From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 73: I never hold grudges

   "Yes, because I am a professor."

"The reason is quite simple, because I am a professor, so I can find an excuse to deduct points-but for people who don’t care about the score, this matter seems to be no big deal, so the school has a supplementary setting. Confinement."

   "Similarly, as we said at the beginning of this class, when you think I am too much, you can respond to Professor McGonagall."

   "Professor McGonagall can't manage small things, of course, but this kind of deduction because of hats is obviously too funny. Professor McGonagall must trouble me for a long time."

   "So, Susie won four points for his academy. Well, the hat is just a teaching prop. The words in front of me are just a joke-of course, cuteness is not."

   came and went by two points, almost nothing.

   "Well, you see, the new professor is not the professor who deducted points because of the hat-but not everyone is joking with the hat."

   "I hope each of you will remember one sentence after going out-human beings are more dangerous than black magic."

   "During the internship, not everyone is lucky enough to meet a good boss, some bosses are harsh, some bosses are greedy, some bosses, um, lecherous."

   The boys and girls snickered at the same time.

   "Well, it's not a joke, there are some lustful wizards, otherwise how do you think the ecstasy was invented?"

   "Let me say that ecstasy is much more dangerous than Imperius. Who knows about the Imperius?"

   "Professor, I know, one of the three unforgivable."

   The impatient student said directly.

   "A great answer, worthy of a seventh-grade student-but because you didn't raise your hand, so no points are added. By the way, I actually didn't intend to add points."

   The students have obviously adapted to William's way of interspersing complaints. The students who answered didn't even have the desire to argue, and listened to William with a smile.

"Well, the three unforgivable curses, this kind of thing is scary enough to hear the name, but the existence of ecstasy, it sounds neither dangerous nor scary, like a docile sheep, even because it is crowned with love After the name, people still have some expectations."

   "But what I have to tell you is that every year, witches are arrested by the Ministry of Magic for trying to drug witches."

"Boys don’t think they won’t be affected-there are more cases of witches drugging, but because witches use psychedelics against witches are not against the law, unless the man resists extremely and prosecutes the sentence will be pronounced, and he is prosecuted for poisoning. ."

   "Of course, when it comes to crime alone, it obviously shifts the subject of our lesson."

   But the students obviously don't have this consciousness. Obviously, the anecdote of ecstasy is more interesting for children of their age-even if these children are about to enter the magic world, they are only seventeen years old.

   At their strong request, William had to say more.

   "Well, well, just talk a little bit."

   William cleared his throat a little.

   "Well, it's too dark for a wizard alone, let me talk about it a little bit darker."

   "Who knows the magic place?"

   "It seems to be the magic school in Japan?"

   The student below replied quietly in an uncertain tone.

  ‘Very good, it seems that you don’t know, the story here can be compiled. ’

   Did not prepare any information related to ecstasy, William pulled out a story he had heard in prison.

"Well, there are magical creatures unique to them there. I believe you have studied intelligent creatures such as centaurs, giants, and murlocs. Of course, this classification does not meet the exact definition, but it is almost the same-in short, There is a magical creature with fox ears and tail in the magic house called Tamazou Qian."

"This kind of magical creature has a stronger love magic than a charm baby. When she sees a man, no matter whether the other party is a Muggle or a wizard, she can't escape that love magic. She takes it back and raises it at home. Provide him with food, entertainment, accommodation, and everything a normal person needs, and then terrible things will happen to the man."

   "Kill him, dig out the heart? Or absorb the soul?"

   The students began to discuss in a low voice, and after a few minutes, William announced the true answer.

   "Then this man will be raised into a waste, and he will not be able to accomplish anything in his life."

   The faces of the students couldn't help showing disappointment, but a few of them showed envious expressions differently.

   "Well, if these are useless, we may have to leave homework after class. I don't want you to take your homework to the internship."

   "Close to the subject, if you are cast, you may not be able to meet this magical creature like Yuzao Qian, and the end will be much worse."

   "Since the name of our course is called wizard self-defense magic learning, it must be based on self-preservation."

"It takes more than magic to protect yourself, but also the ability to deal with difficulties. Bullying newcomers is a bad habit in some workplaces. The simpler is to send you to run errands, pour tea, and write documents. If it is more complicated, what is it? There are also magical requirements just like I did at the beginning, but they don’t control your scores, but your salary, career prospects and more."

   "I believe you have understood these things more or less, but probably never seriously considered how to deal with them if you encounter them."

   "It's a pity that in the first lesson of school, I want to tell you these unpleasant things, but this is what you will face and the real existence of the magical world."

"This should have been the first lesson after graduating from Hogwarts, but forgive me for bringing it forward. I think you will be better prepared to deal with those things by doing so. Okay, the get out of class ends-I hope you are serious Consider the possible workplace bullying as our discussion content for the next class. There is no homework for this class. See you next week."

   William finished his summary before the bell rang, and he was relieved.

  ‘I almost turned the subject in another direction, but fortunately I braked. ’

  Although the other path is more important, those are not what should be taken in the first class. First solve survival, then pursue ideals.

   "Goodbye Professor!"


   The endless waves of farewell sounded continuously at the door, but eventually stopped.

   "Professor, I have one more question."

  The person who interrogated was Gryffindor.

   "Huh? Any questions?"

   "Well, professor. Why did you add the points back to Susie, but the points deducted by Nymph have not been made up yet?"

   A few heads came out quietly from the door—it was obviously not the only Gryffindor who was unconvinced.

   "You said this," William showed a sincere smile on his face.

   "Because classmate Ningfu really said bad things about me."


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