From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 95: Failed opening

  Although he wanted to be alone, William knew very well that in his current situation, it would be better to go to the restaurant and stay with the students.

   "William, what's the matter, your face looks like being crushed by a dragon?"

   In the restaurant, Adams, who had already been seated, gave William a friendly greeting for the first time.

   What wonderful metaphor is this?

   William looked at Adams angrily, but because of his bad state, his eyes were not in place.

   "No, I was really crushed by a dragon? I have seen unicorns in the Forbidden Forest-but is there really a dragon in the Forbidden Forest?"

  Adams, who would be wrong, exclaimed.

   "So, do I need to use some fresh fertilizer for the greenhouse?"

   Singid’s complaints are still so sharp-William’s first reaction in this weak state.

   "Shut up, Xinjid-I do it for your good. You don't sleep well. I know a few prescriptions. Putting medicated mud on your face every day will effectively improve the situation."

   Adams's face is full of my expression for you, but if there is no fresh dragon dung in the recipe he said, William can eat the plate in front of him.

   "No, I don’t think it’s a shame that I don’t have time for breakfast, but you, the rainy season is coming in October. Prepare something to deal with the rainy season in October. It is a disaster."

   There is no rain for a week in October. This is not a good day for herbal medicine. Professor Sprout is getting older. It is beyond doubt who will take care of the precious herbs in the greenhouse in the middle of the night.

   Adams, who was hit by the ball he threw, looked at Hinged with a gloomy look-everyone is kidding, why are you really stabbing a knife?

   Sinjid whistled triumphantly, this wave he won.

   "Eh? Why haven't the food been prepared today? Pippi went to the kitchen to make trouble again?"

Professor Keitelburn looked at the bickering two people, and raised questions while smiling—he has always liked to come here recently, claiming that the activeness of young people will make him more comfortable, but William seriously suspects that he is trying to hide from McGonagall. professor.

   "Troubleshooting, shouldn't it? Normally he would go to the bathroom to play pranks on rainy days."

   So, have you all summed up the pattern?

   But William suddenly thought of a possibility-in the morning, it seemed that Professor Lockhart had placed a large order of candy for the elves?

   Before he could come up with this conjecture, a large number of candies suddenly appeared in the originally bare dinner plate.

   That's right, the same one that William had eaten this morning.

   "I can't believe it—the first lunch at school was actually sweets."

   Singid stared at the dinner plate for three seconds, then grabbed one.

   "The taste is not bad, Professor William, you try?"

   William replied with kindness. As for Adams, he had already taken one, staring at the wrapping paper, it looked like Lockhart showed white teeth on the top, and his smile was very open.

   "Excellent idea-if you want me to say, you should have the vitality of some young people, don't always behave like Minerva."

  Professor Keitelburn smiled and gave the young professors life experience—if he hadn't been in his internship this year, William thought his words would be more convincing.

   "By the way, when it comes to Minerva, I suddenly remembered what happened in the morning."

Professor Keitelburn patted his head with his remaining hand. “In fact, the Daily Prophet came to try to have an exclusive interview with Lockhart’s club, but the request of the reporter from the Daily Prophet to visit Professor Ge refused, but she still reluctantly agreed to Professor Lockhart's other activities. Today is a very lively day."

   Daily Prophet? It's such a big trouble?

  Also, Professor, do you understand all the gossip messages in the castle-you are about to retire!

   "I can't agree more-look over there."

   Without waiting for William to ask questions, Professor Hinged had already discovered a blind spot—following his fingers, William saw a pink robe.

   There is no doubt that there is only one professor who can wear such an air in the castle.

  Professor Lockhart.

   "Everyone, although the sky is not very friendly, there is no doubt that today is a warm day!"

"Yes, that's right, I, Professor Lockhart, a Merlin Medal III winner, an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Magic League, five times won the "Witcher Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award for Defense Against the Dark Arts—well, It is the professor of Magic Self-Defense, who made a very important decision today!"

   "That's right-Lockhart will help you solve the problem club, just tonight, what are you waiting for?"

   William suddenly felt that his arm was pulled down. It was Sinjid.

   "Since the morning, Adams has been obsessed for the whole morning-in the morning I heard Professor Lockhart chattering to everyone about the student letters he received. I was almost..."

   William patted him on the shoulder, revealing a look in your eyes.

After all, Professor Lockhart has the title of a legendary adventurer and best-selling author in addition to his status as a professor. It doesn’t matter if he likes to show something, it’s just as good as Adams’ face, forbearance, just like William’s roommate back then. During the pig and dog fight, it was not the last choice to compromise. Is it still fighting?

   But William couldn't help it very quickly-after Professor Lockhart gave his speech.

A group of dwarfs in tuxedos came with musical instruments, and their unpleasant singing made William suddenly understand what was a more difficult time than the days of Azkaban-sitting in Azkaban, UU reading www. There are dwarfs singing at

  ‘If I’m still in prison, I’ll let the big guy smoke this newcomer! ’

   He thought about it viciously, and then the whole person felt lighthearted-is this the sequelae of the poisonous attack? Or has the time for sequelae passed?

   William closed his eyes and began to recall desperately.

   Thanks to the blessings of the knowledge gained during this period of time, he soon had a vague conjecture.

  ‘Is this recognition of the good memories of the past, to offset the spiritual impact of the dark magic? ’

   I don’t know—the research on black magic would not be put on the surface, even wizards who are proficient in these things will hide it quietly.

   When William opened his eyes again, the terrifying torture was finally over.

   "I bet that Professor Lockhart certainly didn't ask the dwarves to be good at singing when they hired them."

   "No, I suspect that his last payment was not settled. This is the team that came to collect the payment."

   William quickly retorted.

   Even Adams, who has always supported Professor Lockhart, nodded involuntarily-this song is indeed too ugly.

   The professors on the dining table also began to whisper. It seems that this opening ceremony was indeed a failure.

   The only exception is Professor Keitelburn, his current expression is the hazy feeling in the memory.

   "Professor Keitelburn?"

   Adams yelled in a low voice, wondering if the professor had also had a story with a friend who sang badly.

   "It's been too long, I have forgotten how long I haven't heard an opera-like sound at Hogwarts-when I heard it last time, Albus was not the principal yet!"

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