From Player To Npc

Chapter 213: Talk with Biscuit

Shingi returned to the Guild and was informed that Quick Thunder and his Guild members left a message to meet them in the local tavern.

He headed that way right away, as he wanted to end that discussion as soon as possible.

On the way there, he noticed that more people looking towards him, probably cause he was back to his usual outfit. Even among the Blessed Ones, it was unique and made it easy for others to know who he was.

In the past, he didn't examine it thinking it was just simple pieces of clothes, but in the end, he was wrong. There were some designs on it, but nothing like the usual Enchantments or Runes he was familiar with. They seemed more there for their design than actually give a benefit, but Shingi had found out recently not to be true.

Actually, he found it by mistake as he tried to focus on casting LIGHT FORM, and instead of using some of his mana on his body, he used it on his clothes, on one of the lines of its designs. When he did that, he noticed for a split second the line turning yellow, same as his body at when in LIGHT FORM. He hadn't noticed something like that in the past, as his clothes were part of his LIGHT FORM, but this time it didn't seem like it changed form, just color.

He had tested with different Elements and found out that depending on the Element he used, the part of the design he used the Element at would change at the corresponding color.

It seemed that the design was in three parts, and each part could have a different color of an Element. So there was one part at each arm and one at the back.

When he had one of those parts filled with a single Element, he benefited depending on the Element and the part of the design.

If he had one of the arm designs enabled, his control of the Element used on them was half the times greater than without it, unless he had both at the same Element where he got boosted to three times his normal.

If he used it in the back design, if the Element was one he had in his Mana Pool, it increased the time the used one got replenished as also the one used was getting an extra boost making it at most half time more effective.

He had found out that he could even use his Spirit Element with it, and actually, he currently had one of the arm designs with that Element. The other arm was Air, while the design at the back was Fire Element.

Those three were the ones he had to train the most, and fire he had the greatest progress with just had to grind it a bit in more action. As for Spirit Element, he had improved a little, but the progress was snail-like. Maybe he had to cure his Minor Spirit Madness, hoping it would help him even a bit, but it was too early.

He soon reached the tavern and noticed that Pan was still in town. She was in a corner having tea, while a guy surrounded by vines was just next to her. Nobody seemed to mind as they had gotten used to her, and that guy was just an unlucky newbie who didn't know better.

Shingi had memorized how her nature mana looked through his MANA SENSE, so he easily knew that it was her. Of course, the mana vines were also a big hint.

He gave her a nod and waved at her, but she didn't give any response, even if it was clear that she saw that.

But Shingi didn't expect any response and went to speak with the one in charge of the private rooms, as he couldn't see Quick Thunder and his members in here.

He found the man quickly.

"Excuse me. I…" [Shingi]

"Oh, Mister Shingi. Always a pleasure seeing you. You are here to meet those new adventurers, aren't you? Follow me. They are expecting you." [Man in charge]

Shingi followed him to one of the private rooms. He noticed that this establishment had some improvements, like enchantments in the wall that made some rooms silent proof—one benefit of his shop making the town a place for Blessed Ones to spend coins to.

He entered one of those rooms and noticed that inside, only two people were waiting for him; Quick Thunder and White Biscuit.

His guide left, but not before getting an order for food or drink from Shingi.

"You are finally here. I thought it would take you more time to take the order of that crazy man. But I guess he probably had thought what he wanted a long time ago." [Quick Thunder]

"Master, it isn't nice to call people who aren't here names like that." [White Biscuit]

Quick Thunder just chuckled once to his young recruit and turned his attention back to Shingi.

"So I was told you were planning to speak with my young recruit here even before I mentioned him. Isn't that fate at its finest? Is his talent that clear to you?" [Quick Thunder]

Shingi didn't know if that guy was a genius or something, but it seemed so from what Quick Thunder was saying. The real reason he wanted to speak with him wasn't that he could be powerful, but for who he could be.

"You told me your Blessed Name is White Biscuit. Correct?" [Shingi]

He nodded, which, fortunately, Shingi could detect with his Mana Sense. His aura was a little less tense than that of his students before they evolved their class. So he could tell that he was level 55 or close to it.

"Why did you choose this name? As far as I was told, you get to choose yourselves how to be called." [Shingi]

Shingi could feel the tension in him as he didn't know why he was asked those questions. Especially after learning who Shingi was.

"I used to have a brother. We didn't hang around much, but he brought some vanilla biscuits each time he visited me. They are white and thought it would be cooler to use that than vanilla." [White Biscuit]

Shingi wanted to smile, but he kept a straight face.

"And what was the name of your brother?" [Shingi]

White Biscuit swallowed some of his salivae as he looked to be nervous about what he would say next.

"It was Ameanum, sir." [White Biscuit]

Shingi knew it the moment he heard his voice. It seemed so familiar, and then when he heard the name, he knew it. This was his real blood-brother from out of Enerias Tower.

The reason he wanted to speak with him wasn't to catch up, but maybe he would learn what happened to his body. He learned that it was found by Little Pheonix somehow, but not what happened to it after that.

He had asked Mizuneko to look over it in the past, but he was too busy with other things.

"Wait… you are his little brother? The little brother of Master Ameanum? THE Master Ameanum? Why did you never mention that?" [Quick Thunder]

At first, it surprised Shingi that Quick Thunder didn't know who White Biscuit really was, but then he remembered that his brother never liked to use Ameanum's name to get things.

It wasn't like he considered it beneath him to get things that way, but he preferred to earn things and not just have someone give them to him.

"I have a message from your brother." [Shingi]

White Biscuit left a gasp as Shingi could sense that his eyes were focused on him.

"A message? But how can this be? He had been dead for a long time. You couldn't have possibly met him, or you would be too young when you did." [White Biscuit]

"He isn't dead, but he also is. He has left his will behind to help this world, and since you are part of it, to help you. In the case I ever got to meet you, he told me to tell you one thing. 'Don't forget the milk out.'" [Shingi]

Slowly, Shingi could hear White Biscuit tearing up and even his nose running.

It confused Quick Thunder as he didn't know what Shingi said was supposed to mean.

It was just something that Ameanum kept saying to his brother when he visited him because he always let the milk outside the fridge after using it.

White Biscuit was too emotional after hearing this phrase after that long, and even if they weren't too close as brothers, he was always proud of his brother.

Their parents had pretty much forgotten that they had a second son, and even when the body was found, they didn't even throw a tear.

But White Biscuit was sad that day, as he had lost any chance of becoming closer to his brother. He always regretted that he couldn't even play his favorite game with him.

And so, after fulfilling of getting a job that his parents would be fine with, he started his way, making a name at the game his brother was among the bests at.

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