From the Abyss of Stars

074. Advertising

  1. Advertising


Nimotin was troubled.


As her mind gradually cooled down, the joy of hunting a Beta-level expert also gradually faded.


Suddenly, a thought arose in her mind.


'Li Aozi was able to tear apart that Beta-level bioengineer, his strength is probably no weaker than Beta-level, right?'


Her heart skipped a beat.


'Then what about me?'


'I just shot him twice and chased him all the way.'


Agent Yavanna helped her up, she noticed that Captain Nimotin's hand was trembling.


'I definitely don't have the ability to kill the Cannibal, if he can kill him, then he could kill me too——'




Footsteps approached, Agent Yavanna hesitated for a moment and said:


"Li Aozi?"


'Oh shit, no!'


Nimotin was almost in tears, she now had a broken leg, which for an 【Assassin】 profession that relies on high mobility, meant she was crippled.


She looked up at Li Aozi, and just a glance scared her into a cold sweat, her eyelids twitching twice.


Li Aozi was still the same Li Aozi, with a petite girl by his side, but both of them exuded an aura that kept strangers away. Especially Li Aozi, with his chin retracted and the corners of his eyes raised, his scavenger's trench coat wasn't even wet from the rain, and the killing intent around him seemed almost tangible, aggressive and pressing.


"It is now 6:30 in the Frost-Plated Republic——good morning, Captain Nimotin, Agent Yavanna. I have to say, it was a pleasant cooperation."


As soon as Li Aozi spoke, his tone was relatively kind, but this made Nimotin even more suffocated——this demeanor showed that Li Aozi didn't take her seriously at all.


"……Your strength is not bad."


Her subordinates were watching, and Nimotin didn't want to lose face, so she pretended to be calm:


"The Red Arrow Empire has invested a lot to train talents like you——although it might be a bit late to say this now, have you ever considered returning to your homeland? After all, your family is still in the Frost-Plated Republic..."


"I'd rather not, as a mediocre little man from a small country." Li Aozi mocked, "For the sake of your noble women's personal safety, it's better for me to leave and not cause you trouble. You are a defender of women's rights, and some things are really inappropriate to say——right, Agent of Law IV."


Nimotin's scalp tingled.


The fact that Li Aozi had torn apart the Cannibal showed his strength, leaving her with no confidence.


Moreover, as an agent of Law IV, her suggesting to recruit a man... it was like Germans selling soap to Jews, a joke with a bit of hellish humor.


"You misunderstood, the Frost-Plated Republic is eager for talents, we do not discriminate based on gender." Nimotin quickly said.




As soon as she said this, even Agent Yavanna couldn't hold back, she turned her head to cover her face, not making a sound.


Li Aozi grinned, looking at Nimotin with a bit of disbelief.


Although he knew Nimotin was stupid, he didn't expect her to be this stupid.


Someone like Naomi from the Rose Army wouldn't care that much, she patted Li Aozi on the shoulder and laughed out loud.


"Hahahahaha... you, can you perform it again, say it again, haha, say that part again?"


Nimotin said dryly:


"The Frost-Plated Republic does not discriminate based on gender."


Naomi laughed like crazy, holding her stomach, squatting down, laughing so hard that tears came out.


"(Civilized Frost-Plated Republic) I can't, I can't take it anymore! Hahaha——this is the funniest joke I've ever heard."


Even Nimotin felt that she should change careers to be a stand-up comedian.


But since she had already said it, she could only continue with a stiff face:


"Mr. Li Aozi, I want you to consider your family more, they still need to live."


"What does that have to do with me." Li Aozi was puzzled.


"……Your betrayal hasn't been made public yet, but it's only a matter of time. If your family becomes known as 'relatives of a traitor', they won't be able to become civil servants, they'll be discriminated against when looking for jobs, and the neighbors will gossip."


"My grandfather is a political prisoner, has a record, can't become a civil servant anyway. My father is missing, couldn't pay off the loan for his job, my mother is in poor health and can't last a few more years, my sister is studying in the capital, constantly asking for money, and my younger sister hangs out with delinquents."


Li Aozi spoke without a hint of guilt:


"I can't figure out why you would threaten me with my family? Why would you assume my female relatives don't have the ability to support themselves? Women are also productive members of society, they don't need to rely on men, and they definitely don't need men. Family is just a shackle for women!"


"The Frost-Plated Republic is a country for women, why should men follow the patriarchal traditions? Decency, propriety, loyalty to family, these are all oppressive to women. I suspect you're discriminating against and oppressing women."


Li Aozi's tirade left Nimotin bewildered.


As a republic, the Frost-Plated Republic had to adhere to human rights and morals in everything it did, and Li Aozi's arguments were indeed correct.


Emphasizing individuality and self-interest, liberating women from the family——this was the Frost-Plated Republic's government slogan.


The implication of Li Aozi's words was clear: as an agent of Law IV, tasked with protecting women's rights, to recruit him, a man, would be to say 'if there are benefits, men can be superior to women'——equivalent to admitting that women's status wasn't higher than men's in the Frost-Plated Republic.


This would be a slap in the face to the Frost-Plated Republic's government.


But without finding a way to recruit him, Nimotin didn't dare to fight Li Aozi, who was exuding such killing intent.


——The once invincible Cannibal was now ground to mincemeat.


Li Aozi's words left Nimotin completely blocked, and due to the difference in strength, she didn't dare to retort.


So she quickly changed the topic, to avoid being further humiliated by Li Aozi's sharp tongue:


"About the confidential information you mentioned earlier..."


"No problem."


Li Aozi reassured:


"Don't worry, I lied to you."


"That's good——huh?"


Nimotin was stunned, just about to explode in anger, when Li Aozi calmly said:


"But, do you think you can still leave the outer area now?"


Nimotin's dull brain quickly responded, she scanned the area, all their vehicles were destroyed, not to mention the White Fang Gang's cars, the place was filled with the wreckage destroyed by the storm and artillery.


And her conspicuous Frost-Plated Republic Law IV equipment, swaggering around the outer area with the main force, would make the outer area people panic, not daring to even look at her.


Now, with a broken leg and severely injured body, a few outer area people were already eyeing them from a distance.


……The situation was bad.


She needed rest, supplies, and a prosthetic doctor, but given her current identity, contacting the outer area people——with the 'peaceful coexistence' relationship between the four nations and the outer area, it would be merciful if they didn't tear her apart and feed her to the pigs.


The outer area people weren't stupid, they knew who harmed them the most, but the harsh life made them too scared and powerless to hate.


The situation had completely reversed.


Relying on Agent Yavanna was impossible too... what use was a young lady.


Next to her, Naomi was holding a wrench, with a malicious look on her face.


"Damn..." Nimotin closed her eyes, "I admit defeat, what do you want, Red Arrow man?"




Li Aozi glanced at the countdown in the 【Mailbox】, the A-test testers for "Abyss of Stars" were about to arrive in ten minutes.


Official testers were different from ordinary players, they had data and intelligence, their operations might not be great, but they could make money quickly. Li Aozi didn't want to miss out on these fat sheep.


The key was, while browsing the forum, he saw a piece of news——during the A-test phase, the official testers had a task to collect materials and shoot the first version of the PV trailer for "Abyss of Stars."


Blue Star was the newbie planet for players, so the first version of the PV would focus on introducing Blue Star's background, taking up fifty percent of the content.


Everyone was generally focused on the Sky Ring and Red Arrow, these two places were the easiest to attract


players' attention.


Sky Ring had the exclusive 【Martial Artist】 advanced class 【Samurai】, 【Ranger】 advanced class 【Dragon Knight】, both of which were very attractive and exciting.


The Red Arrow Empire had magnificent scenery and a strong militaristic atmosphere, with exclusive advanced classes for 【Mechanic】 and 【Doctor】——【Armorer】 and 【Healer】, easily identifiable as crucial roles in a team.


The Democratic Republic of Zhuxu seemed inconspicuous, but in reality, it had a significant number of players, with a suitable environment, beautiful scenery, rich cultural atmosphere, and advanced technological facilities, making it very suitable for retirement and attracting many people.


But the Frost-Plated Republic, with its lack of resources, wasn't enough to attract players' attention.


Li Aozi didn't want to miss this opportunity to increase his exposure to players, so he planned to switch tracks.


"Apply for a five-star wanted order for me with the GTB."


Li Aozi said lightly:


"I'll offer a bounty of 2 million Deb."


The GTB, Global Trust Bank, controlled the issuance of energy credits, had strong military power, and was a true giant and global armed organization.


If a five-star wanted order was issued by the GTB, major online TV and radio stations would immediately pay attention, especially the players from the four nations. As long as they turned on their terminals, they would receive a five-star wanted alert.


And a bounty of 2 million Deb was something the people of the four nations had to consider carefully, but it would drive players crazy.


Two million Deb might sound like a lot, but with the upcoming attack on the Abyss Humanitarian Relief Organization, it wouldn't take Li Aozi much time to earn that money.


Spending two million to gain the attention of all Blue Star players, it was more than worth it, it was like Emperor Qin Shi Huang entering a mental hospital——crazy win.


In version 1.0, Blue Star had a total of 250 million registered accounts, and more would follow, with new players, alien users, and electronic immigrants. Before going into space, Blue Star would already have around 500 million players.


As a streamer, Li Aozi knew exactly how he made his first pot of gold——it was from the live stream of bombing Blue Star, with paid comments, prominent messages, audience tips, and merchandise sales soaring, bringing him huge profits, which laid the foundation for him to set up a studio and expand.


500 million players, dozens of professional clubs, thousands of online companies and businesses.


This scale was huge, especially since there were many enterprises, public institutions, and unincorporated organizations. With such a massive flow of traffic, even a pig could make a fortune.


Especially since Nimotin was not smart, but her combat strength was recognized by the four nations. If she applied for a wanted order and described Li Aozi's achievements, the chances of GTB approving it were high.


As for the concern that Nimotin might embezzle the bounty——Nimotin's account passwords were all 000000, if she really dared to do that, Li Aozi would be delighted, wouldn't even leave her a pair of underpants.


Spending a mere two million Deb to gain such significant fame, and also attract many high-level bounty hunters to hunt Li Aozi——wouldn't that provide him with experience points?


Including the impact of the "Remember" mission, the Frost-Plated Republic would continue to hunt him in the future.


This series of events, Li Aozi felt he could leave a deep impression on the official testers.


What he needed to do was strive for more screen time in the first version of the PV, preferably creating an excellent image of a 【Mutant】 to attract enough players.


There weren't many equipment and accessories with 【Charisma】 attributes in the early stage, Li Aozi had the ability and confidence to monopolize both.


Making money, no hesitation.


Moreover, by the time version 7.0 arrived, players would thank him for awakening his psionic abilities early.


In that version, the 【Destruction】 profession would fall from grace, and psionic energy, spiritual power, and magic as sources of output would become mainstream. Those who couldn't deal damage wouldn't qualify for raids.


Nimotin looked at the calm Li Aozi, feeling a chill down her spine.


She felt she was just a bit stupid, but Li Aozi... was truly crazy.


"Do you——know what the GTB is?"


Nimotin's tone was deep:


"The world's elites gather there, they are the true masters of Blue Star, just a word from them can support a warlord, a click of the mouse can ruin celebrities and politicians, getting up from their chairs can overturn an entire country."


"I know." Li Aozi was indifferent: "I used to be a centurion member of GTB. Whenever I caught a cold, someone would send me gifts and warm regards, and it was normal to overdraft 400,000 to 500,000 Galon per month on loans..."


Li Aozi thought for a moment and corrected:


"Oh, I remembered wrong, I was a legionnaire member."


After one hour the next chapter will be posted

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