From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 52: School welfare is good

   Inexplicable ghost.

   This is William's only comment on the encounter just now.

   When encountering such a thing, William simply lost the interest in going to the restaurant. Anyway, the introduction was introduced, and the principal's speech was also posted-it is not possible to speak again after the meal, right?

   Thinking of this, he simply walked towards the office assigned to him. According to the timing, he saw that his box had been delivered to the office. It was just this time to sort out the contents of the box and make the bed.



   There was a knock on the door, and William, who was struggling to get a stack of books out of the box, hurriedly looked at nothing inappropriate to meet people, and William opened the office door while touching his wand.

   To his surprise, it was not the guests who knocked on the door, but the house elves.

   "Sorry, professor, we shouldn't apparition into a room with someone at will, but I need to clean up the bed for you now. (Note

   "Clean up the bed?"

   "Yes, professor, and we will provide cleaning services every day when there is no one."

   "Can you cancel it?"

   William doesn't like to let people enter his room at will-he still knows some cleaning spells.

   "As you wish, Professor, you can call us to clean or provide other services at any time. My name is Bart. You can call me by my name at any time."

   "Other services? Can I have some food?"

   William asked tentatively.

   "As you wish, Professor."

   With a loud cracking sound, the house elf named Bart disappeared in place.


   William was stunned.

   If he remembers correctly, apparition is strictly prohibited in the school-whether it is in the previous notice from the school or the book he bought about Hogwarts, this is clearly recorded.

   In his stunned work, the house elf named Bart returned to the original place with a bamboo basket in his hand, with roast chicken, bread, and sausage in it.

   "Sorry, professor, according to school regulations, the principal forbids house elves to provide alcohol to everyone in the school except for banquets."

  Bart bent over to apologize, and moved the basket to the table with magic.

   "It's okay, I'm very satisfied with these."

   William thanked.

   "Then, do you need me to lay your new mattress for you, professor?"

   "Can you bring me here?"

  Bart looked a little unhappy, but he quickly helped William bring the unopened luggage.

   "Is there anything else I can help? Help you move the book to the shelf? Hang the oil painting on the wall? Clean the floor?"

   "No need, thank you, what should I do with the tableware after I finish eating?"

   "You can call me, professor, and I will take care of everything, professor."

William had to make a clear statement to let the house elf who always wanted to clean up the contents of the box persuade him to go away-he kept staring at the box that William opened, as if he didn't store those things where they should be. Feeling uncomfortable all over.

  ‘I finally understand why the house elf called gold coin in the prison was so popular in the first place. ’

   William thought so while tearing the roast chicken.

  As far as the attitude of service just now, the most perfect servant is probably like this-unless someone wants to develop other uses.

  Although the first month's salary was not paid, William has truly felt the benefits of Professor Hogwarts.

   Considering the nature of his own year-round professors, every professor at Hogwarts should be taken care of by these elves meticulously, and maybe even the long-term professors have exclusive house elves.

  I would think of Azkaban’s feeling of expectation when someone in a cell talked about house elves. William just wanted to tell the inmate—the house elves were actually like that.

   After Bart cleaned up the basket and left, William studied his office again.

  The area is not small. There is a large desk and several chairs in the office. Two tall bookshelves occupy the wall on the left, and there is a compartment on the right that serves as a lounge. William has not had time to look inside.

   The ground is very clean and there is no dust in the house. Apparently the house elves cleaned up the house in advance.

   Put the books to be used magically, and William came to the compartment with the still heavy box.

   It's a lot smaller here. The closet, the separated bathroom, and an enlarged single bed. As for the bedding, the house elf just sent it.

   includes food, shelter, and even house elves.

   To be honest, William himself was a little bit envious-apart from the life safety issue, he felt that he had one more reason to stay here as a professor.

   Just as William put the clothes in the closet, the door of the outside office rang again.

   He closed the box and opened the door again with his wand.

   still Bart.

   The house elf wearing a tea towel looked regretful.

   "Sorry Professor, I forgot to bring my toiletries. This is your complete set of toiletries!"

   "Also, Professor, do you need morning service? I will wake you up at the time you you, if possible, wake me up at 6:30 tomorrow morning."

   "Okay, Professor." Bart's voice was full of joy.

  After the elf disappeared, William looked at the books on the shelf, then thought about the unpacked things inside, and decided to put the things away for a while. I don’t know why, but now he wants to sort out the information.

It’s fine if you have to leave because you have a broken leg-even though the old professor Zhuyu is in front, William still ignores the broken leg-if he is expelled from Hogwarts because he can't teach the students, I'm so sorry for the treatment he received just now!

   The thick books were carried down from the shelf by William, and the textbooks selected by the previous professors were spread out one by one, revealing the densely packed notes above.

   "There will be no class tomorrow morning, but the first big class in the afternoon is for the sixth graders-this can be a little bit relaxed."

   "The first big class in the morning is given to fifth grade Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw College, and the first big class in the afternoon is given to fifth grade Gryffindor and Slytherin."

   "These classes are the key points. Compared to the sixth grade, the fifth grade O.W.L.s. exam is too important. I must give those students enough confidence to let them accept my theory and do the questions obediently."

   was busy until late at night, and William didn't even bother to take a shower, and fell asleep directly on the bed.

   Note: Apparition is prohibited in the school, but the restriction seems to be ineffective for house elves, Dobby easily apparates in the school hospital. The Voldemort Horcrux cave, which also prohibits apparitions, has also been restrained by the elves.

  Ps: I am dying for the new book issue for one consecutive update, but it is really, I’m so busy... Sorry, let me see tomorrow

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