From the Abyss of Stars

052. “What You Love is Your Life”

  1. "What You Love is Your Life"




The tavern door was kicked open. The numbed patrons didn't even bother to look at the new arrivals. They kept pouring drinks into themselves, trying to numb their chromed nerves with alcohol to escape this messed-up reality.


The bartender lifted his rough electronic eye, glancing at the 'scavenger' with makeshift firearms and a chain-wrapped arm. The latter, with his female companion, approached the bar and dropped a glowing bottle cap, speaking smoothly:


"Vodka on the rocks with a bullet, mixed with a bit of coke. And a glass of hot water for the lady."


"Too bad, we don't have such grand liquor."


The bartender shrugged, serving Li Aozzi a warm beer and a glass of hot water:


"You know David, I must say, you're the most tasteful scavenger I've ever seen. This one's on me."


Qiu Ran hesitated, looking at the white sediment floating at the bottom of the wooden cup, wondering about the water quality in this place.


"Thanks, buddy."


Li Aozzi lifted the beer but didn't drink immediately. Through the mask, he glanced at an old man tinkering with a revolver, focusing on the silver-gray gun, and asked:


"Gamble•Vick—is it from 199?"


"Heiberlong Arms Factory."


The old man, unkempt and weary, casually replied:


"You scavengers shouldn't care about stuff under thirty years old, right?"


"Weapons are an exception. Only fire and Kalashnikov can bring a bit of warmth in these cold times."


Li Aozzi smiled faintly:


"The Justian Democratic Republic, the most peaceful among the Four Nations, but its Heiberlong Arms Factory kills nearly two million people every year with its weapons. That's the best advertisement."




The old man opened the cylinder and loaded a bullet. He lifted his head, his bright yellow eyes locking onto Li Aozzi. The wrinkles on his face were deeper than the lines on the floor, but his eyes seemed to pierce through time, reflecting Li Aozzi's face.


"A word of advice," the old man said. "Enjoy life to the fullest; you don't have much time left."


As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the bar froze.


"Is old Dmitri's brain implanted with a fool chip?"


Someone murmured:


"That's a scavenger. In the blink of an eye, Robben, Yuri, and Zhao Ming lost their lives. Does he think he's lived long enough?"


"Shh, keep it down. Old Dmitri's curses are real. Everyone he said had little time left... all..."


"Ahem, let's just keep drinking."


Li Aozzi swirled his beer, studying the old man called Dmitri through the amber liquid.


This was a crucial step to complete the Blood Magic Flow, and Li Aozzi knew Dmitri was the only one who could make jewelry-type equipment in the early stages of Frost-Plated Republic.


Jewelry-type equipment, if one foregoes weapons, can theoretically equip up to 14 pieces, more with totems and tattoos.


This type of gear has no stat requirements, making it perfect for low-stat classes like the Mutant.


With his high Charm and knowledge of the plot, Li Aozzi skipped the tedious verification and conversation process, triggering the quest stage directly.


Anyone else would need at least two days to investigate the weapon's origin and build rapport with the old man before Dmitri would mention their limited lifespan.


Now, he only needed to do one thing.


"You can see that I don't have much time?"


Li Aozzi asked calmly.


"My personal ability. To me, it's also a curse."


Old Dmitri spun the revolver's cylinder, the click-clack echoing before he pushed the gun towards Li Aozzi:


"Death isn't scary, but not witnessing it would be a shame."


"What's this about?" Qiu Ran asked, confused.


"Russian Roulette. You see, there's only one bullet in the revolver. Every trigger pull spins the cylinder, increasing the chance of hitting the bullet until it fires."


Old Dmitri stared at Li Aozzi:


"If you have the courage to face death, I guarantee you'll witness the most beautiful scene—the masterpiece personally crafted by the Death Goddess Banishu."


"Wait! Are you saying he should shoot himself with this gun?"


Qiu Ran, panicked, grabbed Li Aozzi's arm:


"Don't do something stupid. This is too dangerous."




Li Aozzi patted her shoulder gently.


"I love life."


The next moment, he picked up the revolver, pointed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.




"Ah!" Qiu Ran closed her eyes and screamed.


The bullet didn't fire; it was a blank.


"Oh, I almost forgot."


Li Aozzi removed his mask and hood, revealing his pale face. He raised the revolver, pressing it tightly against his temple with a slight smile:


"This way, it's transparent."


With that, he pulled the trigger again.




Still no bullet.


"Hey, that's enough. Stop this..." Qiu Ran's voice trembled.


Everyone in the bar watched this rare scene, a scavenger facing Russian Roulette so calmly, earning their respect.


"Don't rush."


Li Aozzi smiled and pulled the trigger again.




Another blank.


Three blanks in a row, and the revolver had six chambers, increasing the odds of the next shot being the bullet to one in three.


"Stop, this is too dangerous."


Qiu Ran was on the verge of tears:


"If you die in front of me, and I couldn't stop it, I'll blame myself forever."


"My life, no one can dictate but me."


Li Aozzi calmly pulled the trigger again.




The sound made Qiu Ran's heart sink. She closed her eyes, biting her lip, clutching Li Aozzi's hand tightly:


"Don't die, please, don't die..."




Li Aozzi's voice sounded playful:


"Old man, your gun isn't well-maintained. The seal structure is loose."


Dmitri stared at Li Aozzi.


"There are two bullets left. Due to the malfunction, you've passed."




Li Aozzi suddenly spun the cylinder.




His gray eyes filled with a mad smile:


"I don't back down—let's recalculate!"


Dmitri's pupils contracted. Even he didn't expect someone this crazy.






Li Aozzi raised the gun to his temple, smiling lightly.


"Honestly, the Death Goddess is nothing."


Li Aozzi said:


"She's just an old virgin with a padded bra."


With that, he pulled the trigger repeatedly.


Click, click, click, click, click, click!


All blanks.


The entire bar stared at Li Aozzi, as if witnessing a god.


Li Aozzi slowly raised the revolver to the ceiling and pulled the trigger again.




The gun fired, the bullet hitting a beam in the bar, embedding deeply. Li Aozzi waved, and the bullet dropped into his beer.




The full-metal bullet swirled in the beer, warming the cold drink.


Li Aozzi pushed the bullet beer towards Dmitri, his gray eyes losing their golden glow.


"Gamble•Vick has 7 bullets. The first six were you letting me. The next six were fate scared and quickly handed to me."


"I may not have long, but—"


Li Aozzi raised the bullet beer and downed it in one gulp.


Gulp, gulp—spit!


He spat out the still-smoking bullet, slamming the revolver on the table with a confident smile:


"Until then, my life is mine to command."


Clang, clang, clang—


The steel-core bullet spun on the table like the top of fate, finally stopping, still pointing at Li Aozzi.




Dmitri took a deep breath, putting away the revolver, looking solemnly at Li Aozzi:


"You truly control your fate. I'm impressed. Come with me; I have something to give you. No one suits it better than you."


[You triggered the career quest: "Death Craftsman Dmitri"]


[Career quests can only be started once. Completing it grants the extra profession "Craftsman" (non-upgradable, doesn't take up total levels).]


Li Aozzi smiled faintly.




This was the profession he needed.


Although a life profession cannot be upgraded, it can be advanced and transferred, not taking up total levels and experience while providing skills, making it highly worthwhile.


[Craftsman] is one of the most suitable life professions for [Starfall Masters], allowing for the learning of various knowledge. It can create items from both the scientific and magical sides, adapting to the diverse environments of the future Star Abyss.


In the later stages, [Craftsman] can advance into a very powerful profession: [Creator of the Objective World and Material Existence].


Such a lengthy name is, of course, the result of machine translation.


Players usually refer to it simply and crudely as—Creator.

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