From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 62: Sequelae of the exam

   Facts are more persuasive than any words. Repeating ‘you’re the worst I’ve ever taught’ will only arouse students’ disgust, but if you use test papers to defeat them, one time is enough.

"I know, in fact, the reason for the poor foundation is not all on you. I checked the class records over the years. About one-third of your students in this class are not taught by professors. They rely on self-study. The textbooks are even more important. The change is messy and there is no context to be found. It’s not to blame you."

   "But—" William increased his tone, "No matter what the excuses are, the Wizarding Examination Administration will not give you an A on your report card for this."

“It’s not terrible to fall in grades. Fortunately, we still have a full year to check and fill in the previous vacancies. As your professor, I will do my best to help you improve in this academic year. Based on the foundation, today’s scene will not be repeated in the OWLs examination room."

"In order to have enough time to make up for the lack of work in the front, our teaching progress has to be speeded up-honestly, this is beyond my original plan, but now it seems that I have to make some changes to it. ."

   "Well, everyone opens the first page of the textbook and folds the test paper. I will collect it."

  William walked off the stage while talking and began to collect the test papers.

In the afternoon, Slytherin and Gryffindor are going to take a test. Missing a few questions will not affect the results, but if the test paper is out, then you have to use the spare test paper-it is the original period of time to keep them against them. Conceited.

   "If you followed my previous requirements seriously, everyone should have read the first 20 pages of the textbook by now-then, let's start the first lesson."



   The bell rang after class, and William, who was carefully explaining, looked out the window and smiled at all the students.

"I'm a little impatient to talk, but the new teaching plan is finally completed. Because the course is taught relatively quickly, I hope that all students can go back and repeat the textbook twice, and preview the second and first chapters of the textbook in advance. Chapter Three. There is no homework in this class, but all students are asked to carefully complete the review and preview tasks after returning."

   "Then, get out of class ends now."

   In fact, a large related test paper has already been published, but it is a pity that it is not the time to come out.

   William walked out of the classroom with regret. When he closed the classroom door, he obviously heard many people panting.


   "It's so horrible, I can't even breathe."

   "Professor Mingming has been laughing, but I can't laugh at all."

   "Okay, just a few of you are big-hearted, please stop a little bit, okay?"

   The loudest classmates were stared at by the prefect in the classroom, not daring to say a word.

  It is an unprecedented situation. The students in the classroom did not leave quickly after class for the first time, but stayed in their seats and didn't know what they wanted to do.

The students of the two colleges set their sights on the prefect, expecting the prefect to say something, but at the moment, the two prefects of Ravenclaw's fifth grade are staring at the textbook and wondering what they are thinking. Paqi's male prefect is still a bit normal in the past.

   Although countless seniors and professors have told about the horror of OWLs, for the first time, the pressure that was only verbal in the past has been really pressed on everyone's heads.

The average score of Ravenclaw College is higher than that of other colleges. This is also the place where Ravenclaw students are most proud of in the past. Therefore, in this exam, almost all Ravenclaw students were given this score. OWLs are really silly.

   For students who still want to improve in their studies, nothing is more daunting than a series of things, especially when they have to face those problems in person after a year.

   For a long time, Hufflepuff's male prefect stood up.

   "Okay, the next class is about to begin, and we don't need to stay in the classroom anymore. The professor is right. If there are deficiencies, we should make up for it. Is it possible that you can pass the OWLs by avoiding it?"

   "Go, go, go to class, next class Transfiguration, our professor is Professor McGonagall, do you want to be late?"

   The fear from Professor McGonagall apparently suppressed the fear of failing the exam a year later. The students who had been hit hard finally started to pack their things and leave the classroom.


   "What are you thinking about?"

   "If you don't earnestly study, practice, and apply, you will not be able to pass the 0WLs exam."

  Professor McGonagall said angrily to a group of students who were insane.

"You are in the fifth grade. I think more than one professor has emphasized the importance of the 0WLs exam! Why are all in a daze? Could it be that the last class should be—" Professor McGonagall accepted his voice, "It's fortune-telling again? You guys? It’s the fifth grade now, the fifth grade, not the kid who just took the divination class in the third grade!"

   "Professor Trelawney predicted the death of which student?"

   Her tone was obviously angry.

   "It's not Professor Trelawney, it's Professor William."

   A student replied.

   "Professor William?" Professor McGonagall's tone was surprised.

   "But his class has nothing to do with divination? Did Professor William punish you physically?"

   Although the Defence Against the Dark Arts class has changed its name, UU read, but there is still no way to change the content of a large number of wizard confrontations in the curriculum. If there is any excessive confrontation, it is not impossible.

   "No, Professor, Professor William prepared an examination paper for us. All of the above is the content of the OWLs exam, but we all failed."


   "Yes, professor, only three students got a P, and the others got worse grades."

"I will talk to Professor William about this matter. I believe that Professor William is more attentive than you in terms of grades. But now, children, you should be more concerned about the content of our class. This class is most likely to appear in this class. The hardest spell in the OWLs exam. If you continue to struggle with the exams that have ended, I doubt you will get more Ps."

  Professor McGonagall’s words attracted the attention of the students—if they were struggling with the exam just now, they would probably have another test paper that would not know anything.

   But when the course was halfway through, the course could not continue at all.

   This lesson is a recognized difficulty in transfiguration, the disappearance spell—this spell is difficult even for seventh graders.

   After the whole class worked hard for almost an hour and still didn't lighten the snail's shell a little, the girl with the best performance in the past turned red directly, gave up and continued to cast the spell, hugging her girlfriend and cried.

   It was probably a chain reaction. Several girls followed, their eyes were red, and the noise rang out in the classroom. Professor McGonagall's classroom became an unprecedented mess.

  Ps: I'm sorry, but I suddenly found something more interesting than the original, so this is a little bit more exaggerated than Mr. Tony's haircut...


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