
Chapter 160


I might consider this a success.
Chera doesn't seem fully convinced yet, but at least she stopped talking about keeping me here.


<You made many grand promises until now, but what are your concrete plans?> (C)

<Well, I would have to return to the capital. The situation is supposed to be rather tense there at the moment. For my plan to succeed, we need to reestablish negotiations with the humans. It will be hard to convince them now, after Honiu seized their whole capital. This surely created some animosity and distrust.> (E)

<You mean the very same creature that abducted you to use your brood for their purposes? Do you truly think they'll make for trusted partners?> (C)

<It's not that simple. I already told you that humans always have their own interests in mind. Each member of this species has their own thoughts. Just because some thought it might be good for them to go that far and abduct me, there might be just as many, if not more, who believe this was a terrible idea.> (E)

<I still have a hard time imagining this. A whole species, every single one solely thinking about themselves and still trying to create social structures. How could this ever work?> (C)

<It's not all that strange. Sometimes what's the best for one is the best for many. But for us, it's only important that we convince enough of them that it's in their best interest to support your hive.> (E)


It might not be a great example, but in the case of this war, fighting back together might be better for the people of Tarsona instead of getting picked off one by one by Koreso.
In this case, if they believe Chera's hive will provide them with a decent income, food, shelter, and security, this could already be considered a tempting offer.


<I understand. Then it's decided.> (C)


<Ehk, skriak!/Ehm, what is decided?> (E)

<Our departure! Naturally, we will have to make arrangements> (C)

<Our departure? Does that mean...> (E)

<Do you truly believe I would leave the fate of my hive in your claws alone? No, if anything, I want to experience the nature of these humans who are supposed to save my hive myself.> (C)


Oh my, I see severe issues with that.
Humans aren't too great at first impressions.
Or second.


<Do you really think this is a good idea? What about your hive? Can you really leave it alone like this?> (E)

<My hive isn't such a mess that my brood wouldn't be able to persist on their own for some time. On the contrary, if I can subsist for some time on whatever supplies are available in this human settlement and use it for my brood, this would ease the burden they put on my hive.> (C)


Damn, that's actually a good argument. Although a slightly petty one.


<What are you zoning out for? We can't afford to lose time. Let us prepare!> (C)


And so it happens.
I already knew that Chera had quite a number of subjects to do her bidding.
Despite how bad it stands for her hive, one cannot forget about the scale one is talking about.
So to speak, she's still extremely powerful.
That much already became apparent when her army protected me from my pursuers.
So it doesn't seem strange when she assembles the usual flesh carriage.
For two, that is.

That one comes along with six hundred workers, fifty guardians, thirty messengers, and twenty hunters.
Apparently, Chera doesn't seem to like producing the latter.

I, on the other hand, am taking all of my subjects with me.
Which consist of Kyska and my remaining beetles.
It worries me a bit to leave my eggs and whatever brood already hatched here, but Chera insists that bringing them along now would mean too much of a burden on the journey.
I'm not sure if this is to force me to return in the future, but I think I need to make concessions.
After all, she is already letting me leave her hive.
This is something.

After mere moments, everything is ready for our departure.
I still feel a slight sense of unease when I have to enter the carriage, but it got already much better.
Especially, since the last one brought me to safety from my pursuers.
Yet my trepidation rises when in front of our escort, six drones gather that I never saw before.
The largest I've ever seen.
Almost twice the size of guardians, they're walking on six legs as living titans.
Behind them hover two tails ending in thick lances, and their arms are basically two greatswords and two heavy spiked clubs.


<What are those!?> (E)

<These? These are my gladiators. A derivation I created from the guardian pattern. My royal guard one could say. I created them as an answer to the Crusteans. However, the greater amount of required nourishment and low number sadly outweighed the advantages in combat they provided. However, they still pose an adequate escort.> (C)


That much is for sure.
Those things are living fortresses.
I can imagine that just one swing of those gigantic weapons would plow through an army like a scythe through the harvest.
I'm certainly intimidated.


<Uh, can they even move that well?> (E)


They must weigh a ton.


<They're certainly not too fast, yet they can maintain an adequate step tempo. I don't plan to rush our journey.> (C)


Well, as long as we get there.
Wait, if they're eating so much could it be that she wants to have them subsist on the food supplies in Valera?
That's not even stupid.
She can make for a big entrance and show off her power, while not appearing weak.
It's kinda funny.
Actually, she appears to be far more human than the other princesses I met until now.

Although it wasn't in use for a long time, Chera says there's still a passage a short distance outside of her hive that should connect us to the general Formicean underground system.
After all, it's the same that she initially arrived here through.
By following this tunnel we should eventually reach known territory and, in time, arrive in Valera.

We proceed to exit the hive in the direction I initially entered from, and when we arrive at the branching tunnel, the entire convoy enters it.
And so the journey begins.
As Chera said, we aren't particularly fast.
Nonetheless, I'm elated that I'll finally be able to return and see my mum again.
So the slow but steady pace still makes me rather appreciative.
Still, I should find something to occupy myself.
Unfortunately, the only thing would be a certain princess.


<Uhh, hey, Chera. This is gonna be a long journey, right?> (E)

<Indeed. According to your testimony, our destination isn't close. But as the exact location of the place you call Valera is unknown to me, I'll rely on your input to lead the way.> (C)


I barely know the direction.
She can't actually expect me to find my way in the tunnels, can she?


<Ehk, I think you overestimate my familiarity with the underground system.> (E)

<I don't think so. I only require the general direction. Once we encounter any tunnel patrols, they might escort us to our destination.> (C)


That should be doable.
I hope it works.
After a while, I once again grow bored and start talking again.


<Ehk, was it difficult to create the gladiators?> (E)


I don't even want to imagine how big their initial eggs were to squeeze out.


<Not terribly so, no. The guardian pattern was able to serve as a base, and they grew as they were supposed to.> (C)

<Well, that's good to hear.> (E)

<What about you? Do you have any experience in designing a dedicated pattern?> (C)

<Well, I created my own royal guard. They're a bit like messengers, but stronger, smarter, faster. They don't have the usual arm blades, as I want them to be proficient in using human tools and armor.> (E)

<This again. I can't imagine that this would be very beneficial. Aren't they losing out if they're so restricted? You were captured after all, so they at least failed their role.> (C)

<I wouldn't say so, no. They were quite strong and could easily fight numerous opponents. The mistake was mine alone. I went with only a very small group close to me into a position where they could cut me off from the rest. The trap was carefully prepared and planned through. The humans made use of everything they had to overcome them, and sadly, it was enough. But even with all the odds against them, they still fought fiercely to the end. They gave all they had to protect me till their last moments. I still remember how the commander of my guard, Miru, got shot down by their distance weapons. She nonetheless took some with her.> (E)

<Interesting. We don't need to continue this. It seems to stress you.> (C)


We move further down the passage.
After some time, I decide to speak up again.


<No, it's fine. I think I should remember them for their sacrifice.> (E)


I probably should shake off the guilt I feel for what happened back then.
Knowing my royal guard they wouldn't want me to blame myself for what happened.
So I probably shouldn't, and ought to do my best to cheer up.

In general, I believe I have reason enough to be in a good mood, thinking about how I'll finally be able to return to an environment where I feel secure and may reunite with the people I love.
Heck, I might even be glad to see Honiu again.
She might be a lunatic, child experimenter, but at least she never tried to force me into her schemes with a joint hive.
Oh my, how that would turn out.

I get thrown out of my thoughts by the sudden appearance of alarm pheromones.
The source is a hunter coming quickly running from behind us.
It's approaching Chera, relaying its information.
The further pheromones I perceive put me in utter distress, but Chera's next words make it clear that I got them right.


<It seems like we are being followed.> (C)


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