
Chapter 23


We head back inside this newly built base, surrounded by an always growing amount of new tunnels and halls.
Whatever Liseti tells me, this place was created to keep an army ready to fight whenever it's necessary.
The question is just if I'm being paranoid or if she lied to me.
Well, in the end, I enter a new hall that forms some kind of plaza and find the person in question.


<Crik, criek!/Erys! Finally, you're here! Where were you?> (L)

<Close to the surface. The sunlight was nice.> (E)


Promptly she looks past me and spots my brother.


"TheeE smaaall one froom yiEeesteeeerEAy, ieez ieeet ryEeght?" (L)

"Ehk, yes... my brother. Pleease, treeat him well. He means much to me." (E)


The anxiousness makes me a little forget my ability to adjust my speech.


"NAatuurallyEee! Ieee wanteeed to wEelcoome hiim. YeEet IEee guEess hEeere ieez not muuch foor hiem to Eenjoyiie hieemseeelf!" (L)

"That shouldn't be an issue." (E)


I turn to Toris.


"I need to do some things here. Can you wait for a bit? I will always stay close by." (EH)

"Yes I can!" (T)


He goes to the wall and sits down there.
I am a little bit anxious as there is quite a number of insects around, but he seems to be fine.
It's not like he is in any danger, and the assigned guards are still around.
Yet other kids might find this scary.
I turn to Liseti.


<Why did you call for me?> (E)

<There is much to prepare.> (LF)

<What do you mean?> (E)

<It starts tomorrow, the next interval!> (L)

<What starts?!> (E)

<Contact! We will approach the humans. I will offer negotiations and it will depend on them. Whatever actions they will undertake, I am prepared now.> (L)

<Wait! Isn't this too sudden? We just came here!> (E)

<Why should we delay this? There is no reason to prolong this situation. Obviously, your family will be under our control by tomorrow, especially as your brother is already here, they have no choice but to follow. And then we can act without restrictions.> (L)


That sounds far too much like taking hostages.
I just did some parenting.


<B-But have you thought this through? One mistake and it could end in a war!> (E)

<I am prepared for that!> (L)

<But are you prepared to avoid a conflict?> (E)


She seems to have put disturbingly much thought in the opposite.


<A strange question. I was going to talk to them on equal terms while maintaining proper security measures.> (L)

<Excuse me, please!? You aren't going to get close to the town with your escort, right?> (E)

<Naturally! A princess must be protected!> (L)


She does!!!


<NO! This won't work! They will just see an approaching army of strange creatures and commence defensive measures!> (E)

<And what are you suggesting instead?> (L)

<We need to pose the least bit possible of a threat! First, send someone to relay your wishes. Anyone who can speak human words, but that one should look the closest to humans as possible. Don't approach the gates with soldiers or show up in the town itself!> (E)

<An envoy? That might be possible. But then?> (L)

<You ask for a meeting with an individual of the upper ranks. Someone who can make decisions. You can at this chance explain that you need your escort, but you could maybe ask for a neutral place and like this reduce the necessary numbers, balancing threatening appearance and security. Then you should be able to negotiate without a massacre.> (E)

<You are right, neutral grounds would decrease the threat. But there is a problem.> (L)

<A problem?> (E)

<While my ability of human speech is still lacking, but enables crude talk, I have no one who can use it fluently at my disposal, yet. I let some nurses and messengers work on this task. However, until now there are no satisfying results.> (L)

<And what do we do then?> (E)

<Well, I would know of two nurses who can talk human to a better degree than me. You are aware?> (L)


She asks for Suki and Kyska, but...


<But it's dangerous. If the soldiers feel threatened they might attack the envoy.> (E)

<I am aware. As you said, balancing out risks and benefits. I would prefer Kyska since her ability is more developed. In the end, her life is worth the possibility to avoid a conflict that might take an indefinite amount of lives. And I thought this was important to you?> (L)


She is right.
If I want to avoid conflict my approach might work the best.
We simply cannot let a princess directly go and it wouldn't be allowed without an army.

Still, I like Kyska.
And I am pretty sure that for Liseti she's just another drone.


<Kyska?> (E)

<If you want to ask me about my consent there is no need. I belong to you.> (K)

<It would be the right decision, but I absolutely don't want anything to happen to her.> (E)

<We both wish for a favorable result.> (L)

<Right, but she won't go without an escort!> (E)

<Didn't you say that we should avoid sending soldiers to the gates?> (L)

<They don't need to approach them directly, just some dozens staying in the vicinity to guard a retreat if necessary. It will also show them that they should take us seriously if the right amount is used. Kyska will go alone and speak to the guards. And Kyska! If you sense any real danger you immediately run away behind the escort. Your life is important to me! Do you think you can be faster than them?> (E)

<There should be no issue moving fast for a limited distance.> (K)

<Good, this might actually work.> (E)

<Now to the next problem.> (L)

<Next?> (E)

<As I said, my speech is lacking and it's hard to maintain it for a prolonged discussion like you might need it for negotiations. So you are going to partake.> (L)

<ME!?> (E)

<Naturally. You are the only other princess able to make decisions and your human is fluent. That would be the safest way to ensure success, especially as you know much more about the important things which one needs to pay attention to regarding humans, as you just proved now. In addition, this all is to no small degree to trace back to your person. Isn't this right?> (L)


Well, it was my idea.
I'm the best choice if it's about talking and I want to prevent a conflict.
But to talk with nobles and such?
I'm a peasant.
Something like this would have been a crime before.

Okay, maybe I am not a peasant anymore, as crude my current status is defined at the moment.
But being a little self-conscious about this is absolutely understandable.
I had no perfect track of time below the earth, but it shouldn't have been more than five to six days.
This is simply no timeframe to forget about this.
But lives are at stake.


<F-fine, but I cannot do this alone.> (E)

<I never said I wouldn't be present. You wouldn't even know about all the points which have to be addressed.> (L)

<G-good. We... we should maybe prepare some presents in addition.> (E)

<Presents?" (L)

<Things we are willing to give to them if we want to trade. Humans look for the benefit and if we show them that there is an actual profit, by preparing some samples, that might help to convince them. Also, it would show goodwill and make us appear less threatening.> (E)

<Flawless logic! And I have stored such things here.> (L)

<So we have settled everything, right?> (E)

<There is one last thing.> (L)

<What else?> (E)


A nurse comes to her she takes something and then she throws it to me.
A stick?


<I don't understand!> (E)

<Wasn't this your idea? As you said, this might turn out badly and because of this, I won't let you approach them without any ability in self-defense. So we are training now. Using your suggested "gear"!> (L)


She throws another one in my direction.


"You have two blades! So learn to use them both simultaneously!> (L)


Wait this happens much too fast!


<Now change into a stance!> (L)


She doesn't seem to allow any backing off and so I don't really have a choice.
Yet when I try to get ready she looks displeased.
Or more the scent and her demeanor tell me.


<You are holding them wrong! The blades are extracting out of your hands! You need to guide them with your fingers.> (L)


She extracts her broadsword and shows how the blade goes through the gap between the ones in the middle, supported by the outer ones of her four-fingered claw.


<I'm not sure I can do this. My fingers might get hurt like this.> (E)

<Do I need to remind you of your carapace under your outer layer? And do you really think your claws didn't adjust as well when you grew those blades?> (L)


She has a point.
At the moment I'm not sure if I am knowing my own body well enough.


<Now take the sticks and place them in the right manner! We are starting!> (L)


I've got the feeling she will start even if I'm not ready.
So I hurry.


To my surprise, as soon I tense the fingers to hold the sticks between middle- and forefinger there is some kind of clicking.
I notice that they are stuck.
Completely locked in position.
Liseti seems to have noticed my gaze and the confusion.


<You obviously aren't used to this. Don't try to unlock it now. Your smaller appendages will be movable again as soon as you relax the affected appendage.> (L)


Okay, so this is absolutely normal.
In the most twisted kind of way, considering my body changed into that of an insect's.


<We will do this as follows! I will attack you and you only need to concentrate on defending yourself. Try not to get hit. In a dangerous situation, your highest priority is to stay alive and not to kill. You need just to buy time for your units to solve the situation. And your acid blades are perfect for this, destroying any weapons aimed at you.> (L)


So I just need to defend myself.
Should be manageable.

Why does she take two more sticks?
Wait she isn't...

Like this Liseti, armed with four sturdy sticks rushes at me and directly brings two of her arms down on me.
I can barely take my own arm up and deflect one strike with my stick, but the other one hits my shoulder with full force.
I feel a heavy impact and the stick breaks.
To my surprise, my shoulder seems to be fine.
Well, it hurts and maybe there's a scrape, but no real damage despite the force.


<You are too slow! And your reaction was invalid! You cannot tell me you couldn't anticipate what I'm doing!> (L)


In fact, I did.
I absolutely knew how I would get hit, but had no idea how to take it and froze.
In retrospect, the movement was incredibly fast, but my eyes could follow up with it.
Now I remember that my eyes aren't normal anymore.

So that's what it was.
But following a movement with your eyes and moving your body in accordance are completely different things.
And I have no experience in using weapons.


<It seems we need to start slow or you won't be able to adjust. However, you should take full advantage of this. It will simply be impossible to spar with a drone! They cannot hurt you, a princess, and because of this are useless for practice.> (L)


I know she doesn't want to bully me and this is for my benefit, yet she is quite rough.

The next two hours I get battered up.
It's the first time that I'm halfway thankful for a carapace that protects me from greater harm.
I mean at the speed and force Liseti applies she has the nurses bringing her again and again new sticks to replace those she broke.
On my body that is.


<You should have no problems keeping up with my strikes! Your appendages are thicker than mine and must have greater strength!> (L)


Hard to believe as relentless she strikes me.
On the other side, I don't grow as exhausted as I thought.
With dread, I think about my "energy storage" and that it possibly keeps me going.

Also, maybe I grew stronger.
With time some of the sticks break because of my deflective moves.
I am not sure if I could have broken them like this before.
Yet now I'm looking quite battered.

She's really strict with me and doesn't allow any slip-ups.


After another hour I'm totally finished.
I think I've got a little better, but you won't become a master fighter after just one session.
To think like this is just stupid.


<There are still severe flaws, but minimal threats should now be allowed close to you. Otherwise, I couldn't allow you to accompany me.> (L)

<I... think I'm exhausted!> (E)

<Then go back to your facilities. Especially as your next laying interval will start soon.> (L)

<What?!> (E)

<What did you think were we doing? You've put a heavy strain on your body to stay in battle mode. The original purpose of being able to withhold the interval is for exactly this reason! To keep you going during dangerous situations. Now that the tension subsides it's only a question of time until it starts.> (L)


Now I understand!
My brother is here! What shall I do?
I need to act fast before anything happens and look for my brother.
I stare in shock when I find him playing with a hunter.


"Toris!!!" (E)

"Sister?" (T)

"What are you doing there?! (E)

"I played! You said I can!" (T)

"But not with those! They are dangerous!" (E)

"You said they are friendly!" (T)

"They... The smaller ones are more like dogs. Mum and dad wouldn't allow you to approach those you don't know, right? You cannot do this!" (E)


I glare at the workers, who should have kept him away from any danger and failed miserably!
They don't seem to understand my gesture, but become distressed at the scent which conveys my displeasure I think.


<My princess, I don't think there was any danger.> (Sk)


What does he want?


<Skreeak, crieek, cree!/What do you mean? I've seen those things tear apart grown men!> (E)


The insect speech might be troubling for my brother.
But I won't say that hearable for my brother.


<First, your order was relayed by the attending workers. The hunters won't oppose this. They may be less intelligent, yet they understand to a degree. Even more, your scent is all over your brother. They would recognize it and not attack under such circumstances. They would rather partake to defend this individual.> (Sk)


This helps to ease me a little.
So he wasn't really in danger.
Yet, I feel a bit distressed seeing him close to this thing.
I mean it has distressingly sharp claws.


"And it was great! To see you fight!" (T)

"I've got just beaten up." (E)

"No! You were so fast! I could barely see!" (T)


No, no, no, no.
I wasn't acting strange, right?


"Toris, I would like to go now to my place. Can we go together?" (E)


He nods and we can leave for my temporary home in this base.
The problem is I notice on the way the already too good known pressure in my waist.
Time is running!


"Toris, I would like that Kyska shows you around this place. Especially where you, mum and dad will stay. She is very nice." (E)


I glance at Kyska.


"I'm very sorry, but I need to do something alone for a moment." (E)


She understands and her behavior shifts.


"My princess, I will fetch the nurses, but are you sure you can manage on your own?" (K)

"Yes, sure. But it is really important that Toris is fine, understood?" (E)

"Yes. Then I will send the nurses!" (K)


Urrgh, unpleasant!


"You leave me alone?" (T)

"No, I'm just one room away. It is just that I need to do something very important. Please, let me just for a moment." (E)

"You promise to come back?" (T)

"Sure, directly after this." (E)


I try to appear as assuring as possible but need to hurry now before the first eggs come and Kyska gets angry again for me keeping them inside.
We are soon there and I directly rush into my room.
The nurses are already gathering in there and it seems I have no choice.


<God! Just get this over with!> (E)


I lay my head on the closest bench and release my self-induced pressure.




And so it starts.


After less than an hour I am done.
I've not done this creepy counting thing, but I guess a bit more than forty.
Yet as I promised I go directly to Toris.
And find him getting a piggyback ride on Kyska.
She's really giving her all.


"Hi. Here I am!" (E)

"Sister!" (T)

"Hello!" (E)

"Princess, are you well?" (K)

"Yes, it worked out!" (E)


Now please stop this topic immediately.
I send the workers away, to prevent them from dying of starvation or something like this.
Since I promised I would spend time with Toris I join to play with them.
It is nice to spend time with him and enjoy my reunion with my family.
So I take advantage of this.


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