From the Abyss of Stars

076. Second Mutation

  1. Second Mutation


【Main profession [Mutant] has leveled up to lv.20】


【Based on your specialty: You gain the following benefits—Charisma +6】


【Total level has reached the promotion standard】


【Tier promotion requirement: Three mutations.】


Li Aozi nodded; the difficulty wasn't high. He would undergo his second mutation within these two days, making the promotion not difficult.


Delaying mutations was troublesome, but accelerating mutations was very easy.


The most direct way was to acquire another psionic ability. Each new psionic ability would instantly push the gene chain to the mutation threshold.


Holding back his level was the right choice. Firstly, for his promotion to Alpha tier, he needed experience to reset mutation counts and strive for a good mutation option.


Secondly, with so much experience saved, he could also work on a life profession like 【Artisan】.


Li Aozi took out the 【Esha Calamity Experimental Potion-VI】 from his backpack.


"Let's use it here."


Li Aozi loaded the red and black potion into an injection gun and skillfully injected it into his deltoid muscle.


Unlike the psionic product he used to awaken 【Gravity】, Li Aozi clearly felt this potion was filled with violent and savage power. But he was no longer weak; his 【Mutant】 body easily accommodated and absorbed the potion.


【You have used the genetic psionic potion, starting to construct ordinary genes into super genes】


【Construction direction: New type of psionic ability】


His body was no longer fragile but rather extremely greedy, devouring every particle of the potion and integrating it into himself.


His eyes instantly turned pitch black, his pupils blood-red, his arteries bulged, showing a hideous purple-black color.


In the void, he heard the ethereal, repeated whispering voices again.




'You... did well...'


'Control... manipulate... dominate... this is your path...'


'Well done... excellent...'


'They all owe you... take it all back...'


'This is our promise to you...'




【Listening to the Abyssal Voice—Willpower +2, Charisma +1】


【Perpetual Specialty • Hunter's Love activated】—Main attribute growth value +1, if the main attribute is 【Charisma】, main attribute benefit +30%.


【Correction result—Willpower +2; Charisma +2】


【Gene construction in progress】


【Integrating gene sequences】


【Releasing invalid gene fragments】


【Duplicating gene fragments】


【New psionic gene constructed】


Li Aozi felt invigorated, new information appeared in his retina.


【Great and mysterious master, noble child of the Abyss, miracle from the Abyss of Stars—you have initially gained the power to twist reality.】


【Congratulations, through a bit of mediation, you have found new strength.】


【Please choose one of the following options as your subordinate psionic ability】:


A—【Nightmare March】: Zeta-level (z, the sixth Greek letter) psionic ability, dual benefits of 【Willpower】 and 【Charisma】. You are the nightmare of the night, able to infiltrate others' dreams, implanting nightmares, and manipulating from within.


Psionic performance:


Active activation—can infiltrate others' dreams, create illusions, influence, and control minds by altering dreams. You can also transfer your body through dreams, kill the host, or achieve long-distance teleportation via dreams.


Passive state—increases mental resistance by 70%


"Welcome to my nightmare."


B—【Physical Enhancement】: Alpha-level (a, the first Greek letter) psionic ability, triple benefits of 【Strength】, 【Constitution】, and 【Charisma】, a very ordinary physical enhancement, not even bulletproof.


Psionic performance:


Active activation—all muscles swell, bones harden, and it feels like strength increases.


Passive state—none


"I really have superpowers... although I can't beat anyone."


C—【Sever Life】: Sigma-level (Σ, the eighteenth Greek letter) psionic ability, dual benefits of 【Constitution】 and 【Charisma】, an advanced form of 【Life Extraction】 with a terrifying effect of directly severing others' life force.


Psionic performance:


Active activation—select a target, abolish their life recovery ability from the genetic level, extract life directly from their body, including spiritual entities. If the target is killed, you can extract their power and personality into different items.


Passive state—deals damage to any target with a 'life' concept, extracting 10% of the target's current maximum health per second, and when attacking with cold weapons, adds spell damage equal to 10% of your maximum health.


"Sweet and delicious."


D—【Heavenly Power】: Omega-level (w, the last Greek letter) psionic ability, all-attribute benefits of 【Strength】, 【Constitution】, 【Charisma】, 【Willpower】, and 【Dexterity】. This is the power that makes the gods look up!


Psionic performance:


Active activation—explodes with strength equal to (all attributes + weight + level) * 9000%.


Passive state—weight increases by 10% daily based on original weight, cannot fly, use weapons, or wear armor.


"Too weak, bring ten more, not enough for me to fight."




Li Aozi rubbed his eyes, still in disbelief:


"Is this my lucky day?"


Apart from the trashiest Alpha-level psionic ability, the other three were quite good.


【Nightmare March】 could advance through 【Fierce Ghost Unleashed】—【Despair Dream】—【Dark Nightmare】—【Eternal Night Ruler】, a nemesis of the 【Weird】 type, capable of easily making 【Medium】 and 【Shaman】 professions doubt life.


Li Aozi hadn't played this psionic ability but saw it often in competitions and it was indeed very useful.


Besides, among the Omega-level psionic abilities, 【Heavenly Power】 was also extremely terrifying, but—not suitable for Li Aozi.


This was the path of the 【Psychic】, who needed an all-attribute psionic ability to advance to 【Conqueror】 in the later stages.


【Psychic】 specializes in one psionic ability, fully developing its potential. In the later stages, they just stack attributes without thinking.


Logically, if you hadn't acquired 【Life Extraction】, it would appear in every awakening because this psionic ability originated from the strongest survival instinct.


However, Li Aozi didn't expect to roll the advanced version of this psionic ability, 【Sever Life】.


This was an extraordinary psionic ability—in the later stages, it could be fused to ultimately acquire the high-risk psionic ability 【Fate Manipulation】!


"Great... even if I don't get 【Death Link】 next, my blood magic flow is three-quarters complete."


Li Aozi was very satisfied, choosing 【Sever Life】 without hesitation.


【You have chosen 'Sever Life'】


【Gene fragments attached】


【Due to psionic influence, your genetic load has increased】


【Warning: Your lifespan is now less than two years】

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