
Chapter 196


<So would you please tell me now what you think will come from contacting this princess?> (E)

<As I already told you for the last few intervals, Inati is going to help us with the current predicament.> (L)


Yes, she did.
Although this isn't the slightest bit enlightening.
No, rather it was a bit frustrating that those two basically outvoted me by deciding to wait for this ominous figure who's going to come to our aid.
Yet I'm not completely sold on this.


<How exactly is this going to help us?> (E)


It goes without saying that bringing another princess into the mix is not only going to stir things up but is also highly questionable regarding whether it will even get us any further.
What can one princess do that would make these two, who certainly have the ego to believe they can solve everything their own way, call her for help in a predicament?


<You will see. Inati is going to arrive very soon.> (L)

<Which would be preferable, as those humans seem to have finished their work on their construction and may any moment begin putting it to use.> (C)


She's right.
All the time I was watching how they put up this monstrosity and piled up a veritable hill of ammunition right next to it.
From what I could see and according to Lord Stormheart, a mix of hard projectiles and stuff that burns.
Seriously, I don't really want to be up here when they start firing those at us.
Even the archers stationed on the upper wall are instructed to stick close to the numerous entryways in case they get under fire.
So I basically want to say that time is running out.


<It seems both of your concerns were unfounded. See.> (L)


Liseti points into the sky, and I quickly catch sight of a single messenger.
The pheromone signal made spotting it quite a simple matter.
Also, there's this pattern to it.
It bears a mark I don't know.


<Report!> (messenger)

<Yes. You're coming from Inati. Perform in your role.> (C)

<My princess instructed me to relay a message!> (messenger)

<So you should. Relay!> (C)

<In Princess Inati's exact pheromones: It starts now!> (messenger)




"Dong, dong, dong"


Before I even get to state a question, the alarm in Koreso's camp is rung.
The reason becomes quickly apparent.
All around the trebuchet, holes open.
Tunnels that link to the deep system.
Before the ground even settles there, troops already rush out.
Even the diggers must've switched from one moment to the other from their miscellaneous task in favor of charging the enemy.
Sometimes Formicean drones can be terrifying in the way how efficient they are.


<Am I right to assume...> (E)

<Yes, this is certainly our sister's doing.> (L)


Not like there'd been many other options.
However, what I witness next makes me rectify my prior assessment.
Those drones aren't just focused on their task.
No, they're feral.
At the same time still incredibly efficient.
Like, they're doing their bloody deed and jumping the enemy.


<Ehk, shouldn't she first check with us before starting an attack all of a sudden?> (E)

<You see, the messenger I sent should have informed her about all the necessary details to make a fair judgment of the situation.> (L)

<But still! What about coordinating a proper response as a whole? Why are you fine with this?> (E)

<Inati is an odd one.> (C)


Seriously, are you in any position to say this?
Seriously, is any Formicean princess in the position?
Just to say so, I haven't met a single one who I could declare as completely, unchallengeable sane.
Liseti has obvious inferiority issues which she tries to make up for with forced professionalism.
Chera is a concentrated bundle of complexes, and it's a miracle that she's still in any way functional.
And don't let me get started on Honiu.
However, the attack on the trebuchet platform continues.
Guardians stream out of the holes and form a defensive line.

Meanwhile, more holes open.
Seriously, they must've been simultaneously prepared.
This tells me that this Inati sent this messenger after she already had everything prepared.
So to speak, only to make a show.

The trebuchet has of course its own garrison.
They are not yet engaged with the guardians yet, who are positioned against outward attacks, but then another inward row opens up.
New drones emerge from those and directly engage the trebuchet platform.
I never saw this kind before.
They remind me of hunters, but much larger and they have additional limbs at their front.
Some kind of extendable spikes.
They are able to jump dozens of meters, directly at the human manning the platform.
They don't have the slightest chance to even react before claws tear their flesh.
But much more terrifying are those spikes when they pierce the torso.
The places where they pierce instantly start to disintegrate.
They're melting so fast that I can even see it from here.

I-is this Inati's royal guard?
Who would create something this fierce?


<I notice signs of distress, Erys. Aren't you content that the threat is taken care of?> (C)


That's totally an understatement.


<I... didn't expect something so extreme.> (E)

<I can understand this notion. Our elder sister seems to have gotten the most primal of our hereditary information. She is wild, aggressive, reckless, and has little sense of danger. Her brood severely takes after these traits. Since ancient times it was a huge headache for Mother to consider how we would prevent her from finding her eventual demise with so little self-preservation agency.> (L)

<Ehk, then why would you ever not only allow but even intentionally call her to the site of this battlefield?> (E)


This doesn't make sense.
One dead princess is like several magnitudes worse than a lost battle.


<Because Inati features the greatest front fighters the swarm has ever seen. During the swarm wars, they just mowed through enemy ranks. Her whole brood fighting with a fervor never known in all the swarms. I'd say she raised the adrenalin glands on a general scale.> (L)

<Still, isn't this too risky?> (E)

<There's another point. Inati's brood is basically under a constant challenge. Inati is, there's no other way to say this, on all accounts a battle maniac. If Inati's brood doesn't deal quickly enough with a threat she will appear herself to take care of any possible adversaries. Therefore, her brood adapted to be done before it would come to this point. They simply kill everything faster than Inati can even approach. Therefore, they're just perfect to take down this 'trebuchet'. There's no way the humans can prevail under this assault.> (L)


Yeah, that's obvious.
By now the royal guard took care of all those unfortunate enough to have been stuck within the ring of death they created.
But how do they intend to destroy this huge thing?
Even those killer drones are comparatively small to this gigantic monstrosity of a weapon.
In addition, they're under a time limit.
The Koresoans are already adjusting the trajectory of the surrounding ballistas and aim for everything that moves at the construction site.
There's no way the guardians are going to survive this if the fire really gets started.


However, I stand corrected.
Those acid hunters simply turn their spike weapons against the construction.
Under this barrage of acid strikes key elements of the trebuchet give in and the whole thing crumbles.
This is apparently the sign to retreat for the drones.
Not a moment too soon, as the first guardians are already getting struck.
However, before serious damage is done they have already all retreated into the safety of the tunnels.
The Koresoans would be suicidal to follow them in there.
So it seems this battle ended in our favor.


<This ended well enough.> (C)

<It's been fortuitous that Inati didn't choose to appear personally.> (L)

<I instructed her of the danger those ranged weapons pose. Inati might be reckless, but in all her problematic behavior she wouldn't intentionally act stupid.> (C)


While I try to think about what I just witnessed and its implications, I perceive approaching pheromones.
Instinctively, I can tell that the pattern is similar to that of the messenger.
A hunch that becomes concrete once, from one moment to the other, the very same acid hunters I just saw emerge from the tunnel system under the wall.
They take position in front of the nearest exit.
While there is a bit of aggression in the air, it doesn't seem to be directed at us.
Rather, it's apparently part of them being escorts.
Still, my own guards really don't appreciate this demeanor in my vicinity.

Still, I manage to prevent the worst until suddenly voice and pheromones echo from below.


<Scrahscrahscrah!/Wonderful! This fight was great! Now welcome the victorious one!> (I)


I guess it's moot to ask who that is.
However, I only have one single question.
Why is that crazy stationed at the border tasked with the responsibility of maintaining the peace treaty with the other swarms?!


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