From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 2 14

Volume 2 Chapter 14: Carrier at Sea

After less than a minute of jumping on the icy footholds.

「Okay, arrived— And.」

We finally landed onto the merchant ship.

On the ship’s deсk I saw several men and women huddled together—

「W-What are you people…?!」

The first person to speak up was a half-naked young man in a triangular hat.

With a bloody bandage wrapped around his belly, he stood in front of the door leading to a cabin, looking at us with a look of both surprise and fear—

「You flew out of the harbor but… Man, who the hell are you? What did you come to this ship for?」

「What, you ask. To save you. It’s a request from the Marine Guild.」

Hearing my words, the frightened expression on the face of the man in the triangular hat faded a bit.

And he was not alone. The pale faces of people around brightened a little.

「Y-you, you really came to save us?」

「Isn’t that what I said?」

When I replied with confirmation, the nervous expression of the man in the triangular hat finally changed.

「I see… Sorry for doubting you. I’m Wilhelm, the captain of this ship.」

「Ah, Captain-san, huh. You seem to be injured, are you alright?」

Even now, the shade of red continued to spread over the bandages.

Looks like he is still bleeding, and his face is also covered in greasy sweat.

But even so, Wilhelm donned a smile and shook his head.

「Yea, I’ve just been hit by splinters in an explosion of a magical engine, so I’m fine. Rather than that, save the crewmen over there.」

Wilhelm pointed to a group of men and women on board.

All of them had even paler faces than Wilhelm.

「They cannot swim to the shore. And we also lost the boats in the explosion, so all options are shut for them. So I will be happy if you were to save them… Is there a way? It seems that you guys came here by flying instead of a boat, can you put levitation magic on them? I feel a very peculiar magic power from those two ladies…」

While asking, the captain looked at Berzelia and Saki. Then, Saki was the first one to respond, shaking her head.

「Unfortunately, I cannot use a magic that would allow to safely float a person in the air.」

「I’m the same.」

「Is that… So… What about you, lad…?」

「I’m a carrier. Magic is out of my expertise. Carrying a person is the most I can do.」

Wilhelm was slightly surprised after I replied showing my transportation bag and then—

「I… See…」

Revealed hints of disappointment.

He most likely thought that we won’t be able to save anyone with such members.

Saki and Berzelia are one thing, but I have a beginner’s job, so I can’t blame him for this reaction. But it’s not like they can’t escape from the sea because they cannot swim.

「Yes. If they can walk, then there is no need to carry them or make them fly.」


Ignoring the questioning expression on Wilhelm’s face I turned to Saki.

「Saki, you still can make an ice path?」

When asked, she answered happily.

「Of course. Long distance will reduce durability, but if it’s only for a dozen or so people to pass then I can easily do it.」

「Then, I’m counting on you.」

「Yes. Then, allow me to provide my assistance.」

With a smile on her face, Saki pointed her hand towards the port from which we came.

At the same time, her black hair slightly rose up, as if gently touched by the wind.

「——【Freeze・Ice Road】」

The moment she uttered that, the sea surface in front of her turned to ice.

The icy road, sparkling in white and blue, went all the way to the harbor.

Seeing that, the sailors that until now had grim faces, instantly transformed.

「Wha, what is this tremendous magical power…!?」

That surprise turned into commotion that spread to all crew members. Furthermore—

「Wait, wait a moment. That black hair and that face, I saw it before!」

「I also remember that appearance……! That is…… Hero of Magic-sama……!!!」

Crewmen stared at Saki with astonished looks.

However, she just exhaled without paying it any heed.

「It’s done, Axel. The road leads all the way to the port.」

Then, with a smile, she announced the completion of the icy road.

「Thank you, Saki. I’m glad that you were here.」

「No, no, those words are the best reward I can have. Well, if anything, I would like to have a shared a bed.」

「We will talk about that later. Then, Saki and Berzelia. I will leave to you guidance and follow-up in case someone were to fall off.」


When I said that, Berzelia, grinning, grabbed Saki’s hand.

「Now, let’s go, Lysnoir.」

「Nuuh… Are you trying to get in my way? Well, fine. I will go even without being told by you, Hydra.」

For a moment Saki showed displeased expression, but soon she pulled herself together and faced the sailors with a smile.

「Now, everyone. Don’t panic and climb onto the ice. It starts below the rope ladder.」

And then she guided them to the edge of the ship that had the rope ladder.

「Th-thank you, Hero of Magic-sama!」

The sailors disembark while saying the words of gratitude to Saki. Berzelia was already standing on the icy road waiting for them—

「Well now, the port is over there, but we can go slowly. The path is not that fragile.」

「Thank you. We are saved.」

Guiding the sailors she also was receiving words of gratitude.

Then, under the guidance of Saki and Berzelia, the crew descended onto the icy road one after another.

A few minutes later, after confirming that everyone went down, I turned to Wilhelm.

「Well, captain. We somehow dealt with the crew that was here.」

Then he looked at the icy road with a stunned expression, then at Saki at the end of the line of sailors, and then at me.

「That girl is a hero…? Indeed, something like that can be done only by someone of legendary class, like a hero… But what are you, a carrier that has a hero following him…?」

Wilhelm asked with trembling lips.

「Mm? Let’s put me aside, for now, just think of me as one of her comrades. —— So, are you the only person left on the ship?」

At the moment, we have more pressing matters on our hands, like this sinking ship for example.

When asked, Wilhelm looked at the cabin behind him with a surprised expression.

「Ah… No, we still have people there… But any more is impossible for you guys.」

「What do you mean?」

With a bitter face, the captain let me through to the cabin behind him.

There stood a few beds, with several bandaged people lying on them.

Most of them appeared to be actually unconscious.

「This is what I mean. Guys that can’t move much are lying here.」

「Does that mean that they are seriously injured?」

「Yeah, we already gave them most of the possible treatment though. They surely can’t walk. Walking on the sea while carrying them would be too dangerous even for you guys.」

With a sigh, Wilhelm sat on the stool that was in the cabin.

「For the time being, you can escape. We will wait for a boat and——」

「——No, there is no need for that.」

Interrupting Wilhelm’s words, I shook my head.

「No need, you say, are you planning to carry them? Carrying them one at a time…」

「No, the ship might sink if we spend so much time on it. Before that happens, we will have everyone get inside here, and then I will carry them all at once.」

I said, slapping the transportation bag on my waist, to which Wilhelm froze for a moment.

「This is a transportation bag, okay… Huh, do you mean get inside of it?」

「Yes, it’s surprisingly comfortable inside, so there is no need to be so scared. Or actually, if that is too hard, they can be put inside along with the beds. It can stretch quite a bit, so there won’t be a problem with putting them inside.」

Placing my leg and hands on the edges of the transportation bag I stretch it to the fullest.

Then, the opening became wide enough for a large man to pass easily.

「It’s quite elastic indeed, but can a human enter… There? No, I’ve heard that there are guys who carry people in transportation bags, however.」

Only for a few second Wilhelm hesitated, mumbling his doubts.

「…No, we don’t have time to hesitate. Yeah, if this is a reliable way to save everyone, then do it…!」

「Aye. Leave it to me.」

Receiving permission from Wilhelm, I put the transportation bag to the bed where one of the injured was sleeping.

Next, I moved the bag to cover the bed together with the space around it. And then I closed the bag—

「It really went inside…」

I succeeded in storing the injured along with the bed.

「Yup, it went smoothly. Now, next one.」

Once you succeed and grasp the hang of it, the rest is easy. I quickly wrap the beds of the injured with my transportation bag.

And in a matter of moments, the room that was filled with beds with injured turned into an empty room full of free space.

「How is this even possible… Carrier-niisan. And this bag, you two are way too amazing…」

Trembling all over, Wilhelm was looking at my bag that just swallowed several beds and my hands that held it.

「It’s just because I was lucky and managed to expand my bag enough. —— So, is it all of the crew now?」

「Yeah, no one is left behind now. We already checked for it earlier.」

「I see. Then, you are the last one, please get inside. Let’s go back together. It should be painful to even walk with that wound.」

Being told that the captain exposed a surprised expression.

「……Carrier-niisan. So you noticed?」

「I also provide combat support as a carrier. I can recognize physical condition and injuries. And you also barely moved since you sat on that stool. You can’t move your feet anymore, right?」

Wilhelm makes a wry smile to my words.

「Is that… So. To see through me to this extent, ain’t you amazing, man…」

And then, as if in resignation, the power left his body.

「Although this wound is not enough to kill me, I’m actually close to my limit. I would like to accept your offer and enter the bag but… Before that… As imprudent as it may be, I have one request for you.」


When asked, the captain pointed to a wooden box next to the stool and a birdcage on top of it. Inside was a small colorful bird.

「Can I bring these with me?」

「Those two things, together with you?」

「Yeah, I know that they take up a lot of space. If you are close to the limit capacity and it would fill it up completely, I thought maybe you can at least carry those alone, without me.」

The captain desperately pleaded, almost begging.

Since he wants to bring those two packages even with his own safety on the line, it must be very important. Then, let’s carry them together. Or rather—

「You don’t have to worry about the capacity. The current request is about rescuing the crew, but no one said that I can’t take anything else. Capacity matters, but there is still enough room.」

As I said that while patting the transportation bag, tears welled up in the captain’s eyes.

「Thank you. I’m in your debt…!」

「Don’t mind it. Now, please, get in.」

As the captain wiped his tears away and I put him and the wooden box and the cage inside, I left the room.

Saki and Berzelia stood outside.

「You both came back?」

「Yes, we finished escorting the crew.」

「We also checked inside the ship. Looks like there is no one left.」

Looks like they finished with the final conformations while I was putting the captain into the bag.

It’s nice to have comrades, it allows you to do many things at once.

「Thanks you two. Then, let’s go back.」



And such, running along the icy road, we returned to the harbor, carrying the captain and injured.

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