Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch4- First Mission

Kai and Saya continued to talk, their conversation flowing from one topic to another. They shared stories of their lives and experiences, careful not to reveal too many details. They found a sense of comfort and understanding in each other's company, something neither of them had expected.

As they spoke, Kai noticed that Saya had a certain aura about her. It was subtle, but he could sense the bloodlust that lingered beneath her calm exterior. He knew that she had killed before, that she was no stranger to the darker aspects of life. Yet, she was genuine and wise, offering a perspective that few others could.

Time seemed to pass quickly as they talked, and before they knew it, the sun had risen, bathing the world in warm, golden light. As they approached the Grass Village, Saya turned to Kai with a thoughtful expression.

"I should probably tell you something," she began, her voice steady but uncertain. "I'm actually here on a business trip of sorts. I've been hired to... take care of someone in the village."

Kai raised an eyebrow, his expression betraying no surprise. "You're an assassin."

Saya nodded, her eyes never leaving his. "Yes, I am. I work as a hired weapon, eliminating targets as directed by my clients."

Kai regarded her for a moment, his expression unreadable. "And you're telling me this because?"

Saya hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "Because I thought you might be interested in joining me. You clearly have skills, and you seem to be searching for a purpose. This line of work might suit you."

Kai's expression less cold, and he shook his head. "Thank you for the offer, Saya, but I have to decline. I won't deny that I have a plan, a purpose, but I don't want to be a blind weapon that fires in whatever direction I'm pointed. I have a mind of my own, and I don't want to lose that."

He paused, his gaze steady and unwavering. "I've seen what happens to shinobi who become puppets. If a Kage orders them to kill a baby, they would do it without question. I refuse to stoop so low."

Saya studied him for a moment, her eyes filled with a mix of respect and sadness. "I understand, Kai. Not everyone is cut out for this life, and I respect your decision. I hope you find the path that's right for you."

Kai smiled, his eyes were a little less chilly. "Thank you, Saya. I hope you find what you're looking for as well."

As they neared the village, their conversation began to wane, both of them lost in their thoughts. The sun had climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the dirt road. The sounds of the village had grown louder, the distant laughter and chatter a stark contrast to the heavy silence that hung between them.

Kai and Saya stood on the outskirts of the village, their eyes locked in a silent farewell. With a final nod, they turned and went their separate ways, each determined to forge their own path in the world.

As Kai entered the village, he made sure to keep a low profile. He walked the streets, memorizing the layout and the locations of key buildings, all the while ensuring that he didn't draw too much attention to himself. Once he was satisfied with his mental map, he found an inn for the night and settled in for a much-needed rest.

In the middle of the night, Kai was jolted awake by the sound of his door being kicked open. Three Grass Shinobi, wearing the standard-issue flak jackets and cloth masks, burst into the room. They surrounded him, their expressions cold and calculating as they stared him down.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" one of the shinobi demanded, his voice low and menacing.

Kai kept his composure, his eyes moving from one shinobi to another. "My name is Kai. I'm just a traveler, passing through."

"Really?" another shinobi said, skepticism dripping from his words. "We've had a high-profile assassination in our village tonight, and you just happen to show up around the same time? That's quite a coincidence."

Kai took a deep breath, realizing that there was no point in hiding the truth. "I arrived with a woman named Saya. She told me she was an assassin and that she had a target here. I didn't ask for details, and I didn't help her. I didn't even know the assassination had taken place until you mentioned it just now."

A third shinobi stepped forward, his eyes narrowed as he focused on Kai. "I am a sensor-type ninja. I can detect if you're lying. Tell us everything you know about this Saya."

Kai looked the sensor-nin in the eye, his voice steady and unwavering. "I met her on the road to the Grass Village. We traveled together and shared some conversation. She told me about her profession, and she even offered to let me join her. I refused, and we parted ways when we reached the village."

The sensor-nin studied Kai for a moment, probing his mind for any sign of deception. After what felt like an eternity, he nodded. "He's telling the truth."

The first shinobi stepped back, his expression still cold but slightly more relaxed. "Very well. You're free to go, but don't leave the village until our investigation is complete. We may have more questions for you."

Kai nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course. I'll cooperate in any way I can."

With that, the three Grass Shinobi left his room, leaving Kai to process the events that had just transpired.

Kai didn't feel a shred of guilt. Saya was probably a fake name, if not, it meant she was an idiot. Her face was likely altered by makeup, too. All assassins did that. If not, she was an even bigger idiot. He didn't know much besides that, and anything he gave was at best superficial. If all of them were true, and Saya wasn't hiding anything, that was on her. She was the one who tried to force him to join her by sticking to his side.

As he lay in bed, Kai's thoughts raced through his mind. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. The darkness of the room seemed to amplify his emotions, the shadows on the wall taking on ominous forms.

The next morning, Kai stepped outside into the bustling village. He tried to blend in with the crowd, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He knew that the Grass Shinobi would be keeping an eye on him, and that knowledge made him uneasy.

Kai spent the day wandering the village, trying to gather any information he could about the assassination. He overheard hushed conversations and whispers about Saya, but nothing that would lead him to her or any indication of her true identity.

As evening approached, Kai found himself sitting on the edge of the village square, watching the sun dip below the horizon. He felt a sense of helplessness that was unfamiliar to him. He had always prided himself on his ability to navigate the complexities of the world, but now he felt out of his depth.

Kai waited for a week for the feeling of being followed to disappear. When it did, he was approached by a Grass Jounin, who invited him to their Kage's presence. Deciding at least to go and see, he followed. He wasn't worried about them attacking him. If they attacked anyone visiting them, no one would do business with Hidden Villages, so he knew he was safe, at least in the light.

As they entered the Kage's office, Kai found himself face to face with a tall, middle-aged man with short, silver hair and piercing green eyes. He wore the traditional Kusakage attire, with a dark green flak jacket and the Grass Village symbol embroidered on the left shoulder. His presence was imposing, yet calm, and his eyes held a wisdom that spoke of years of experience. This was the Kusakage, Genzo Hoshimori.

"Welcome, Kai," Genzo greeted him, his voice deep and steady. "I've heard a lot about you from my Jounin. Please, have a seat."

Kai nodded and sat down, feeling the Kage's eyes on him as he did so. "Thank you for inviting me here, Lord Kusakage."

Genzo leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "We've been keeping an eye on you since you arrived in our village. You're an interesting individual, Kai. You possess a unique set of skills, and you seem to have a strong moral compass."

Kai raised an eyebrow, not sure where this was going. "I appreciate the compliment, but I'm not sure why you're telling me this."

Genzo's gaze remained steady. "I'll get straight to the point, then. I'd like you to consider joining our village as a shinobi."

Kai's eyes widened in surprise. "I appreciate the offer, Lord Kusakage, but I must decline. I have my own path to follow."

Genzo nodded, seemingly unfazed by the refusal. "I understand. However, I must ask you to reconsider. I believe that your skills could be of great use to us, and in return, we can offer you a place to call home and a purpose."

Kai hesitated, weighing his options. "I can't commit to joining your village, but I would be willing to take on jobs if the conditions are right."

The Kusakage's eyes flickered with interest. "I see. I'm willing to negotiate, but first, let me make a few offers. In exchange for your services, we can provide you with access to our village's resources, including training, powerful jutsu, and financial support."

Kai listened carefully, his expression unreadable. "And what if I'm not interested in those things?"

Genzo raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the response. "What about companionship? There are many beautiful and talented women in our village who would be more than happy to keep you company."

Kai's face remained stoic, showing no reaction to the Kage's words. "My heart is not for sale, Lord Kusakage."

Genzo's expression turned serious, and he leaned forward in his chair. "I respect your stance, Kai. But let me be clear. We can offer you opportunities and resources that you won't find anywhere else. However, if you choose not to accept my offer, I'll respect your decision and we can part ways on good terms."

Kai considered the Kage's words carefully, his mind racing with thoughts and possibilities. Finally, he looked Genzo in the eye and replied, "As I said before, I'm willing to take jobs if I find them acceptable. But I won't be one of your soldiers."

Genzo leaned back in his chair, studying Kai's face for a moment before nodding. "Very well, Kai. I can respect your desire for independence. Let's discuss the terms of our arrangement."

Kai relaxed slightly, feeling as though he'd managed to maintain a degree of control over his life. He listened intently as Genzo outlined the specifics of their agreement, each detail carefully crafted to suit both their needs.

Genzo reached into a drawer and pulled out ten scrolls, each one carefully rolled up and secured with a band. He placed them on the desk between them and slowly began to unfold each one, careful not to reveal their contents to Kai.

With a thoughtful expression, the Kusakage placed a finger on the first scroll. "This mission involves an assassination. A high-value target that needs to be eliminated discreetly."

Kai's face remained stoic, not betraying any interest in the mission. Genzo moved on to the next scroll. "This one is a message-carrying mission. You would be responsible for delivering important information to an ally village."

As Genzo continued to describe the missions, Kai listened attentively. He heard about supply carrying, protecting a client, and several other tasks that varied in difficulty and objectives.

After finishing his description of the last mission, Genzo looked at Kai expectantly. "So, which of these missions interests you?"

Kai hesitated, his eyes scanning the array of scrolls on the table. "Before I make a decision, I have a question. How can you trust me with these missions? A week ago, you didn't even know me?"

Genzo regarded Kai thoughtfully before answering. "Trust is a complex matter, Kai. We've been observing you closely since your arrival, and our sensor-nin have confirmed your honesty. I have a keen intuition when it comes to understanding people. While I can't say I trust you completely, I'm willing to take a calculated risk."

Kai's eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded in understanding. "Very well. I have some questions about the assassination mission. Can you provide more details about the target and the situation surrounding them?"

Genzo hesitated, his expression serious. "I can't reveal too much information about the target unless you accept the mission. But I can tell you that it's a high-profile individual whose death would be advantageous to us."

Kai frowned, his mind racing with questions. "Is the target evil? Do they deserve to die?"

The Kusakage sighed, his gaze steady. "The target is a civilian. While their actions have caused harm to others, labeling them as 'evil' is a matter of perspective. Their death would create a power vacuum that we believe would ultimately benefit the Hidden Grass Village."

Kai shook his head, his decision firm. "I can't accept a mission to kill a civilian, regardless of the circumstances. It goes against my principles."

Genzo nodded, not seeming surprised by Kai's refusal. "I understand. Please, feel free to choose another mission."

After a moment of consideration, Kai's eyes settled on the supply carrying mission to the Hidden Rock Village. "This mission seems like something I can do. What are the specifics?"

The Kusakage unrolled the scroll containing the mission details. "You will be responsible for transporting a shipment of valuable resources to the Hidden Rock Village. The route you'll take passes through dangerous territory, and you may encounter bandits or enemy shinobi. Your main priority is to ensure the supplies reach their destination safely."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Why not send your own shinobi to complete this mission?"

Genzo's eyes flickered with a hint of vulnerability, a rare sight for a Kage. "I won't deny that the task is dangerous. Our village has already suffered losses recently, and I can't afford to send more of our shinobi on such a risky mission. Your skills and independence make you a suitable candidate."

Kai considered the Kage's words, understanding the weight of the situation. "I accept this mission. I'll ensure the supplies reach the Hidden Rock Village safely."

Genzo handed Kai the scroll containing the mission details, along with another scroll containing the supplies. "Thank you, Kai. I trust you'll handle this mission with the utmost care and discretion."

Kai nodded, his expression determined. "You have my word, Lord Kusakage."

With the mission scroll and supplies in hand, Kai left the Kage's office and made his way towards the village exit. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He was about to embark on a new journey, one that would test his skills and resolve.

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