
Chapter 25


- Guardsman -


My name is Boron.
I'm a guard in the town with the name Osari.
The question is, how much longer?

Right now our country Tarsona is in direct conflict with the neighboring nation of Koreso.
Small-scale conflicts aren't rare, but it seems this time to be more serious and could turn into an all-out war.
And this town in the fief of my lord has to be unfortunately directly at the border.
When they attack it will be rather questionable if I or my wife will survive this.
Even now it isn't safe, as this stupid lord had to decide to let the refugees enter the city.
His only good idea was to restrict their movements, by making it a condition for receiving shelter.
As if we had the resources for that.
When the enemy starts a siege the provisions won't last long.
Then we will either starve or have a riot of hungry refugees.

It's not that I cannot understand them.
But do you think any of them would take a weapon to help us fight?
No! In the end, they are all just thinking about themselves.
This is even a strategy of the enemy.
We have so many problems dealing with them, that their forces won't have much to do when they arrive.
Chaos at the enemy is the commander's friend.
And that folk means chaos.

When Koreso's army attacks this town is done for!
Maybe I should just run myself.
It might be deserting, but who will be left to ask when the city burns?
Chaos means also opportunity. For me one to take all we have and make a run for it.
Might be the best.
I should talk with Helen about this.
I owe her that much.

Yet, now I see figures on the horizon.
Fortunately, the land around the walls is barren so any oncoming forces are easy to make out.
Of course, there are some settlements outside of the gates but with the fear of the naturally occurring monsters no one believes that the smaller tax and cheaper price for a house outside are that much of an advantage.
And war is another good reason against living out there.
Yet when the Koresos attack us in full force we will see how much more it's worth to live within the town.

However, those figures are coming closer.
Hard to make something out at this distance, but it seems to be a fairly large group.
Certainly not large enough to be the enemy, yet considerable.
Oh no, that must be another batch of refugees.

They come closer, but something is strange.
The shapes look far bulkier than they should.
There seems to be a commotion around the outskirts.
Was there just now someone running away?
Yes, people are running in the direction of the gates.
The large group isn't splitting apart, so they don't want anything from the settlements.
But they come closer and I see...



Directly approaching a city?
And why is this group moving so coordinated?


"ALARM!" (B)


Damn, I can't get out of this as it's part of my job.
Shit, why does this now have to happen?
The commotion starts.

Soon other guardsmen are coming to take care of this threat.
The cavalry might need some more time until they made their horses ready.
Ironical how those supposed to be fast are the last to come in such a situation.
Nonetheless, we could gather around fifty men and some archers are ready as well.
No mages, since they are scarce in these lands and in general not used as common troops but as specialized forces located in the castle.
Yet they aren't in range yet.


"Help us!"



Seems like those who could escape from the outskirts made it here.
Great, more refugees.
However, while coming closer the group of monsters shows no particular interest in chasing them down.

I can have a closer look.
What even are they?
I've never heard of such monsters and my fellow guards, who shall fight this, seem to be distressed as well.
The now present commander looks agitated at this view yet still waits for them to come closer.
I think he just doesn't want to have this much distance to run back.
These things, around thirty maybe, look like they might simply overrun us.
And their glistening skin looks though.
An armor?

This fight will be hard.
Why didn't I run earlier?
The most unsettling is how slow and calm they approach as if they know no fear.
They are already in range, but this stupid asshole of a commander is still not giving the order to fire.

Suddenly they all stop.
What is going on there?
They part in the middle and a smaller one comes out.
This one has around the size and with some imagination the shape of a woman.
It approaches alone, calmly.

I still feel uneasy, looking at this thing, but it isn't nearly as frightening as these bigger ones.
I mean their claws are huge.
This one just looks creepy and I think I could take it easily down.
It has its opened arms raised high, while it links a second set like for a prayer in front of her.

This thing is now almost at us.
The commander is apparently at a loss.
The creature has wings, but it doesn't look like this much of a threat.
Yet, even I can understand that the fight will start as soon we attack.
The commander wouldn't want to waste the ammunition on this one when these other creatures will attack directly after the archers fired.
It takes some time to reload a bow efficiently.
So this thing can come close unhindered.
They would be at us before the next wave could be fired.


"Good day dear humans! I am here to relay a message!" (K)


This thing can speak?
The commander is clearly as shocked as everybody else and murmur is running through the ranks.


"I absolutely must insist that no one here shoots. This is of utmost importance for the further development!" (K)

"W-what do you want? W-why are you approaching us with your soldiers?" (commander)


Exactly my question!


"Thank you for lending me your ear. I am coming on behalf of my princess Erys and princess Liseti. Those wish for negotiations and like this ask for a meeting with the upper ones of this settlement." (K)

"You are saying there are more of you?" (commander)

"Absolutely! The swarm is vast! I'm sorry for my inability to relay this properly earlier but these workers are under their control and not mine, yet princess Erys demanded to send them with me. As it is like this the negotiations might take a turn for the worse if you decide to kill me. My princess might grieve." (K)

"When they wish a meeting, why aren't they here?" (commander)

"Ehk, I'm sorry if this was another slip of mine. This isn't my natural role to perform, yet it cannot be allowed for a princess to be exposed to any danger. As it is like this, we can only demand a place outside the settlement on neutral grounds for the meeting. If it is your wish, you can decide on a concrete place, yet an escort must accompany the princesses! I would wait now for an answer." (K)


Like this, the creature settles cross-legged down on the ground.
The commander is obviously confused and I can completely relate.
The other monsters are still waiting.


"No one moves here! I will inform the lord!" (commander)


And so this asshole leaves us here, outside of the walls, alone with those monsters.




- Jorad -


Being responsible is hard!
And being a lord means even more responsibility.
When I decided to help the refugees who are my people, the citizens were against me.
When I decided to separate them from the citizens to prevent conflict through this tension the refugees were against me.
And when I decided to ration the supplies as we are at war, everyone was against me!

It's not like I would gain anything from this.
This land is my heritage and I have to give it my all to keep it afloat.
The Hawkspears cultivated it for generations and it shall not end with me.
That's what I'm telling myself, desperate to make the right decisions.

But for what reason?
That I get killed by those I lead?
Or I get killed by those who are attacking us.
I've asked for help, but my land is not able to sustain huge quantities of reinforcements and as long there is no dire need I can't ask for anything concrete.
When I ask for food they ask why.
Because the people are unhappy?
It's true right now we can barely manage to get by.
How long is not certain but the storages in the capital can't be emptied for mere possibilities.
And until the enemy forces are really approaching I cannot justify deploying the whole army here.
I lack the provisions and can't divide our country's forces for my own benefit.

This situation is truly dire.
Not hopeless, but I wouldn't know how to solve this situation.


"My lord!!!" (commander)


What now?
Another catastrophe in this tense situation?
Or something that will finally end my misery for good?


"What is it, Ashton? Do you have a good reason to disturb me?" (J)

"Milord... in front of the gates!" (A)


He looks deeply distressed and out of breath.


"What? Has the enemy finally come? Then we need to prepare and send a pigeon for reinforcements!" (J)

"No... Something else!" (A)

"What could be so severe that you appear in front of me in such a state?" (J)

"Strange... creatures approached our western gate. They say they want to negotiate with you. Or more decide on a meeting that is!" (A)


Strange creatures?


"What do you mean with that? What kind of creatures?" (J)

"They look like... in-insects. A moderate group, yet they say this is only a fraction of their forces and their leaders want to talk on neutral grounds. They are waiting for an answer." (A)

"Insects? Are you serious?" (J)

"Yes milord. My men are opposing them right now!" (A)

"I will first take a look at them and then we decide how to proceed!" (J)


Seems like I'll have to make more decisions in the future.

Just my luck!




Leaving the castle into the town always feels like crossing over into a completely different world.
Leaving by horse doesn't help this feeling of disconnection from the general populace.
I have a hard time believing anything that Ashton said, yet while I'm not this sure about his bravery, he is absolutely loyal and wouldn't make such jokes.
The town itself looks calm, but when I come closer to the gate I notice a commotion.
The crowded civilians appear restless and there is never anything good about a restless crowd of people.


"Folks! Make room for your lord!" (A)


One of the things Ashton can do is to make use of his status to force people into submission.
I won't complain as because of this I don't need to raise my voice.
The gate is closed as I see, what should be a given when forces of unknown background are out there.
However, it has something of leaving the men out there to die should something happen.
Ashton makes good use of the escort and manages to part the people.
This is as well a favorable trait of him.
He can do this rough job without using too much violence, and through this without causing unnecessary incidents.

These creatures obviously are there, causing this crowd.
As I understood it, these creatures didn't attack yet.
I relate Ashton's reservation to fight to this.
He was never the first to attack.

For now, this is for the better as I really don't need more forces attacking me.
I finally reach the gate and already notice some gasping from the escorting soldiers.

A strange creature sits close in front of my men and from the horse's back, I can see a rather large group of considerably dangerous-looking monsters some distance behind it.


"Open the gate!" (J)


I brought a good amount of soldiers with me and my forces already have gathered.
If they attack I'm confident we can take this much of a force.
And I want to examine them myself.
Naturally, they react to my order, yet with some restraint, as they have to take away the only barrier between them.
I approach this creature, always having the hand at my sword.


"I am Jorad Hawkspear! Lord of this town! What is it that brings you here on my land?" (J)


For a moment I believe that this creature's black eyes are focusing on me.
The creature stands up and reaches around 1,65 meters, maybe more.
But it looks slim and not too intimidating.
Like this, it does a formal curtsy and speaks.


"I thank you for granting me an audience. Am I right if the title "Lord" refers to the sole highest authority of this settlement?" (K)


This creature is distressingly calm.
This is worrying me because it doesn't seem to be the least bit afraid of this rather dangerous situation.
But its courtesy unsettles me even more because it shows intelligence.
Not just the odd forming of tribal groups, humanoid monsters show in their behavior, which makes them already incredibly dangerous.
This speaks of demeanor, knowledge, a force that acts strategically.
I must not lower my guard!


"I am the ruler of these lands! Only second to my king who granted it to me!" (J)


The creature appraises me with a piercing stare, before proceeding.


"So that's how it is. My role is to inform you that my princess Erys and princess Liseti wish for a talk with the controlling entity of this settlement for the purpose of negotiations. The place is for you to decide, yet it cannot be inside the town or any other place out of our reach. In addition, I must insist on an escort for the safety of our princesses, their lives have too much value!" (K)


Distressing! Again!
This thing speaks about superiors.
This tells me that there must be additional forces aside from what I see, but not how large.
They say the place is up to me to decide, so I don't think they set up a trap.
The way it speaks of them is giving quite much information, like telling us their weakness.


"Couldn't I negotiate right now with you?" (J)

"I couldn't make decisions on behalf of the swarm. This is up to a princess. I can only act as an envoy." (K)


So it tells me of the importance of those "princesses", whatever I have to understand by this.
Surely not a young girl from a royal family, with the way they apparently wield power.
It seems to be important to them that I know.


"Can you tell me what kind of negotiations are planned, so that I can prepare in advance?" (J)


As things are it could even be about surrendering and leaving this land.
Or the typical granting-a-quick-death speech.


"Naturally! The princesses wish to establish relations under friendly conditions! Yet the details have to be discussed with them. Can I relate a positive answer?" (K)


Friendly relations?
This sounds rather ominous.
It's not like I can directly suspect them of something, but there was never such a thing as a fully armed escort with an envoy coming to discuss hospitality.


"Can I have some time for the decision?" (J)

"This would be unfortunate, as my princess awaits my return! Yet I have to wait here until an answer will be found." (K)


So the princesses have separated forces when she relates to them differently.


"You are saying that your princesses are close?" (J)

"Yes, very! We will start as soon you are ready. However, in terms of manners it would be favorable to not let them wait for too long, as they are deeply invested!" (K)


This was nearly a threat and I become uneasy.
There are obviously more forces behind them, as we talk here about creatures I've never seen before, but which must have an origin that reaches further than the few individuals I can see.
Yet I cannot have another force against me right now.
The already ongoing war is hard enough!


"Is close to the town fine?" (J)


This way I can still have a way to retreat.
On a horse's back, it should be fast enough.


"Naturally! It was just about having the princesses out of a dangerous environment!" (J)

"You said they need an escort. As I'm in the same position, I should be granted the same, right?" (J)


This thing's glare almost hurts.


"It seems so. Yet no distance weapons or excessive force. We will know." (K)


It seems deeply worried about these two creatures.
So I have at least a lever in the worst case and a target.
However, they apparently don't know about magic and its possible usage on the distance.
On the other side, there are no spells that would lead to a safe kill.
Even a fireball is only burning and not necessarily deadly.
Yet what makes me uneasy is that this thing is confident that there is no issue in melee combat.


"And for the time?" (J)

"As soon as possible." (K)

"Then I want the grassland east of the town, apart from the settlements! Is that possible?" (J)

"We have sufficient surveillance." (K)


Again, a distressing revelation.


"I would suggest in five hours." (J)


She makes again a curtsy.


"I will relay this!" (K)


Like this, without losing another word this thing turns around and leaves in the direction of these monsters, before completely retreating with them.
I think I'm sweating from the stress right now.


"Milord, are you fine?" (A)

"Not really. Negotiations with monsters are taxing." (J)

"Why you decided on such an early time, milord?" (A)

"Because I don't know what happens if I wait too long. It's not much time to set up an ambush and this thing seemed to urge me not to keep them waiting, yet I want to know what I'm up to as soon as possible. Now let us go. We need to make preparations!" (J)


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