
Chapter 173


After the execution concludes the crowd gets dispersed.
Not in a forceful manner, but in a way that it’s clear they aren't needed or supposed to struggle here any longer.
I, on the other side, feel exhausted.
This is probably going to weigh forever on my mind.

While only a minor inconvenience, I'm now faced with the issue that I need to get back up to the others since I neither want to disturb Uma nor have any desire to ask her to lift me up again.
I don’t want to walk all the way through the palace halls.
Maybe I should just fly.


<Oh, right. Let me help you with this.> (U)


Seriously, I need to pay better attention to my thoughts.
Recently everyone I meet is able to read them.
Just once I finish that thought I realize that I got grabbed from behind and find some of those abductors fixing themselves on me.
Shortly after this I leave the ground and am a moment later on the terrace.
I can fly on my own!

Immediately Mum throws herself at me for an embrace.


"I'm so sorry, Erys!" (F)


Right, I just killed someone.
Probably one of those things where a mum may comfort you.
Well, as long as you don't derive a sick kind of joy from this.


"You, you don't need to. This, this wasn't pleasant, but it was necessary. I think." (E)


Still not too sure if it was.


<You shouldn't be as sullen as you are. In terms of measures Uma could've subjected you to for your failings, you got off exceptionally lightly. All it cost you was the life of a single human whom I don’t believe you hold any particular attachment to. At least, I hope you don't, or she'd be right to confine you, never again to make your own decisions with this sense of judgment.> (H)


As pleasant as ever to have around.


<As this is concluded, I'd like to retreat to the lower areas. Uma's appearance stirred things up, and it will require a lot of time and work to settle things.> (H)


Honiu moves, and by sheer presence alone, pulls us all with her.
She's basically the current center of administration in Valera and maybe all of Tarsona.

While walking, Liseti addresses me.


<While this might have been difficult for you, Honiu is right that this outcome was fortunate. Mother didn't blame you as much, as she confirmed for herself that your reasoning is decent enough to carry responsibility and have the weight to be considered. It could've been worse.> (L)


She says so less in a laidback assuring way and more in a matter-of-fact declaration.


<So I was right? This was a test?> (E)

<Naturally it was! It's obvious that Uma is playing her games. Yet fortunately for you, the right answer was rather obvious in this case.> (H)

<I won't deny that mother might've preferred this outcome. Yet this wasn't about the kind of decision you make. It was more to see if you could rationally decide what is right. If you could have reasonably argued for the contrary, this might've convinced her. Yet you should be aware that Mother is old. She saw and did many more things than you in your young life. Claiming you know better is a hard stretch. I admit, I'd have difficulties to justify any other course of action than the one you took. So the true test was to see if you can truly think about a subject to its core and not be held back by hesitance just because the resolution you come to isn't what you desire. I think you succeeded in this way.> (L)


Huh, I don't feel like a winner right now.


"Umh, so, this was your queee-, queen?" (K)


She's quite the looker, huh?


<What did I say about speaking up unasked?> (H)


What did I ask her about treating him like a pet?


<I think you should let him ask about things relevant to the country.> (E)

<He's unruly and needs to know his place.> (H)


Suddenly, Mum chimes in.


<Honiu, we talked about this. You need to hold back with him. Appearances are very important for humans. So don't display any acts of disregard for important figures.> (F)

<As I remember it, you weren't all that much more lenient than I was.> (H)


Damn, did Mum go on the warpath while I was away?


<That was back then and this is now. Our situation improved tremendously and we can afford to show goodwill.> (F)

"Ahem, you are awA-, aware that I can hee-, hear you?" (K)


Right, he got the full Honiu program.
Eventually, we reach the big hall again that Honiu built for herself.
She looks as regal as when I met her earlier today when she places herself on her throne.


<What is going to happen now?> (E)


To my surprise, the answer comes from Liseti, next to me.


<This much should be obvious. A meeting of the broodmothers will be held to decide how we'll proceed to deal with this human nation now that they don't hold you anymore to impede our actions.> (L)


Well, if this doesn't sound ominous...


"I hope wee-, we showed ourselves to be cooperative eee-, enough to warrant a decent treatment." (K)


Oh my god, if Honiu's look could kill.


<Honiu, didn't he do what he could?> (E)

<Only partially. The things they caused were too great a disturbance to be overlooked. Especially, this recent battle I was informed about broke much of the reaccumulated trust. But it's still enough to incline me to vote for their continued existence.> (H)

<Yet I don't see how this is practical without some severe reforms.> (L)

<I don't wish to discuss these things prematurely. The meeting will be held for this exact reason.> (H)

"Ahem, in this case, it may be a good idea to invite cE-, certain figures of our politics to thie- this meeting. This might help to let any changes run smoothly." (K)

<I'll see to it. Yet while your servants at least carry out their tasks with a degree of urgency, I'd rather rely on my own.> (H)

"That'z, that's very thoughtful of you. You have my gratitude." (K)


It's making me quite concerned about how accommodating my former king is to someone who basically overthrew his kingdom.
I mean, why does he suck up so much to Honiu?
The one who took his nation from him?
What does he stand to win from letting this get out of his hands right into the queen's claws?
After all, if we decide...

I guess I can see where he's coming from.
By allowing important nobles and such to attend the meeting, he can assure that their issues and arguments will at least be heard.
So to say, he can save face in front of them by acting as if he did what he could, and now they can try their best to convince Honiu and the queen.

But the much more important point is that he isn't losing out here.
If things proceed as they seem to be doing, the Formicea will decide on something for Tarsona that doesn't involve eradicating them all.
While this might not sound like a big win, one has to see it from the other side.
Basically, tomorrow's meeting's end result will determine the fate of this country.
What we decide, happens with a certainty.
In this sense, if we decide Tarsona's population survives we'll guarantee this outcome.
This means the king is closer than ever before to pulling us into his war because anything else means we'd allow Koreso to take over here.
Something that absolutely can't be in our interest.
Especially not if we want our decisions to happen.

That's sly.
Yet it wouldn't help what I wish for to point that out here.


<Now that hopefully this is settled, I don't see any reason for all of you to dawdle here any longer. I have tasks to carry out, and your continued presence serves no purpose.> (H)


Her way of saying we're dismissed.
So we head back down, where our quarters should be prepared for us.
Of course, mum comes with me.
Nothing Honiu says could prevent her from sticking close to me after all the anxiety she must've been through.

Eventually, we arrive at our new temporary home.
It feels good to know I'm in a safe location again.


"Oh, Eryes. I'm so glad you could reeturn safely." (F)

"I can honestly say, I have some stories to tell that might put you on edge." (E)

"Okay, but I hope you'll miend my weak heeart." (F)

"Yes. I'm just happy that I'm back. Sitting here with you means much to me. Despite everything else that happened today." (E)

"That's so nice of you. So you truly are fine?" (F)

"Yes. Fortunately, while there was quite some bad stuff, I was never physically mistreated. I think I can leave this behind me now. That I can come down here is just a really big relief to me." (E)




I should've known!


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