From Blueprints to Kamehamehas

Internal ki sensing

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Months had passed since Roshi and Shen returned to the dojo after their intense encounter with Guren. The familiarity of their training grounds brought a sense of comfort, yet an undercurrent of tension lingered in Roshi's mind. Every day, he pushed himself harder, incorporating lightning control into his rigorous routine. It had become his obsession, a way to prove to himself that he could master what had once seemed impossible.

But one question plagued him: Why had Master Mutaito left Guren alive? The rogue warrior had shown no signs of remorse, and his insatiable thirst for power would likely lead him down a dark path again. Roshi shook his head, trying to push the thought away, but it returned like an unwelcome guest, nagging at the edges of his mind.

One afternoon, as the sun hung low in the sky, casting golden rays through the dojo windows, Master Mutaito summoned both Roshi and Shen. They entered the training hall, their hearts racing with anticipation. Roshi's mind was still clouded with thoughts of Guren, but he was determined to seek clarity.

"Thank you for coming, my students," Mutaito began, his voice calm yet commanding. "I have summoned you to discuss an important matter."

Roshi took a breath, steeling himself. "Master, there's something I've been meaning to ask... Why did you leave Guren alive? Who knows what he might do if given the chance?"

Mutaito regarded Roshi with a thoughtful expression, his eyes glimmering with wisdom. "That is a question you both must answer for yourselves," he replied gently. "I have faith that you will find the answer. Understanding why is just as important as the answer itself."

Roshi nodded, though he couldn't shake the lingering doubt. Master Mutaito often spoke in riddles, and this time felt no different. He glanced at Shen, who wore a similarly contemplative expression, as if he too were wrestling with the implications of their master's words.

"Now, let's move on to why you were summoned," Mutaito continued, drawing their attention back. "Since you both have learned to control an element, the next step is the Internal ki Sensing Stage. This is crucial for your development."

Shen raised an eyebrow. "Internal Ki Sensing? What does that involve?"

"You will meditate and learn to find the ki within your own bodies," Mutaito explained. "This stage should be relatively easy for you, but it's only the beginning. The next phase will be more challenging, but for now, focus on this step."

Under Mutaito's guidance, Roshi and Shen sat cross-legged on the dojo floor, their eyes closed as they began to meditate. The air around them felt charged with energy, and Roshi concentrated on feeling the flow of ki within himself. With each breath, he focused inward, trying to tune into the energy that pulsed just beneath his skin.

"Feel it," Mutaito instructed, his voice calm and soothing. "It's there, waiting for you to recognize it. Do not force it—allow it to reveal itself."

Roshi followed his master's words, gradually sensing the warmth that flowed through him. It felt alive, a gentle current that surged and ebbed with his breath. The sensation was exhilarating, and for the first time, he felt connected to something larger than himself.

After the meditation session, Roshi returned home, his mind still buzzing with the experience. As he stepped through the door, he was greeted by the familiar scent of home—something warm simmering in the kitchen.

"Hey, little brother!" Urenai called from the kitchen, her voice cheerful. "How was training today?"

"It was good," Roshi replied, taking a seat at the table. "We started working on sensing ki after the nature energy manipulation part."

Urenai nodded, her expression thoughtful. "That's great. But you know, divination also requires a form of manipulating nature energy. Not in the conventional way you and Shen do, though. It's a different kind of understanding."

Roshi furrowed his brow, intrigued. "You've are reached the divination stage, this fast?"

"Not really, But i learned quite a few things about it." Urenai admitted, leaning against the counter. "But I know it requires a certain sensitivity to the flow of energy around you. It's about reading the signs, not just feeling power."

Roshi pondered her words, his mind racing with possibilities. "Maybe it's connected to what we learned today. Understanding the flow of energy in ourselves might help us understand the energy around us."

That night, Roshi lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as shadows danced in the flickering light. The thoughts of Guren crept back into his mind, tangled with worries about the future. It was exactly ten years before King Piccolo would strike, a date that loomed large in his memory.

He thought about his power level now, estimating it based on everything he had learned and experienced. But as his master had taught him, it wasn't just about numbers. Mastering oneself was the key.

Roshi closed his eyes, allowing the stillness to wash over him. The lessons of the day echoed in his mind, blending with the uncertainty of what lay ahead. He felt a flicker of determination rising within him.

As exhaustion finally took hold, Roshi drifted into a peaceful sleep, knowing that whatever challenges awaited him, he would face them with the strength he was steadily building.

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