From the Abyss of Stars

031. The Dead Are Currently Stable

  1. The Dead Are Currently Stable


Assistant Physician Anna's reaction was within Li Aoz's expectations.


From the beginning, after 'accidentally' killing the professor, she had once directed her anger towards him. However, after Li Aoz beat her up, she calmed down immediately and did not hide the professor's death, merely claiming that it was 'at the hands of the robbers.'


People were certainly shocked by the death of the professor, the soul of the Abyss. But Anna quickly showed her strong side, granting patients some freedom under the guise of 'self-rescue.'


The survivors of the attack were either power users with strong combat abilities or weak and deformed patients who couldn't move on their own. With the medical team severely damaged, the patients became the main force, greatly garnering goodwill.


Anna wasn't eloquent, but her actions spoke louder than words. In the current crisis, people didn't need someone who just talked pretty but a capable, quick-reacting leader who could give them safety and help.


So, knowing that Li Aoz had witnessed her accidentally killing the professor and seeing his impressive combat strength, Anna understood she couldn't kill him to silence him and subtly conveyed: you have the freedom to leave now, go wherever you wish.


Why prepare a car?


This belongs to the subtext of the external world. For the people of the external world, the importance of a car is akin to horses for nomads.


Many are born, live, and die in cars.


By giving him a car, Anna essentially said, "I've given you a house; you can keep quiet now."


"A bribe... Although she didn't explicitly drive me away, it's clear she wants me away from the political center. Interesting, should I say, as expected of city folks? Their style is quite refined."


This series of actions further convinced Li Aoz of his thoughts:


"Even if the professor hadn't died, Assistant Anna would have eventually seized power."


From Anna's perspective, she had no idea that Li Aoz's combat power was exaggerated or that 'subduing' Nomi was partly an act.


She only knew: as long as the professor's cause of death wasn't revealed, she could use hatred to control Nordli's emotions, thus wielding the Alpha-tier warrior's power to control the situation.


Whether the professor's death was an accident, and whether she agreed or disagreed with being killed by Anna—Li Aoz didn't know.


This had to be asked of the professor herself.


As it stands, the professor herself had no objections; the dead are very stable emotionally.


Power struggles within the Abyss, or rather ideological disputes, had always existed. From the first day Li Aoz entered the shelter, disputes over the 'Calamity Virus Infection Theory' had never ceased.


In his previous life, Li Aoz, as a player from the Red Arrow Empire, had participated in complex political conflicts, so he had some insights into such matters.


The Abyss was small, but it created myths.


In his view, three ideological factions had emerged within the Abyss.


First, the supporters of the 'Calamity Virus Infection Theory,' similar to reformists, represented by the professor. They firmly believed that the 'Calamity Virus infecting humans caused the current chaos' and conducted research and humanitarian aid based on this. Their central idea was clear, but the theory remained unproven, and their cohesion mainly came from the professor's unique charisma.


Second, those skeptical of the Calamity Theory but still adhering to humanitarian principles, represented by Nordli Crow, the head nurse. They didn't form a clear organization but were widespread among ordinary Abyss members, easily swayed by other theories.


Third, represented by Assistant Physician Anna, who had an ambiguous attitude toward the Calamity Virus, focusing on the survival and growth of the Abyss in the external world, thus the realists.


Although they had different ideologies, under the professor's charisma, they could unite and contribute to the Abyss's development.


But now, with the professor's death, the question of reality versus ideals inevitably arose.


Is human life more important, or is humanitarianism a priority? This sounds like a hellish joke when questioning a humanitarian organization.


The answer is, any organization must ensure its survival first.


Anna seemed to respect and admire the professor, but this didn't negate that some of the professor's measures and ideas were unacceptable to realists.


For example, as a humanitarian aid organization for the external world, their ambiguous relationship with the Four Nations was itself a collision between humanitarianism and realism.


For an organization to survive, it needs funding. But why would the profit-driven Four Nations spend money on aiding an organization that helps the external world?


Considering the previously discovered security guard unit, Nordli's strange reaction to the infected ZX-102 isolation ward, and the rumors in the external world that "the Abyss conducts evil and forbidden human experiments."


"What if the Four Nations funded the Abyss for research?"


Li Aoz had a hypothesis, but it couldn't be confirmed yet.


In his past life, because Blue Planet was destroyed and all historical records were buried, no one continued to research this, but Li Aoz thought that if he delved into the Four Nations' connection, history might change a bit.


National machinery isn't easily toppled, but once public trust is destroyed, rebuilding it could take decades. This time is enough to dishearten the populace and shake and scare capital.


And that would be enough.


"Next, let's check the gains."


Before departure, Li Aoz, under the excuse of going to the restroom, sneaked to the logistics department.


Nomi, still confused and fretting over the bet to bark like a dog, followed him while Li Aoz instructed:


"Go to the cold storage, turn off the main switch for two minutes, then turn it back on."


"What? Are you trying to mess with me?!"


"Just do it." Li Aoz patted Nomi's head, dissatisfied: "There's no benefit in tricking you. Besides, have I ever lied to you? You always jump into traps yourself."


"You!" Nomi stomped her foot in frustration: "Annoying, annoying, annoying! If you dare trick me, I'll smash your head into pulp with my wrench!"


Li Aoz didn't mind and kicked Nomi's little butt. This girl had a hard mouth but soft hands, a typical bully of the weak.


He went to the logistics department to get some supplies. With Anna's backing, he smoothly got emergency rations, synthetic food, and filtered water.


As for weapons, Li Aoz was cautious. Most weapons here had been tampered with by the "Biochemist." Who knew if they had "composite spore packs," "sneaky bacteria," or "Fort Detrick enchantments"?


"Mutants" and "Biochemists" were actually peers, both deeply involved in genetic engineering, with the former having a strong idealistic component, while the latter was purely materialistic.


As the saying goes, peers are enemies. "Biochemists" specialize in genetic attacks, which are particularly harmful to "Mutants" in the early stages.


Of course, once past the early stages of three mutations, with his rich experience, Li Aoz was confident he could crush any "Biochemist."


"No weapons, no problem. My Omega-level power of gravity means I'm not afraid of anyone except maybe a "Biochemist."


Omega-level power gave Li Aoz confidence. Without customized gear, a high-tier power was the best equipment for a "Mutant."


The logistics department had been heavily looted by the White Fang gang, leaving it almost barren.


Amidst the bustling logistics staff, Li Aoz noticed a small figure with distinctive long and short ponytails, dyed pink, wearing an oversized coat.


Although she acted honestly, constantly moving and checking supplies, Li Aoz noticed that items handled by her were always a bit short.


Li Aoz folded his arms, waiting for an opportunity.


Soon, a logistics manager covered his earpiece, listened for a moment, then said:


"Zessie, there's a problem in the cold storage. Check it out."


"Okay, that's my area."


The pink-haired girl, Zessie, nodded confidently, put down the heavy items, and left the logistics department.


Just outside, she suddenly felt something, looked around, saw nothing unusual, and proceeded to the cold storage.


"Those thugs better not have messed up the cold storage. I have stuff hidden there..."


Zessie muttered, starting her inspection.


"Everything's fine, the system's okay, just a trip... Strange, how did it trip? Overheat? Shouldn't be... Sabotage?"


She was puzzled when she noticed a shadow by her hand, quickly turned, and pulled a gun, firing.




The trigger didn't move. Zessie's heart sank. She looked up at the two figures, forcing a polite smile:


"Uh, this is a fake gun, just for show. Gave me a scare... Seriously, don't mind it, haha."

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