From Player To Npc

Chapter 208: Start of the big meeting

Shingi, for the next two days, continued training his sword and mana skills while also with Garry's and Ardent's tool were translating the stories of the book.

They had found a few more interesting stories similar to Ianthe's, but not of another god, but someone with substantial power. In their stories, they spend time with Mikhail and, as time passed, became weaker, and in the end, they were just an empty cell of their past selves.

He didn't have romantic moments with all of them, as when he had grown older and more powerful, he was just capturing them, draining them from their power, and then left them with no memories of what happened to them.

There were no clues about who could have made all those records and why each of those seemed to be from the perspective of the 'victim' of the story. But, at least slowly, they understood more about Mikhail and knew that he needed to be recharging, and over the years, the time he needed to recharge become more frequent.

He had been alive for thousands of years, so his time with no recharge would be many times smaller than it used to be as also he probably needed more power than before. Shingi knew of creatures like that fed from the power of others, but not to that extend.

He trained to fight some Oozes, especially against the ones that were more handling physical attacks better. However, he didn't use Sinhunter for those training battles, as even using no mana on it, its power was too much and would destroy the Oozes too soon.

Still, he trained with Sinhunter to increase their Mana Blades effect, especially the Spirit Blade and the SPIRIT SLASH Spell. He had to improve his proficiency in using Spirit Element as much he could. It was an important factor for his soon-to-come plans.

He had heard from Marcy that Guild representatives for the Alliance would arrive tomorrow, and she would also have everything he ordered by then.

His Mana Skills were back to seventy percent to what they used to be before his weakened state, and all his wounds were healed, except the ones in his eyes. He had a few scars, but he could heal them slowly with Spirit Magic. He had been using a small amount of Spirit Magic to close his wounds completely and had helped in everything except the one in his eyes. But, unfortunately, those were too much for his current proficiency using that Element.

Even if he wasn't weakened and back to the Tower, he wasn't certain if he could heal them completely. But hopefully, the plan he had discussed with Garry would work.

He had spent all those days sleeping at Zhen's place, and he even woke up the first day with Ardent, who had somehow made her way to the bed without him noticing. Nothing happened this time, but it impressed Shingi that she showed that kind of determination of sneaking around. It was never her style to do things like that.

Shingi was confused about what Ardent wanted as each day she continued going on dates with Zhen, and she continued trying to sleep with him. At least this time, she tried nothing else than to just sleep.

As far as she tried nothing, Shingi was fine with it and to tell the truth, and he was tempted to try again if he had more visions. But making a move like that would be like playing with fire, and he didn't look forward to getting burned.

He wasn't certain what triggered the visions initially, and it could be just a coincidence that it happened during that time.

He was worried that her hanging around would draw too much attention, but she assured him she took care of it.

So on the morning of the third day, Shingi used still imperfect LIGHT FORM to leave the bed, from Ardent's restrictions, while trying not to wake her up.

He said his goodbyes for now to Zhen and started his way back to Carda.

With the increase of his Mana Skills, he could move faster without worrying about tripping and falling, so he was back in the gates in no time.

He used his pass, and this time the King's Guards duo weren't around, so he just dealt with normal guards. Still, they caused no problem for him, as a few were familiar with him, as stories for Shingi were getting around these days.

Being the true owner shop that Volig worked at and showing off his skills to the King's Guards were the main ones. The rumors of him being blind also had spread a bit, but there were many more people saying that this was untrue. So Shingi had asked Marcy to spread rumors of his blindness not to be true, as he didn't want others to know.

Anna wasn't around anymore, but Marcy was just as efficient in this task and seemed to have persuaded the majority.

The guards tried to test if the rumors were true, but Shingi, with his current senses, saw those actions and acted accordingly. One was doing weird faces behind the guard inspecting Shingi's pass, and Shingi pointed out. He couldn't see, but he could hear the sound that he made while making those faces, even if he tried to be silent about it. His heartbeat was also changing a bit when one acted 'foolish like that.'

After passing the inspection, he got to the Guild's Headquarters.

When he got there, he noticed a crowd outside it and many cards and horses being parked. The people who arrived didn't try to keep it a secret from the public. This wasn't a good sign, as this often meant that they weren't here to make a deal but to show off, and they needed a crowd to do so.

Shingi made his way through the crowd, having to push a few to make way as he finally made it to the entrance.

There were two of the highest members of the Guild acting as guards and not letting anyone enter.

As Shingi continued walking to enter, they brought their spears in front of him to stop him.

"Sorry, friend, but nobody is allowed in. Guild Leader has an important meeting." [Guard #1]

Shingi had detected a few other members of the Guild being among the crowd, meaning that really nobody was allowed inside.

"You should speak with Leader Marcy. I am needed for that meeting." [Shingi]

"No can do. Only advisor Shingi is allowed in, and we can't distract Leader. So stay put until further notice." [Guard #1]

It seemed that this person didn't know who he was. He wore his normal equipment, so the people who knew about him should recognize him just by that. This should be a quite new member.

As for the title of advisor, it probably was something that Marcy decided recently. He heard no one else calling him like that.

As for the other guard, Shingi could tell that he was hiding something. He even heard almost some chuckles coming from him when his 'friend' spoke. But they were too low in volume for anyone else but Shingi to hear them.

"Have you met many times advisor Shingi?" [Shingi]

"Never had the pleasure. Though I hear he is quite knowledgeable." [Guard #1]

Shingi knew that rumors about him were getting wild, especially in the Guild, since more people had seen him in action. He had helped in some Guilds Quests himself, so the members who were part of those Quests took a taste of what he could do.

"And I guess they did not describe to you about how to recognize him." [Shingi]

The person was clearly confused, and even if he tried not to let it appear on his face, he couldn't hide it from the way his heartbeat changed.

"I guess it is time to put you out of your misery before it is too late, recruit. This person here IS advisor Shingi." [Guard #2]

Panic replaced the confusion of his as he stepped at the side to let Shingi get inside.

"Iamtrulysorryaboutthatsir." [Guard #1]

Shingi didn't mind his behavior, as he was just doing his job, and he wasn't too aggressive against him.

"What is your name?" [Shingi]

"White, sir." [Num]

"Is that your full Blessed Name?" [Shingi]

"No, sir. It…. it is White Biscuit." [Num]

Shingi took a moment to think before he continued talking.

"We need to talk later. Both of you continue the good work of keeping people out." [Shingi]

He started his way inside as everyone should have gathered already.

As for why he wanted to talk with White Biscuit, he needed more pieces of information first. But if what he had in mind was true, then this was an interesting encounter.

He made his way into the building, and right when he got in, he noticed that the open before space was filled by a big rounded table and people sitting on chairs around it.

Shingi could tell that there were 25 people in the room, including him. Marcy had only her two advisors and Soryn with her, while the rest were of the other Guilds.

Shingi could tell that seven Guilds have sent representatives from how they were split and sitting, which was more than he thought they would get. He was ready to try multiple times to persuade them, but if some decided to hear him, his chance of success had increased.

Everyone turned towards him the moment he entered, and he could feel most of their stares scanning him extensively.

"You are finally here. So we can begin with the meeting. If you may, advisor?" [Marcy]

Shingi made his way next to Marcy at the fastest speed he could currently handle, which impressed a few, but most didn't consider it much.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have gathered here for one reason. To discuss preparations of the coming war." [Shingi]

There were some whispers among the crowd, as they weren't aware of any war or anything like that coming. Could it be some event or quest they weren't aware of?

"I know what you are thinking. What war? Well, it is pretty simple. Do you that the dungeons just randomly started appearing? No, it is just the beginning." [Shingi]

A man stood up and his the table with both hands. His frustration was clear as he started speaking.

"Don't tell me you called us to help you attack the people in the Tower. Many have tried, and all of them have disappeared for good. It is just a suicide." [Unknown person of a Guild]

Shingi nodded on the person and continued having a calm face as usual.

"But it isn't the Dark Guild that we are at war with." [Shingi]

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