From the Abyss of Stars

105. Subjugation

  1. Subjugation


Du Zexin calmly switched to the secondary monitor. Fortunately, he had already taken control of Abyss Humanitarian's cameras, giving him time to stall.


"If that guy really is a fellow Develynite, he should first clear out the other Law III agents to create an opportunity for discussion."


Sure enough, he wasn't attacked for a while, and the radar showed Li Aozi's direction deviating from his position.


But that wasn't enough to fully trust the other’s identity.


—Imagine you're on a company team-building trip in the wilderness, and a wild man suddenly jumps out and says, "Hey, I'm your cousin."


He didn't attack you but instead killed all your colleagues. What would you think?


'Even if he's an ally, I can't let my guard down.'


Du Zexin raised his Magnum energy gun and started planning.


Li Aozi didn't seem to want to kill him, but this wasn't the time to talk.


The blame could only be on them not having a 【Medium】 or 【Shaman】 to secretly communicate and build trust.


Moreover, facing a quasi-Beta tier Omega Energy user for the first time, Du Zexin thought a little sparring wouldn’t hurt.


If he could subdue Li Aozi and take control, it would be ideal.


Beep beep beep—


The secondary monitor just started up when the radar issued a lock-on warning.


"He's coming."


Through the Abyss Humanitarian camera feed, Li Aozi flew in like he was gliding along the ground, blade in hand, swiftly approaching.


"With biosynthetic muscle charging, my strength can reach 7.8 tons. In close combat, I actually have the advantage!"




The crisp sound of a blade being drawn splashed like water on a mirror. Li Aozi slashed horizontally, aiming at Du Zexin's torso.


Even with the back of the blade, enhanced by gravity with multiplied speed and enveloped in a fierce and sinister aura, the momentum was overwhelming!




Du Zexin raised his left hand, palm splitting open to reveal a firing port, emitting electric light that pierced through the air. The biosynthetic muscle charged up, swelling instantly, pushing straight toward Li Aozi's blade.


Bang clang!


The solid impact sounded like a bomb, the shockwave sweeping the ground, billowing Li Aozi's coat and slightly halting Du Zexin's steps.


In a blink, their figures collided again. As they crossed paths, Du Zexin raised his hand, his Magnum gun extending a bayonet, clashing with Li Aozi's blade, sparks flying.


The blade danced, moving like a butterfly through flowers, with Li Aozi's continuous slashes being calmly parried by Du Zexin. Suddenly, Li Aozi kicked Du Zexin's chest, using gravity to forcefully push him back.


The blade, glowing with brilliant white light, slashed down from above. Facing this thunderous strike, the AI reacted faster than Du Zexin, raising a shield to block.




However, the computer made an error.


The blade, against the edge, lightly brushed the shield, seemingly "smearing" across it with ease.


—It was a feint.


The blade slipped past the shield, unexpectedly slicing a fresh cut along the armor's seam under Du Zexin's ribs.




Du Zexin's heart tightened, the blade almost leaving an indelible mark on his ribs.


"Even for a quasi-Beta tier—this swordsmanship is ridiculous!"


Li Aozi appeared nonchalant, but his attacks were skilled and relentless, like a storm. Du Zexin soon found his AI assistant unable to keep up with the attack frequency.


"Keep your eyes on me."


With gravitational pressure, Li Aozi swung his blade like a war hammer, smashing it to the ground. Although it missed, he followed up by kicking debris to disrupt Du Zexin's vision, charging forward with his blade while feigning a shoulder strike, activating 【Iterative Movement】 to move to his blind spot, slashing diagonally.




Du Zexin's shoulder armor was knocked off, revealing the electronic muscle underneath. As a Beta tier 【Mechanic】, Du Zexin's AI-assisted reactions were swift, immediately adjusting his stance and activating his armor's combat system.


[Peak Hour Military]


Micro-thrusters across his body activated, his figure accelerating and leaving afterimages.


As a 【Mechanic】, military-grade plugins provided far more advantages and better effects than those of a 【Warrior】.


The prolonged fight intrigued Du Zexin, feeling that Li Aozi wasn't an ordinary superhuman.


With exquisite swordsmanship, beast-like combat instincts, and that gravitational Omega Energy, without his anti-gravity system in the [Blessed Wish Beta] armor, he would have been crushed instantly.


Moreover, he counted white light, explosions, force fields, accelerated movement—one person wielding so many Omega Energies was unheard of.


"However, mere acceleration Omega Energy, modern technology can easily replace it!"


Du Zexin raised his Magnum energy gun, hearing Li Aozi's low voice nearby:




Li Aozi was calm and composed.


【Iterative Movement】 could reach speeds up to one-third the speed of light, far surpassing the four to five times the speed of sound possible with 【Mechanic】's rocket boosters and special plugins.


Du Zexin's pupils shrank, hurriedly ducking. The blade grazed his helmet.


[Peak Hou—




Li Aozi feigned a strike, tricking Du Zexin into raising his arm to block, leaving his center exposed.


The blade turned, striking Du Zexin's belt buckle precisely, causing a burst of smoke.


"I know you're in a hurry, but listen to me, don't rush."


Li Aozi grinned, gravity intensifying.


With the anti-gravity device destroyed, the terrifying aspect of gravity became evident. Despite his tier advantage, Li Aozi's attributes were too high, and the thirteenfold gravity made it impossible for Du Zexin to raise his arms.


Unlike 【Biochemists】, 【Mechanics】 didn't have robust physiques. The heavy metal armor under high gravity instantly crushed Du Zexin with its own weight.


The life-support system pumped pressure into his legs to keep his blood circulating, but it was only enough to keep him alive.


[Warning! Vital signs weakening! Vital signs weakening!]


With ruptured blood vessels flooding his lungs, Du Zexin's pupils contracted, blood splattering his helmet's display.


The machine wasn't damaged, but the 【Mechanic】 inside couldn't withstand the pressure and lost consciousness.


"Whoever led these 【Mechanics】 astray—these guys think they're warriors but are frail and keep trying to fight in close combat."


Li Aozi couldn't understand.


Why did Du Zexin, a 【Mechanic】 in armor, at least two meters tall, try to compete in reflexes with him, a light-armored 【Mutant】?


Li Aozi guessed Unlucky figured that his armor would win in close combat if he touched Li Aozi.


Unlucky truly was unlucky—gravity Omega Energy ignored armor.


【Target unconscious】


With the anti-gravity system broken, who had the shorter health bar between Li Aozi and Unlucky was clear.


Li Aozi scratched his chin. Honestly, Unlucky was just that—unlucky to face his Omega Energy.


If he had another Omega-tier Omega Energy, he might not have lost so quickly.


"But it's fine, a B-tier task isn't too hard. Now, just an interrogation to complete it all."


Li Aozi symbolically disarmed Unlucky. They needed a good chat later, and this fight helped assert dominance for the discussion.


He then took out two packs of compressed biscuits, using gravity to pull over the bound Anna.


Faced with the fallen Du Zexin and the [Blessed Wish] armor, Anna's eyes went blank.


The once-imposing Law III agents, the mighty and mysterious Frost-Plated agency, now lay down, unconscious.


A Beta tier powerhouse—how could he be this weak?


As an ordinary person, Anna didn't understand superhuman disparities but knew Beta tier's intimidating power.


Li Aozi, munching on biscuits to restore Omega Energy, watched Anna's distraught expression with amusement.


"Long time no see, Dr. Anna." Li Aozi said leisurely, "Did you miss me? Too bad I didn't die out there or by your Calamity Armament."


"Li Aozi..."


Anna regained composure, quickly saying:


"This is all a misunderstanding. You suddenly came to Abyss Humanitarian and activated the Calamity Armament's automatic defense system—"


Qiu Ran and Jian slowly emerged from cover. Seeing Anna being interrogated, they quickened their pace.


"Really? And Nomi's death, was that also a misunderstanding?"


Li Aozi squatted down, unchaining her, and gently lifting her hand, asking softly.


Anna's eyes shifted momentarily, confused, she said:


"Nomi? I don't know who that is. This is truly a misunderstanding—ah ah ah ah ah!"




Before Anna could finish, Li Aozi suddenly broke one of her fingers. The intense pain made Anna scream:


"Stop! Stop—my finger, my hand—"


"I'm a hypocrite, Dr. Anna. Only I can lie to you; you can't lie to me."


Li Aozi stepped on Anna's hand, preventing her from escaping. Then he continued in a light tone:


"Why won't you admit it? A kill is a kill. In my past life, I even blew up a planet."




A flash of red and black appeared in Anna's eyes, and her resentful look vanished in an instant. She turned her head, not daring to meet Li Aozi's gaze.


"Enough, Li Aozi. Let me talk to her."


"Are you sure?"


"I have done things for her before..."


Anna tried to say something, but Qiu Ran stepped forward, squatting down and supporting her, saying in a deep voice:


"Are you okay, Dr. Anna?"


"In this state, how could I be okay..."


Anna couldn't bear the pain, Li Aozi continuously ground her hand with his boot, crushing her bones inch by inch, causing excruciating pain and convulsions.


"Really?" Qiu Ran's eyes glowed red-black. "You instructed me to help Li Aozi. Do you remember who I am?"


"You..." Tears welled up in Anna's eyes. She glanced at Qiu Ran, her vision blurred by pain and tears, making it impossible for her to fabricate a lie:


"I don't know, there are so many Calamity Armament infected, I forgot—"




Qiu Ran punched Anna hard in the face, her burning fist scorching the remaining unscathed half of Anna's face.


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