From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 2 31

Volume 2 Chapter 31: Negligence is one’s greatest enemy

The man, that was holding a corpse and the leather bag in one hand, looked at us, and made a very annoyed expression which greatly distorted his scar.

「Another merchant lured by curiosity… Doesn’t seem that way. That’s what I arranged jackalopes for.」

The scarred man grumbled while poking the bleeding carcass with a foot.

「Me-Merchant…? What are you talking about?」

「Well, it doesn’t matter. Two greenhorns and one weak carrier will hardly pose a challenge, but at least you can serve as a gift for my beloved children. I shall gladly accept it.」

The man instilled an overwhelming sense of dread.

「It’s new fodder. Eat them along with these legs. Blood Shark.」

Saying that, he lifted the corpse with one leg and threw it toward us. A moment later—



A large shark suddenly jumped out from the waters nearby.

As it swallowed the tossed leg with its large jaws, it flew with that momentum toward us, clearly intending to devour us as well.

「Wha-what is this shark!」

「Defend yourself before you act surprised!」


George and I readied our weapons and while syncing our movements stopped the blow of the so-called blood shark, the shark type monster.

「Ooh, since you can stop this charge…… I guess you are combat-oriented adventurers?」

Even after seeing that, the man was still full of composure.

But of course. After all—

「This monster, is strong……!」

「Why is this shark still so stupidly strong on land……?!」

Because the strength of the unknown monster that emerged from the water is immense.

Unless we act together to block the attack, there was a good chance we would get overpowered.

「You damn… !」

Even so, we defended against the natural weapon of the shark with its dangerously wide-open jaws and knocked it back into the water.

「So you withstood the first attack. Looks like there is some good texture to your muscles, I’m quite pleased.」

「Kuh…… Acting all high and mighty. Where did he tame such a huge beast……!」

「Yes. Since he can control monsters, he should be《Monster Tamer》- Beastmaster, but……To think someone could control such a huge monster in such a fashion……!」

With a nod, I muttered in reply to the words George spat while frowning.

With the use of skills, it was indeed possible for a monster tamer to enslave a magical beast. But—

……If it’s controlled by the skills of a monster tamer then it absolutely should’ve had「Collar of Enslavement」on it…

It was proof of a monster being under the control of a tamer.

I’ve seen them even in my hometown. Controlled monsters all without exception have that common feature.

But none of the monsters before us had such a collar.

Yet, only that man received no hostility from them as they bared their fangs solely at us. I don’t understand what this means though.

「tch……Just how… Which guild trained you as a tamer……?!」

As I gritted my teeth, wondering which guild could’ve hidden such a technique, the man only snorted and laughed with disdain.

「Guild? Monster tamer? ……And here I was wondering what you were mumbling about there… Don’t lump me together with those weaklings wagging their tails before the gods…」

He glared at us with anger.


The thirst for blood that was coming from those eyes gave me chills.

My body started to tremble, but I managed to get over it, clenching my teeth, and only leaked a small voice.

Yet, I still could feel shivers running down my spine.


「Yeah, I know, you don’t have to tell me, Nee-san. This guy is dangerous……He is emitting bloodlust of a high-level job, similar to that of the teacher, who actually managed to return from the war. ……! This thirst for blood is even more important than his control over monsters……Just what job does he have……」

George said as he, hit by the same bloodlust, wiped sweat from his forehead. But, it seems that scarred man didn’t like those words as well since he shook his head like a madman.

「Job this, job that…… No matter how it goes, you will measure others only in gods’ terms, huh. Yeah, I don’t like it at all… I’m a majin, one of the demonfolk, there is no way I would rely on gods power!」


Majin, those who along with the monsters sided with Demon Lord during the war. Received the blessing of magical beasts they were a threat to humanity. However, after the war, with subjugation from guilds and heroes, most of them were supposed to be defeated.

「What is he doing here……」

「It doesn’t matter. Don’t annoy me, a majin, any further. All of those bowing to the gods are nothing but fodder. So——Tear them to shreds already, blood sharks…!」

The scarred man clicked with his fingers. A moment later.


Sharks of the same species as the one that had just attacked us, multiple sharks of the very same shape approached the shore.

「Wha……He had such numbers under control…?!」

「Get devoured, you shitty brats.」

The man that called himself a majin threw those words at us .

And obeying his words, multiple blood sharks jumped at us from the sides, all at once.

「Shit, they are faster than before—!」

Several levels faster, they leaped at us with open jaws, intending to swallow us. Then—

「——This won’t do.」

Before they could reach us, Axel’s sword cut all of the blood sharks to pieces.



「……Carrier, you… What did you do……?」

Everyone present reacted in a different way.

However, without a doubt, everyone stood there astonished.

……He is even faster than when he used my spear in the woods……?! Just what kind of skill does he have……!

As we turned to him with our gazes filled with shock, Axel walked up to us, while shaking the monsters’ blood off his sword.

「My task is merely observation, those two are strong, so they should be able to easily beat mid-tier blood sharks. As such, I thought I shouldn’t get involved myself over and over——But if the guy over there claims to be a majin, then the story is different.」

As soon as he finished his line, he instantly closed in on the scarred man.

At a speed that we could barely follow with our eyes.

「You! ……You are no mere carrier——?!」

「——I don’t know if he is a real one or just a fraud, but I’ll show no mercy to anyone proclaiming themselves a majin.」

Without saying much more, Axel socked the scarred man with the flat of the sword. And—


Receiving fast and heavy attack, the scarred man hit the wall at a scary speed. And then crumbled to the ground like a marionette with its strings cut.

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