From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 2 24

Volume 2 Chapter 24 Investigation and Observation Request Start

A short while after we finished breakfast.

There were several adventurers gathered at the bar.

All of them were young, but their bodies were muscular and well-trained.

「Now, as stated in the request, a strange reef has been discovered recently. It might be a rock type monster or a part of a corpse that washed up here. Since the possibility of monsters appearing in those lands is to be considered, it was decided to launch a full-scale investigation. I want everyone present here to survey the coastal area of Sylvestre——The rocky area just past the forest.」

Lilac continued explaining to the aforementioned adventurers while giving them request forms with a drawn map.

「There are rocky areas on the northwest and northeast from here, but it would be more efficient if you split up. I want you to go with two groups to the northeast side since it’s quite vast and one group to the narrow northwest side. In addition, the northeast group will have more members and after finishing with the rocky area will join maritime guilds in the survey of the seafloor. Do you understand?」


「Leave it to us, Marine Guild’s Chief-san!」

Adventurers reply enthusiastically.

Looks like their morale is quite high. And the reason for that—

「——And, it’s been decided that they will come with you as observers doubling as supports. For the northeast side, the Hero of Magic Saki-san and her comrade Berzelia-san will be the observers.」

「YEEAH! The Hero of Magic will really observe us?!!」

「And there is also the girl that is said to have saved the folk from the Marine Guild! It’s a drag but I’m glad that I chose the bigger area!」

Looks like they were very happy about hero Saki going along as support. Adventurers, both men and women, were looking at Saki with outrageously sparkling eyes.

Also, looks like Berzelia became famous due to escorting and rescuing of the people on the trail of ice. Both of them were also beautiful, so they became a hot topic together.

However, Saki and Berzelia on the other hand, though both were smiling, had veins bulging at their temples as they, unseen by others, were gripping each others hands.

「……I didn’t want to separate with Axel, but you ruined everything with your hesitation. Stubborn dragon……!」

「How imprudent of you to shift blame like that, Hero of Magic……!」

「They were done with talks, so get over it, both of you.」

Since two groups had to go to the northeast, the two were having a standoff about who is going to come with me.

But since the argument was going nowhere, I decided that I will go northeast on my own.

As such, I was left in charge of the remaining group.

Lilac pointed to that group with her hand.

「Axel-san, I leave northwest to you and these two.」

With that, she introduced a boy with a large sword on his hip and a girl with a long spear.

「They debuted as adventurers only a short while ago, but in terms of fighting power, they are above the intermediate level. It’s okay to look over them without much worry.」

「Is that so? Looking forward to working with you two.」

As I greet them, the first one to return a greeting was the girl with a spear.

「Yes, I’m looking forward to it as well. I’m《Mid-tier Spear Master》Cecil. And here is my little brother George《Large Sword Wielder》. ……Hey, you say hello as well, George.」

「Nice to meet you…」

The girl who called herself Cecil gave a simple greeting but the boy only glanced at my face and turned away.

「S-Sorry. He kind of sulking. Hey, George, let’s go back.」

And so, Cecil pulled George away from my view and returned to the group of adventurers.

But, just as she said, the boy appeared somewhat displeased.

「I mean, it’s just unfair. We also wanted the hero to observe us……」

Such a mutter reached my ears.

「Hey, George! You shouldn’t say that. They say Axel-san is a good carrier.」

「I know that. But why do we get stuck with a dull carrier that’s just a tad bit famous when there is a hero? Don’t you think so too, Cecil?」

「A little. But he is an outstanding carrier and isn’t a bad person, so isn’t it fine?」

Cecil said trying to soothe the pouting George. But his words created a buzz among the adventurers—

「In the first place…… Why is there the hero with her companion and a slightly famous generic carrier?」

「Yeah, we were lucky though… But to get such an opportunity and end up with some carrier though. No, I know that that carrier is an amazing person as well, so I feel bad for saying this, but the difference is like heaven and earth.」

Little by little such words leak out.

And while I thought that there is some truth to their words, as a carrier and a hero give a completely different impression—

「Axel. I’ll go and freeze those kids.」

Saki said while smiling, clad in the black chill.

「Hey, Saki. Why are you saying that like it’s been decided already? Or rather, stop with the cold air, for real.」

「That’s right. Don’t freeze them. I feel like burning them a bit. I’m pretty pissed being treated as your companion, but Master being treated as 『some carrier』pisses me off even more……」

And next to her, while speaking in a low voice, Berzelia was scattering orange sparks with dead-serious eyes.

「And you stop emitting the heat, Berzelia. They are just voicing their impressions.」

「……I can take being underestimated myself, but I hate when Axel is made light of……!」

「It’s annoying but I’m the same as the Hero of Magic here.」

Both of them were almost whispering, but the aura they were emitting wasn’t okay at all. It’s still on the level unnoticeable for the young adventurers, but there is a bit of rage mixed in.

「Don’t be so mad, both of you. I think they are just stating the truth, without any intention of speaking ill of me.」

After all, though I could sense disappointment from them, I didn’t feel any malice.

They are plainly stating what came to their minds, nothing we can do about that.


The explosive sound of wood and some heavy metal object clashed.

It was a result of Lilac placing a metal box on a table.

「I forgot to say, but if you got any complaints, then you should talk to me. The three people here are those whom I trust, and precisely because of that I bowed my head and asked them to serve as observers this time— So if you have problems with that, tell me. That would be a proper way to go about it.」

With those words, the murmur among adventurers has settled.

And after taking a breath, Lilac turned to me.

「Phew… Sorry, Axel-san. It kinda made a scene.」

「Ah, so even your were worried about this. It’s okay. —— And Berzelia and Saki well. You also shouldn’t pay it any heed.」


「…Well, what can I say? I’m happy about your consideration, Saki. Thank you for getting angry for me.」

I say while patting the heads of the two pouting girls. Then, the chill and sparks dissipated.

Or actually, Saki’s eyes look like she is melting.

「Aaah…… All of my anger is being switched with desire. What do we do, Axel. Is it all right to go sexual already? Actually, yes, it is.」

「As I said, why are you talking like it’s all decided already. No, it’s not alright, calm down a bit.」

「Master. I just thought, but the Hero of Magic escalates when you praise her, so maybe it’s better to act a bit colder towards her… I’m fine though, even when patted I just take it pleasantly.」

「Fufu, what are you talking about with those red cheeks, you lowly oppai-dragon. You thought you can steer the conversation conveniently and monopolize Axel’s hands, keep dreaming……」

This time, Saki and Berzelia started glaring daggers at each other.

What a busy pair.

Anyway, their anger towards the adventurers seems to have subsided, so I guess it’s fine to leave them alone.

I ask Lilac, who was looking in astonishment at the now arguing duo.

「Well, we went off-topic, but can we start right now?」

「Y-Yes. I’m leaving the observer duty to you.」

「Sure. —Then, let’s depart.」

Thus, we left the bar along with the survey team and headed to the designated survey points.

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