From the Abyss of Stars

011. Human Path

  1. Human Path


Regarding the professor's remarks, Li Aozi neither confirmed nor denied them. On the surface, he appeared skeptical, but in reality, his attitude towards the professor and the entire Abyssal Humanitarian Rescue Organization was far from positive.


Before being brought to the professor, he had been injected with various doses of drugs and subjected to three hours of interrogation. However, these were nothing to Li Aozi.


Although he was not a transcendent, his charm value was very high. Taking a few hits, acting pitifully, and revealing a few words made the other party believe him.


However, when faced with drugs like truth serum, Li Aozi had no way out. He could only bite his tongue to prevent revealing the truth.


In fact, if Li Aozi opened the faction panel at this moment, he believed the professor's favorability towards him wouldn't be too low.


The most comfortable thing about the attribute 【Charm】 is that it releases indiscriminately towards the selected target. Even if it's an elemental creature, a mechanical lifeform, or a void hunter, if your charm is high enough, they will like to be with you.


To gain the other party's trust, Li Aozi deliberately hesitated before asking the professor:


"What exactly is Esha?"


"To answer that question, I must first ask how much you know about Aoneng."


"Is there any connection?" Li Aozi pretended to be puzzled.


"The connection is significant."


The professor adjusted her glasses and patiently explained:


"You should know that before the Galactic Era, during the so-called Old Era, the people of Azure Star had no Aoneng, nor were there extraordinary beings like warriors or psychics. Humans greeted each other with nuclear weapons and lived in the shadow and fear of nuclear war. However, due to the principle of mutual destruction, comprehensive wars among humans almost no longer broke out."


"Ironically, the most peaceful period of human civilization was living on the brink of world destruction."


"But all of this was based on the premise of 'nuclear war leading to the collapse of civilization'."


"A historian once said: Weapons determine the mode of war. At a certain point in time, humans turned to a power more sinful than nuclear weapons."


The professor paused and suddenly asked:


"Mr. Patient, what do you think of superhumans?"


Li Aozi's heart stirred, and he immediately replied in the format he had in mind:


"No matter how super a human is, they are still an individual. They still need the group to nurture and support them. However, with the emergence of a large number of superhumans, social order will face great challenges. The class gap that could be balanced by knowledge and education will become harder to bridge."


The professor nodded, somewhat surprised:


"As expected of a civilized person who actively fled to the outside world. Quite remarkable."


"The children of superhumans will still be superhumans and even more stable than the plutocrats and royalty."


"Therefore, even if someone from the lower class changes their fate through superhuman power, their descendants will still become rulers of the monopolistic class, perhaps even more so than before."


At this point, the professor looked at him:


"And the fundamental reason for the change in the mode of war, class changes, and the upheaval of world order is the emergence of transcendent beings."


"Transcendent beings can infiltrate deep into cities, create terrorist attacks, assassinate corporate executives, government officials, or even cause natural disasters."


"Once such superhumans appear, they turn the old stable order upside down. This ultimately leads to the diminished effect of nuclear deterrence. With assassinations and destruction by transcendent beings, national leaders no longer cherish peace and start wars wantonly."


"The final outcome is the world as it is now."


"So, what caused the emergence of transcendent beings?"


"I think you should have guessed it by now."


Li Aozi said in a deep voice:




The professor sighed:


"Yes, it's all about Esha."


"Although no one has ever identified what those red-black substances in the sky really are, there is no doubt that the moment they appeared on Azure Star, transcendent beings also appeared on the ground."


"Don't you find it very coincidental?"


"Those martial arts that claim to have been passed down for thousands of years were silent during the nuclear war period. But now, with more advanced technology, martial artists who rely solely on physical strength suddenly became super soldiers who can take the enemy's head from among thousands of troops overnight."


"Powers that defy physics, psychics and sorcerers once considered feudal superstitions, and even specialized organizations training psychic potential all emerged."


"These things have existed on Azure Star for less than three hundred years, and people have forgotten that they all appeared almost overnight."


She pointed upwards and said:


"Just like... that red-black cloud. Bringing bad luck and letting evil spirits roam."


"So, you call that red-black cloud Esha?"


Li Aozi frowned. He hadn't done this task personally, and the other's statement surprised him.


It wasn't that it was particularly shocking... but that the guess was pretty close.


Although he wasn't optimistic about whether they could reach a conclusion in time with the other's research methods, the professor's thinking was correct.


He immediately raised the issue that would trigger the task:


"Do you think Esha is a virus? Is that why it infected me?"


"Without a doubt, Esha is an unprecedented virus."


The professor said in a deep voice:


"It is a nanovirus. Its diameter is only a fraction of a nanometer, while conventional viruses are usually over 10 nanometers."


"Esha undoubtedly comes from atmospheric substances and spreads through the air. It doesn't directly cause death. Patients with infection levels below 3 won't show obvious pathological features."


"Yes, judging by your expression, you probably guessed it."


"The reason the outside world still has most of its living people is actually due to Esha. It doesn't kill its host. In fact, as a small-sized virus, it tends to coexist with the host, killing other viruses and microorganisms. So basically, those infected with Esha are almost disease-free."


Li Aozi nodded.


The reason why resistance organizations like the 'Rose Army' could still exist in the outside world and even confront the four nations with interstellar technology is naturally justified.


But then, the professor changed her tone:


"However, once the infection level exceeds 3, the situation changes."


"As I mentioned before, Esha's small size allows it to enter biological cell membranes and cell walls, directly targeting chromosomes and molecular structures."


"It kills the original chromosome fragments and quickly replicates itself, forming replacements."


"Some people, due to their molecular structures being altered by Esha, gain unprecedented transcendent abilities, such as jumping further, growing scales, and controlling bone growth autonomously."


"But most people aren't so lucky."


"Most of the level 3 infected will experience gene collapse, quickly becoming deformed, aging rapidly, or unable to care for themselves, ultimately leading to death."


"At level 4, infected individuals undergo further changes."


"Some mutate so thoroughly that they lose human form, devolving into inhuman monsters. They wander the outside world, becoming terrifying beasts."


"Another portion of level 4 infected, I boldly speculate, are the most common transcendent beings in the world today."


"Whether it's internal force of martial arts, Aoneng that manipulates natural laws contrary to scientific principles, spiritual power communicating with spirits, magic connecting with elements, or hunters extracting power from machinery, Esha components can be detected in their bodies."


"No matter how you look at it, such a virus is not a natural product. Years of research have only strengthened my belief that the red-black Esha virus is not a creation of nature."


At this point, the professor looked at Li Aozi with a heavy expression:


"In other words, it's a creation that surpasses human technological limits. Human technology and environmental levels cannot create such a substance. Its origin can only be from..."


The professor didn't specify, seeming somewhat apprehensive.


Li Aozi had no such reservations. He seized the moment and continued:


"——From the Abyss of Stars."


"The Abyss of Stars... haha, quite an apt description."


The professor looked at Li Aozi with a complex expression:


"You are the only observed existence that matches the level 5 infected."


"Although infected, you can still maintain your sanity, with a strong tendency for self-harm and hallucinations—these are characteristics that level 4 infected never exhibit. Based on research data and clinical information, we've always believed there would be level 5 infected, but until today... you have shown the possibility of matching."


"……What do you want?"


"Mr. Li Aozi, you are very important."


The professor said:


"The Abyssal is a humanitarian rescue organization, emphasizing human value, maintaining human dignity and rights. Likewise, we oppose any form of ideological control and coercion on humans."


"Although your identity is crucial, even capable of changing the


fate of all humanity, what we are about to do may not conform to conventional humanitarian principles."


"Simply put, we need you to cooperate with our research, which has significant implications for the world and could save the lives of billions in the outside world."


"However, I must also warn you."


"During the experiments, to achieve our goals, there may be irreversible damage to your mental and physical health. I want to inform you of such consequences in advance."


"You can choose to leave. The Abyssal is a humanitarian rescue organization. We do not wish to bind your personal freedom with the fate and future of all humanity."


"So, please make your choice."


As her voice fell, a system prompt immediately popped up in front of Li Aozi:




【Do you want to join the Abyssal Humanitarian Rescue Organization?】



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