
Chapter 193


After this, things proceed somewhat smoothly.
In an expectedly short time, the many, many workers we have at our disposal here climb the wall to create defensive platforms, and more importantly, raise barriers on them to protect whatever would be on them from enemy fire.
The Tarsonian archers, meanwhile, are doing a good job at not letting anything get close that could interrupt this task.

In the meantime, the members of my little group oversee the work.
Well, to be honest, I more mimic the others than actually contribute to anything.
Lord Stormheart even went up the wall, something I can't afford anymore as I'm strictly prohibited from getting into the field of fire of any long-distance weapons the enemy might've set up.
Nonetheless, I try to get as close as I can, sometimes snatching short glances of the other side from relatively safe positions, much to the chagrin of my escort.
That is to say, they freak out every time, sometimes even slightly pulling me back into cover.

But hell, I won't let them take this view from me!
I kinda worry that my royal guard is at risk of becoming too controlling in this regard.

But then I see the Marshall frown and start to worry.
Moments later, we all get called in for another meeting.


"Lord Stormheart, what is the matter?" (E)

<I'd like to know as well. I wished to observe the construction of those devices. So this better be important.> (C)


Sure she does.
I wouldn't wonder if she assigned every single one of her messengers to pay absolute attention to the process, so they may replicate it.
Already I’m certain they could take one apart without trouble.

The man gives us a stern look.
Not directly in a challenging way, but rather because of the situation, as it appears.


"It's the expected. I noticed certain movements in the enemy camp that indicate something is underway. It might be that they realized what the units are doing to our fortifications and drew the right conclusions. I suppose we don't need to wait much longer for things to get heated. This seemed important enough to call your highnesses." (St)


A side glance at Chera and Liseti.
If they don't complain it has to be okay.
I'm obviously not considered as demanding by him.

But, hmm, now that he said it, regarding what I could see from my perspective, it truly looks like they were mobilizing.
Not sure if to their full degree yet or just to get a first attack underway, but he's right that there's movement.


"Would it be possible to maybe start a form of negotiation? They should have realized that an attack on us is unlikely to turn out in their favor. Especially, once we set up those weapons." (E)


Would be nice if all the bloodshed could be avoided.
Though, Lord Stormheart's look doesn't indicate much hope in this regard.


"While the odds lie in our favor, aside from your threatening potential we have little in terms of negotiation mass. Especially, as your kind now also demands the southern annex of Koreso's territory. It's unlikely they will take this kind of affront in stride." (St)


This man clearly doesn't believe the Koresoans will just stop their thing.


<You seem very convinced of this. Diroen, what do you have to add to this matter?> (C)


There he is.
At least the shadowing he manages quite well.
He has barely any presence.



"I would agree with Lord Stormheart. Given the state of their politics and their stubborn nationalistic tendencies, a voluntary cessation to further fights seems unlikely if we don't deliver a decisive victory or give them another reason to cease fighting. However, there are indeed rules of engagement that would allow us to contact them to at least work towards a peaceful solution." (D)

"Seriously? It's hopeless and you know it!" (St)

"That wasn't the question. The question was if we could negotiate for a peaceful solution and there is. In addition, even if they decline our offer, it might serve the purpose of showing some goodwill. Not to forget about international politics, as we would be justified in any acts we'd undertake against them. So yes, my princess, there are indeed rules that would allow us to initiate contact." (D)

<Rules? You want to establish rules for something that has the sole purpose of slaughtering all opposition? Humans are truly enigmatic creatures.> (L)

"To be frank, there are. They usually serve the purpose of avoiding too great losses due to a conflict. It's one of the last fractions of civilization that even in the darkest of times there still will be rules to suppress our darkest sides." (St)

<If this is the case, we should send them a messenger to make our position clear to them.> (L)

<Ehm, this might be a problem.> (E)


She wants to send a flying insect monster to them.
Good luck with that.


<Wasn't this your idea in the first place?> (L)


Now Liseti reeks of agitation.


<I just don't want to get a poor messenger killed for no reason.> (E)

"Princess Erys has a point. While there are rules, one can never be sure if the other side, and the Koresoans in particular, would truly abide by them. Especially, if they are up against you. It wouldn't be unlikely for them to shoot at the unit before it can even state its message." (St)


Oh yes, the old "do giant insects deserve human rights" issue.
Just great.


"However, we should still try. Not like I would want them to be at risk of getting attacked, but it would not only be good for our side to come across as lenient, but we would also deliver a message to their soldiers, so they might have second thoughts about what they are fighting for." (E)

"This means you would send someone straight to those fanatics only to deliver an offer they're never going to accept." (St)


He seems really against this.
I fear he wants to escalate the conflict, as with our help, it would mean many dead Koresoan soldiers while Tarsona's would be alleviated by our losses.


<If Diroen says that the ones we send wouldn't be attacked, then I believe him. In this sense, I'm sure he will gladly personally take up this role.> (C)


The face of the man in question meanwhile screams in a mix of "Is she serious?" and "Why me?".
That Lord Stormheart suppresses a snort at his predicament doesn't make this any better.


<I agree with the general course of action. But as we now officially partake in this conflict, I believe we should nonetheless send one of our messengers to deliver our proposal. Those humans should know who they're up against if they're supposed to draw the right conclusions.> (L)


Hmm, paired with a human it would be more unlikely for the enemy to straight up shoot them. On the other side, I'm not sure about the negotiation itself.


<But there's still the issue of human speech.> (E)

<We have, fortunately, the perfect unit for this purpose. Please attend!> (L)


A pheromone signal is emitted, passed down by each drone that receives it.
As they are all messengers, it happens even more efficiently than usual, as this is their specialty.
Subsequently, a messenger separates from the group and flies straight towards us.
My guards directly become twitchy at such a sudden approach, but thankfully, nothing happens.
I really need to do something about their overprotectiveness.
Anyway, once the drone draws closer, I notice the recognizable scars on its carapace.


<Princess Erys!> (Skiras)


I didn't interact with him for quite some time.
There was not really much need for doing so after the training of my royal guard was concluded and Miru took over his role as the one giving instructions.
That, and of course, the unfortunate incident with my abduction, which caused quite a bit of separation.


<Oh, ehm, good day, Skiras.> (E)


With an almost smug expression, Liseti looks towards Lord Stormheart and speaks.


"Thies one should bee just rieght for inietieatieng communication." (L)


Her speech got much better, but it's still really shrill.
I'm rather sure she just talked like this for the effect.


"Well, as everyone has made up their mind and things are already prepared so thoroughly, I can only hope that the ones you're sending may do a good job at introducing our position. I know Diroen is a qualified diplomat. He'll probably best serve that role." (St)

<I understand. Nonetheless, our messenger will be present as well. I don't trust your ambiguous way of relaying information.> (L)


I'm slightly concerned about how this whole situation with the enemy will develop.
I'd rather avoid a full-scale battle only to make a point.
However, first, we need to see how these talks will go.


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