From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 951: Happy Independence Day

Chapter 951: Happy Independence Day

- Jay is the new CEO of Phoenix? - How the heck did that happen?

-Has he always had connections?

- I don't think so! He's from a simple family. He doesn't even have a father!

- I believe his mom was a seamstress. He graduated college with high honors, but he didn't want to have a corporate life, so he joined Rising Stars. But he sucked in it.

- How do you even know these things?

- I dated him once.

- Wait, what? Is he a bad person?

- Nah, he's a a good person. He's pretty stupid, sometimes downright weird, but I think he suits a CEO position well.

-True. But can we talk about June signing with Phoenix? I feel so happy!

- I miss him with EVE, though. How does the group stand now?

"Good morning!" Jay chimed at a group of interns passing by.

"Have a good day, everyone," he said to some members of the board.

Then, he whistled as he walked to the elevator. He entered and smiled when he saw a bunch of employees bowing at him.

"Nice to see you all," he said as he pressed on the uppermost floor.

The others began whispering under their breaths.

"The new CEO is pretty handsome, isn't he?"

"You've lost your mind. He just looks like a more palatable version of the sloth from that ice movie."

As the others left, they said their pleasantries to the new CEO before going to their respective offices.

As he arrived at the topmost floor, he also greeted the other employees who were there. Most of them smiled at him before bursting into gossip.

"How do you think he got the position?"

"Maybe, he slept his way to the top?"

"Hey, it's not nice to assume things like this."

"Yeah, he's not that handsome to be sleeping his way to the top."

The announcement of the new CEO came to the surprise of many. There was already a lot of speculation surrounding it, with some employees even siding with 'potential' new CEOs with the hopes of getting on their good side and being promoted.

So, imagine their shock when the new CEO was a young individual who had joined Rising Stars, was EVE's ex-manager, and appeared like he didn't have a serious bone in his body.

As nearly the entire company discussed their new CEO, a new face also entered the building, rendering most of the gossippers speechless.

June walked in with a simple white shirt and ripped denim jeans. His hair was unstyled, causing it to flow freely as he walked. He didn't have any makeup aside from the lip balm that saved his dry lips.

In short, he looked like the walking personification of perfection.

The reaction was drastically different from that of Jay! While they questioned why Jay was appointed as the new CEO for June, there were no questions asked when it came to June.

"He's going to save our company."

"Azure is a fool for letting him go."

"I'm surprised we signed him, though. His scandal is still fresh."

"It's been proven false."

He entered the elevator, and the people inside felt like the sun just came in. His fresh scent bombarded their senses, and some of them needed to hold themselves back from touching him.

So, this was what fangirl urges felt like!

As he arrived at the topmost floor, he greeted some of the employees, causing them to hold their breaths.

" angel just walk by?"

June merely smiled at them and went to Jay's office, not bothering to knock.

"Hey," he said, causing Jay to jump up, startled.

Jay placed his hand over his chest and let out a deep breath.

"A knock would have been fine," he said.

June shrugged and sat on the couch. "It's just me."

Jay clicked his tongue and shook his head. "I'm a big shot now. You need to treat me better."

June crossed his arms in front of his chest. "And who got you to this position?"

Jay smiled and dropped his bag to go to June and give him a big hug.

"Of course, it's you! Who would have thought? My mom threw a party for the entire neighborhood because she was so happy."

"You didn't invite me," June deadpanned.

"Well, you would become the main character if you went. Give this to me, dude."

June shook his head. "Alright, I forgive you."

Jay sighed and went back to his seat, leaning against his seat and rocking side to side. June observed him and smiled before glancing at the nameplate on his table.

"THE Sir Jay.'

June scoffed at his name. It was good that his branding still hasn't changed, although he has reached a higher position.

"This is nice," Jay sighed. "I feel like we've come a long way."

"Hmm," June hummed. "But you know there's still a long way to go, right?"

"Yeah," Jay said. "But, at least we'll be able to bring the other boys here, right?"

June nodded with a smirk. "Yup, they're on their way here as we speak."

The workers who June passed by still weren't over the fact that they were graced with the presence of an angel. Then, they were whiplashed once again when a group of hunks entered

Phoenix's building.

"Wait... is that?"

"What are they doing here?"

"Dang, now I know why they're so hard to topple."

"They're the number one boy group for a reason."

"I love me some men who look like losers."

"Truly, though—what are they doing here? Aren't they prohibited from coming here,

especially without a manager?"

"Did they come to visit June?"

Phoenix was in chaos once again as the members of EVE made their way to Jay's new office.

They had some food at hand as if they were there to celebrate Jay's new job.

Like June, they didn't knock on the door as they entered.

Akira held onto the cake and skipped to where the two of them were.

"Congratulations on your new job!" Akira exclaimed.

June and Jay smiled as they stood from their seats, ready to welcome the boys.

They all had smiles on their faces, but June didn't miss how tired they looked.

However, June knew it was going to get better from now on. At least, that's what he hoped to


"Congratulations, too," June softly said. The others turned to him with wide smiles.

"Happy Independence Day."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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