, the suffocating air vanished as if it had never been there. "Your sister's still outside looking for you. You find a way to deal with her," she added. "I should've been cooking dinner by now."

"She'll have to come back eventually," I say in resignation. "I'll just wait for her upstairs." Looking at her voluptuous, curvy body, my lust begins to stir. Especially, after having held back during my time with Aerin.

Then I hug Mom from behind, making sure to get as much contact with her ass as I pull her into an embrace. Despite the layer of cloth between her butt and my crotch, I could still get a good feel of it's softness.

"No you naughty boy. You won't be getting any of Mommy's holes tonight. Not after worrying me like that," she shook me off and gave me a stern glare that hid amusement.

Her stern tone and glare only fuel my lust further as I imagine dominating her dripping cunt, filling her motherly pussy with my hard cock as she calls me her naughty boy over and over.

My member begins to stiffen as fantasies once again fill my head. Ignoring her words, I grab her waist and pull her curvy body towards me. "Mom–," I started to say, but she cut me off.

"I said no. Tsk..tsk, I was planning to at least give you a 'handy' later, but now I won't. Take it as your punishment." Mom said firmly as she shook me off again. "Lately, I've been thinking about how much I've been spoiling you and it's time that I punished you for once."

"Go now. I'm about to cook dinner," she waved me off, clear that she won't back down on her decision.

Well, since she's that firm, then I can only resign and go upstairs. During my way up the stairs, I couldn't help but feel like I need to reevaluate the current state of my relationship with my mother.

Although I've pretty much been balls deep inside every single one of her holes, we're not really 'lovers' like how I am with my older sister, Celine. We're more like Friends with Benefits, or in this case, Family with Benefits.

I thought that this was already good enough but as seen earlier, it's still not enough. The problem is, Mom holds most of the power and initiative in our relationship. After all, the foundation of our physical intimacy is me helping Mom out with her pent-up desires, not the other way around.

Once I reached our bedroom, I sat down by the vanity table and thought about it. If I wish to fully dominate Mom's experienced MILF body, conquer her holes for my pleasure again and again, then I must find a way manipulate the power dynamic in my favor.

"How do I do that?" I asked myself. Should I flirt with other women? Pretend to have a crush? Become rebellious? Many ideas sprung to my head but there is one fatal problem, I'm not sure of how possessive my mother feels towards me, or if she even feels any feeling of possessiveness at all.

I can remember, before our physical 'entanglements' began, she said that I would eventually have to grow up and marry.

What if when I decide to go for other women, she suddenly becomes guilty and decides that enough's enough and cuts off all sexual relations with me? I can't have that. I worked way too hard for this. Built this shit, brick by brick. And I'll be damned if it suddenly gets torn down just like that.

I couldn't help but sigh. "If this was a hentai, then I can simply just fuck her repeatedly until she became addicted to my cock but unfortunately that's not possible in real life… or is it?" I suddenly thought.

I don't have to always rely on my lying and bullshitting skills to set up these scenarios. As long as I put aside my morals, there's so many things I could to get things done and improve our relationship. There's magic for fuck's sake.

However, just as I was about to focus and follow that line of thought, I heard a loud bang from downstairs. Then I heard an exhausted voice shout, "huff..huff.. Is Riel back?"

Then after a short period of silence, I could hear loud footsteps echo from the stairs as someone rushed up the house. Two doors were mistakenly opened before the rushing individual arrived to this room. And surely enough, I could see my exhausted older sister, staring me down.

"YOOUU!" Two pairs of violet eyes stared madly at me. "Come over here–" she rushed and grabbed me by my shirt shaking me furiously.

"Do you even realize the worry you put us through? HOW STRESSED WE WERE?! You were gone for nearly 9 hours! 9 FUCKING HOURS!! And we had no idea where you went." bellowed Celine, her voice piercing and grating. She put on such a dramatic performance I would've thought she had just gone through a life and death experience.

"For all we knew, someone could've kidnapped and butchered you down some alley! If that happened, who knows how long it'd take to find your mutilated corpse! This isn't our home village where I can just visit every home in the span of a single day. I could spend the rest of my miserable life knocking on every goddamn door in this hellhole city and still wouldn't discover your remains rotting in some fucking ditch near the sewers!"

She was completely unhinged, shaking me violently with wild eyes. I had to calm her down before she actually hurt me in her insane rage.

"Calm down sis, calm down. No one's gonna kidnap me." I say gently, trying my best to pacify her.

Where did this come from? Why is my death suddenly being brought up? I didn't even stay out till dark. I came back at 6 PM, while the sun was still up, not 2 in the fucking morning.

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