From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 3 2

Volume 3 Chapter 2: On the way

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

The road leading to the City of the World Tree was a straight line through the plains northeast of the City of Water

And now I was walking along that road with two comrades and two clients.

「We walked quite a distance from the City of Water, the smell of the sea breeze can hardly be noticed anymore.」

「Yes. But the smell of soil and trees kinda got stronger, Master.」

One of my companions, Berzelia, replied to my words, shaking her red hair. Next to her was Saki, the hero of magic.

「According to those siblings, in order to get to the City of the World Tree… I mean, the City of God Tree, we will have to get through those plains, hills and then the woods. The landscape is about to change even more.」

「Yeah. With so much green around it’s about to turn into a pleasant journey.」

Showing a usual smile I answer in a bit of a louder voice than normal. It’s a bit hard to converse, but with the formation we picked for this road it can’t be helped.

Yes. This time I walked with twins next to me and Berzelia and Saki in the front. That was because—

『I will walk in front, Axel, go ahead and take your place next to me.』

『Nnguh… I will walk in front, so Master should walk with me!』


『Fumu, so you want to be in the vanguard that much. Then both of you can take positions in front.』


『I will walk behind and support the siblings, our clients. So don’t mind us and advance forward.』


And as a result of that conversation, we ended up with our current formation.

「……Aaah. I can’t hear Axel’s breath, Hydra, it’s all because of your stubbornness……!」

「I also wanted to feel Master’s warmth being close to him, it’s all because you are trying to be sneaky……!」

Despite the argument, from the fact that they are actually walking, there is no real problem with this formation.

There will be basically nothing but plains all the way to the City of God Tree, the two in the front are better suited for spotting possible enemies, so this formation is fine.

While thinking so, I turned to the siblings. They didn’t walk right next to me but just a little bit behind.

「So, are two of you okay? The two in front are competing with each other, so we are walking at a bit of a high pace.」

Right behind me was a girl holding a spear and a boy carrying a greatsword. Our employers this time, Cecile and George.

Following in a semi jog, they reply while breathing a bit heavily.

「Y-yes. No problem at all… So this is a little bit fast for Axel-san’s group, huh.」

「That’s right…… Too slow?」

「N-no, not at all! After leaving Sylvestre yesterday we walked quite a lot. R-right, George?」

「Y-yes. I’m glad that we went through hellish marathons at the dojo, nee-san. On this journey, we are running on par with that.」

Both of them are trying to show that they are still full of energy.

「Mmー…… You both are sweating quite a lot, let’s slow down a little.」

We weren’t in any rush, so seeing their condition I made a proposal, but the two answered by shaking their heads vigorously.

「No, no, you don’t have to worry about us, Axel-san.」

「That’s right! No need for that concern!」

「No need you say… That won’t do. The request is to deliver you to your home at the City of God Tree.」

They are the ones who made this request. Of course, I should be concerned about them.

「Besides, didn’t we cover more than half of the planned route already?」

「Y-yes. Just as Axel-san says, soon enough the symbol of the City of God Tree should come in sight, God Tree Aleden. It’s a giant verdant green tree, so we should be able to spot it right away.」

「In that case, it won’t hurt to slow down a little bit. I also hardly been to the City of God Tree, observing the surroundings without rushing should be fun as well.」

Being told so, Cecile and George went 「Eh」, and tilted their heads.

「Axel-san, you haven’t been to the City of God Tree?」

「Since you are a hero that fought all over the world, we thought you’d know about the magic science guild or the headquarters of the order of knights of god tree there. 」

「Unfortunately, it’s my first time hearing about them. I spent most of my time up in the sky after all. I rarely would stroll on the ground like this.」

Since most of the time I was speeding through the air, I rarely had the chance to observe the ground.

…So I appreciate such walks when I can hear explanations about that magic science guild or what is that order of knights.

As such I told them that it would be a good experience to take it easy at least now, but—

「We are almost running, but you are taking it easy… The heroes have different training after all…」

「I think you are hanging onto the wrong thing… Or rather, at the moment I’m a carrier, not a hero.」

And while I had such chat with the two siblings.

「Master. Something appeared ahead.」

Berzelia called out to me.

「At the flanks as well.」

As did Saki.

Looking closely, magic beasts were in front as well as to our left and right.


Two-headed and four-legged magical beasts, both of the heads being those of the dogs, it was a pack of orthruses.

Were they to stand upright they would’ve been about the same height as an average human. Armed with sharp fangs and claws the pack looked at us while leaking drool and growls from their maws.

「Those are, orthrus…!」

「So you guys are familiar with them?」

「Yes, they are tough enemies we had to battle with during our previous journey.」

While saying that, the two ready their weapons.

「During that time we were in the party with people arranged by the adventurers guild, but each one of those was so strong that several people ended up with injuries……」

「Yeah, this time we must do better……!」

I’m glad that they are so full of fighting spirit. But—

「You two. You don’t have to get so worked up about them.」


「There is a relatively safe way to get rid of them.」

While providing support during the travel also meant assisting in combat, it also meant reducing the number of needless fights and safely escorting clients to the town.

As such, let’s fulfill that duty, I thought and got in front of the two.


That alone made the pack start enclosing onto me.

Trashing in anger with their spiked tails, they attempted to intimidate us with their roars that clearly showed their desire to eat us, but I, caring for none of that—

「Excuse me.」

Took one huge step.


Perhaps startled by my sudden approach but orthruses froze for a moment. And without missing that chance—

「Take a rest.」

I kicked the legs of the one that stood at their center, knocking it over.

Without pausing for a moment I put my knees on the stomach and jaw of the orthrus, that now was on the ground looking up.


That alone was enough for that orthrus to raise a squeal and stop unmoving.

「I-in just one second…?! Even though they are considerably heavy, unbelievable……!」

「B-but Axel-san, monsters still remain! Standing like that in front of them is dangerous—」

Came comments from behind.

But noticing the situation, they soon changed in tone.

「—eh, what…? Orthruses are backing away…?」

Yes, the pack that was trying to surround us moments ago, now was moving away. Furthermore—

「Not only do they lack hostility, they even appear to be afraid, nee-san…」

Trembling was visible in their eyes and limbs. The tails also expressed dejection, compared to their state a while ago, none of that willingness to attack could be seen. Seeing that—

「E-ehm, what did you do, Axel-san?」

Coming right next to me, Cecile then asked in a trembling voice.

Thinking that this is a good chance I answer her question fully.

「This is a special trait of orthrus. They appear in groups, but as soon as the leader of the pack is neutralized, the control of the pack is lost, the fear overcomes them and they no longer would try to approach. On top of that… Were their leader knocked down and put into submission like this, they would run away. 」


As if influenced by the weakened squeak of the leader, the orthrus in the surroundings take even more distance.

「Really…… B-but, how do you distinguish the leader?」

「Mm? The sign of the leader is right here. Color of their eyes. Look, everyone has blue eyes, but only this one has red pupils in all four of its eyes?」

「Ah… Indeed…」

As I showed them the head of the leader beneath my feet, the two nodded, as if saying that they grasped the idea.

Perhaps due to the accumulation of magic power that comes with the biggest share of prey that leaders consume, but such changes in their eyes can be observed. Thanks to that, it can be said that they are easier to cope with than other magic beasts.

「But, Axel-san, h-how could you spot something this small right away?」

「From among that group…… Incredible……!」

The two are making a big fuss over this, but I think it’s nothing but the difference in knowledge.

「No, if you get more experience you will be able to do the same. You just have to check their eyes when you encounter them. You only have to accumulate enough knowledge on such stuff.」

Though just as she said, their eyes are small. If you don’t specifically look at them you won’t notice this detail.

But if you know what to do, you can avoid pointless fights. And while thinking so—

「Here, go away.」

I let go of the orthrus that I kept restrained.

The leader then unsteadily got to his feet and returned to the pack.

「Eh, e-ehm. Are you sure that it’s okay to let it go?」

「Mm? Sure. With this, the pack will be more reluctant to attack humans or their possessions. This trait will also be inherited by their young, eventually spreading to the packs that still do attack humans.」

「I-is that so?」

「This fact isn’t widely known because they are quite prideful and strong, so it’s a bit of a feat to beat them into submission.」

Even so, it’s treated as an established fact by the magic beasts research institute at the royal capital.

「So, it’s not a problem if you just defeat them, but choosing between trying hard to chase and eliminate them, this way would increase the number of monsters safe for humans.」

Being told so, George nodded, convinced.

「……Certainly, sounds right. Fighting with orthrus head-on we also wouldn’t come out uninjured, even if we fight to exterminate them, there is no guarantee that even more dangerous monsters won’t replace them. You can quite often hear stories of how killing too many monsters that pose danger to humans lead to the emergence of even more threatening and troublesome species.」

「That’s right. From the point of being able to learn not to attack humans, they are comparatively close to phantom monsters. In that case, making them stop attacks on humans is a better choice.」

「Phantom monsters……?」

To my words George tilted his head, in turn, Cecile replied.

「Ehm…… By phantom monsters, you mean, for example, the dragons like Berzelia-san, monsters by a constitution, but possessing reason and are friendly towards humans? 」

「Oh, Cecile, so you heard about them. Well, there are lots of ways to classify them, but yes, that’s the gist of it. They as well should become safer and stop getting near humans.」

The leader of orthruses was still within my sight, surrounded by its comrades. However, the moment I made the slightest of movement, they turned around and with heads hanging low made their escape.

And with that, they completely disappeared from sight.

Looks like they finally made their retreat.

「Just as Axel-san said, they are running away, nee-san……」

「Yes. So Axel-san has even such knowledge about monsters……」

「Even so, we are talking about traits and behavior, it doesn’t mean there can’t be exceptions, you should never put too much trust into it, so vigilance is still necessary. ……Berzelia, Saki. Is everything fine in the surroundings?」

I ask the two in the vanguard, who, like me, should still be on their guard .

The two then turned around and waved their hands.

「Nothing in the visible distance.」

「I’m probing for vibrations with my feet, but there is nothing underground as well.」

Looks like we got through without any additional problems.

「Okay. Well, then, one way or another but we finish a battle and fended of our enemies, so let’s take a break and then continue on our way?」

「Break……A-are you sure? Axel-san, you and your companions seem to have enough strength left……」

「Of course. What’s the point if we are the only ones who have strength left. Also, it seems that my cooking has an effect of recovering fatigue and enhancing the body. I’ll make something, and after eating it, we will continue our advance to the City of Worlds Tree.」

When I said that, Cecile happily thanked me.

「Y-yes! Thank you very much.」

「Axel’s cooking……! As the wife, I must have a taste.」

「Lysnoir is saying something weird again, well, it’s Master’s cooking, I’m looking forward to it」

「Haha, well, it’s going to be something simple though. I’ll make it quick.」

After hearing everyone’s response I started cooking. And—

「What can I say, George. We are so lucky.」

「Yeah. This…… Traveling with such reliable and experienced people is the best, nee-san……」

Such comments could be heard from two siblings as we continued our journey towards the City of God Tree.

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