From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 81: Unsuccessful education

   Without even using William to do anything, the eager Hagrid hurried over and grabbed Ron and put him on the bed—as light as he was pinching a chicken.

  ‘I guess Hagrid’s fist is harder than a normal wizard’s obstacle spell, right? ’

   With this thought, William waved his magic wand to clean up the spiders and other unknown objects in the copper basin.

   "Professor, Ron, is he all right?"

  Looking at William's starting to clean up the aftermath, Harry couldn't wait to ask.

   "It's okay, but I was vomiting too hard. I just have a rest, so I can get back to my mind."

Although theoretically speaking, the curse used to cover is vomiting at most until the legs are weak, and the child named Ron should be dizzy or frightened, but William kindly concealed the correct reason-anyway. Sleeping for a while will do no harm to the child, it is indeed tiring to vomit for so long.

   The promise from the professor relieved the two nervous children, but soon they felt awkward again-when the school started, the three of them even celebrated for their wizards and self-defense, the professor of magic was not this little one.

   Fortunately, William quickly broke this embarrassment.

"Although you are not my students, I am still very curious-this evil curse is far more insulting than harmful, and it is at least a duel on an adult. What has happened to be worthy of such a vicious curse? "

Let the other person spit out a slug. This is much more serious than calling someone to eat shit. For some people, the effect of this curse is similar to putting a handful of **** in his mouth, or put a big **** egg. Smashed into the opponent's mouth.

   This is the realistic meaning of making people spit their mouths. It is really bloody, and duels are endless.

   The two relaxed children immediately became tense-because the professor in front of him will really deduct points for the next grade and put him in confinement!

   Harry had heard the Weasley brothers complain more than once. The Professor William tricked him out of the pig’s head bar and beat them up and kept them in confinement. It couldn’t be more horrible.

   "It's Malfoy!"

   Harry almost spoke the name of the person who was provoking the matter at the fastest rate, and then retelled what happened this morning quickly and clearly at the fastest rate of speech in his life.

   "In other words, it was the classmate named Malfoy who picked the matter first, and then he used extremely insulting words, and then classmate Ron tried to use this curse on him?"

   William crossed his hands and quickly recalled the name Malfoy-vaguely remembering that he and Harry had never dealt with each other?

  During the Goblet of Fire, the Malfoy classmate also made a bunch of negative cheers for Harry?

   "Well, that classmate Malfoy didn't deal with you? He did well in school, but you stole him the limelight?"

   "What a joke, William, the first of their second grade is Hermione, she is recognized as the first one!"

   After Hagrid put Ron in a coma, he immediately intervened when he heard William's question.

   William noticed that Hermione's face flushed over there—it seems that what Hagrid said was true?

   "That doesn't seem to be a grade issue anymore. Hagrid never lied. Although it was a bit early to children of your age, I have to ask, did you steal the girlfriend of that classmate Malfoy?"


   Hagrid let out a hearty laugh, and Harry stopped amidst Harry’s obviously shy expression, "William, Harry is only twelve years old."

   "What's the matter with twelve years old, don't look down on the children now—" William turned his head back and smiled, then turned his head.

   "If none of the above is true, then his family background is better. He was originally a man in the school, but his fame was completely suppressed by you?"

  William saw Harry's visibly uncomfortable look, but he nodded reluctantly.

"Don't like fame? Learn from Professor Dumbledore. If he cares about fame so much, he is probably more serious than Professor McGonagall. If you think about it, how terrifying it would be—" William unscrupulously hurt the leader. .

   Hagrid, who approached him, wanted to laugh, but he tried to hold it back, leaving a sound of flat tires.

   "In other words, because classmate Malfoy is jealous of you, he came to pick something up, but Ron was bounced off by his wand when he cast a spell?"

   "That's it, Professor."

   "That means classmate Ron is wrong—" William made a judgment.


   "Clearly knowing that there is a problem with his wand casting spells, why didn't he pull out the wands of those around him? According to your description, he is right by your side?"

   The two children were silly there in an instant. Is the professor instigating and beating someone?

"Look, your wand," William pointed to Harry's wand, which was easily pulled out. "It's easy to get it. You are friends. He should know that nothing will happen with your wand. Then, when everyone is watching the joke, cover it with a spell like a floating spell, and then quietly put your wand back. And panicked and pretended to lose control of your wand..."

   " Hagrid coughed twice, and William suddenly found out that something was wrong.

  He is not bragging with a group of prisoners in Azkaban, discussing how to start a fight when it is black, but he is here to teach and educate people.

   It’s not advisable to teach students to escape crimes like that. As a professor, you shouldn’t teach students to fight.

   "Of course, we just assume that no matter what, it is not a good thing for students to fight at school, especially when Professor McGonagall is strict with students in his college."

   William quickly remedied it.

   "It's also because his spell missed. Otherwise, the other party will report to the professor, and the party who did it first will definitely be detained. You can only curse back at most--"

However, half of William found that something was wrong. Azkaban responded to Mudblood and other cursing a lot, and he could even get the other person angry. Because Hufflepuff is the most populous academy in Azka The class is also the largest in number, and the variety of cursing in response can make people applaud and admire.

   But as a professor, he can neither use those words to curse, nor can he instigate students to learn those curse words.

   is very aggrieved.

   William couldn't help but roll his eyes concealedly-the three little Gryffindors would not be able to curse people, either in the prison or outside. You always want to do it, but you are learning how to swear!

   "Things are over, the other party probably won't make a small report with the professor-after all, none of them has been cursed, and you have escaped confinement."

   William finally turned the topic back, and then saw that the child on the other side looked as if he had been beaten by frost.

   "I have to be confined tonight."

   I can’t talk anymore...

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